[RELEASE] Zemismart Zigbee Blind Driver

What does "Start Position Change" do exactly? Would messing with this setting or any of the other settings/preferences fix this problem?

Always hit configure after you click save changes so it pushes the driver parameters to the device

I'm doing that after I change the direction. But so far, that's not fixing the problem with the blinds not reporting correct status - i.e. "OPEN" or "CLOSE." They always say "OPENING" or "CLOSING" even when they are no longer opening/closing.

Is there something else I'm supposed to do to get it to report those positions correctly? I've set the upper and lower limits on each device. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I installed three of these with no problem, then the next three have this issue.

Maybe tag the author?

friends I still can't find help, I'm crazy, please help me

The log for the case where "blinds are closed and you are opening them" looks like the same problem as before where there is no arrive message from the blind. Normally you should see a log line for updateWindowShadeArrived when it has arrived.

Perhaps try re-pairing the device in different physical locations. Possibly there are problems with your zigbee network, e.g. too far from the next device or perhaps you have a misbehaving repeater (e.g. some zigbee light bulbs like sylvania will often drop messages).

The other log shows that the blind was stopped partway. Probably a button was pressed to stop it.

So with before, I remember resetting and repairing my device and it ultimately worked.
However, I've done that with this one several times and I get the same problem - even though it's not located too far away from the ones that work.

Since that time, I bought three more and they are all having the same problem - they don't report "closed" and "open" status properly, they just say "opening" or "closing" all the time. And these are on the opposite end of the house where there are several Zigbee repeaters.

I'm thinking I could maybe buy more Zigbee smart plugs which I understand also function as repeaters, and literally put one in every room like one poster had suggested in a similar context. But beyond that, I'm at a loss for what to do differently. I'm now at 4 different devices (all the same type) having this same problem in two different rooms.

I hoping it's just a repeater problem because repairing/resetting hasn't worked lately. I assume it's not a defective unit since I now have four of these with the same problem.

I still have the same problem, I raise the blind and lower it, but I do not get the percentages in hubitat, I get 0%, any ideas please

When you set your status tile, pick attribute then pick position. It's a bit difficult to understand some of your questions which is why I only just realized what you were asking

Here I show you my image, it comes out 0, I upload it to 50% and it goes up, but if I go back to hubitata, update my dashboard it comes out at 0, the status is not saved

And you are using the attribute in the tile display? Also what firmware is your hub on?

Please confirm:

  1. Does using setPosition() on device page (as opposed to dashboard) work?
  2. Do open() and close() commands work?

If no to either of those, please get logs as described in Debugging section of first post [RELEASE] Zemismart Zigbee Blind Driver

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The problem with mine doesn't seem to be a repeater problem. I have three that working just fine, and four more that don't give the proper open/closed status update. But all are located near each other. Of the four that aren't working properly, three are in direct line of sight from a Tuya Zigbee repeater.

@amosyuen I realize your questions weren't posed to me, but on the off chance that @diegodelprat's problem and mine are caused by the same issue, I was able to verify that the open and close commands within device page and the setPosition command (zero to close, 100 to open) did work for the problem blinds.

For my situation, I have 7 total of the AM 43 Blinds drives, all on the first floor of my house, all very near to each other, but only 3 work fine showing the proper open/closed status. The other ones do say zero and 100 for closed and open, but they don't actually say "closed" and "open." I've been adding repeaters but honestly, there are plenty of Zigbee repeaters in the area and I don't know what to do differently. Even resetting/repairing didn't fix the problem this time.

Would the "StartPositionChange" button help me with this?

I have taken it for granted

I'm having a similar problem.

As you can see in the screenshot below, the close command was sent at 6:45pm, it is now 7:40pm and the blinds are closed, the level states 100% but the status is still "closing" and on the dashboard, the icon reflects that it thinks they are still closing.

Both rooms haze Zigbee plugs in each room and they are actually directly above the hub so I don't think the Zigbee network would be the issue. In fact each room has a Hampton Bay Zigbee fan controller and these are extremely sensitive to a poor Zigbee network and they both work flawlessly.

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Sorry to be a newb but can someone tell me how to put a zemismart battery roller blind motor into zigbee pairing mode please?

It's in the manual... Simply press the setting (red) button three times, the motor will shake (jog) once. Then go to discovery devices on HE, zigbee device and start the pairing process. It may take a few seconds, but it will discover the motor and then you can name it and select the driver. You will need the zemismart driver at the top of the thread (or install hubitat package manager and install it from there, my preferred method)

I had a different approach than rlithgow1; mine was:
Hold Set and Down button at the same time.

Perhaps try your luck which one to use :slight_smile:


Thanks got it working. My motor is the one with built in zigbee so slightly different but figured it out.

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