you could this in rooms manager with a single room for all dimmers.
I just added support for the operator changes using attribute value from device to use as parameter for command on another device was already there.
you could this in rooms manager with a single room for all dimmers.
I just added support for the operator changes using attribute value from device to use as parameter for command on another device was already there.
had a few minutes so now you can do things like this:
thats when a switch turns on set one or more other switches to the same level as that switch or another switch or some such variation of that.
Ahhh works perfectly, thanks! But you didn't listen, I told you not to add it
But I'm glad you did
I currently do this in RM with 2 rules - on/off tracking, then dimmer level tracking. In a perfect world I could do it with one rule that would match level on the secondary dimmer when:
I can't find a way to do it in less than 2 rules though - in RM or WATO.
I am getting much nicer performance from this new WATO capability vs my hacked up decrement/increment logic, thank you
Not sure there's a way. In RM you can have two triggers, but can't directly set one dimmer to the other. In WATO, you can set one dimmer to the other, but can only have one trigger.
you also mentioned the setup you were using and i knew this would simplify things quite a bit for you and for other users trying the same.
i guess i could add additional triggers but then someone else is going to ask for multiple command support and soon i will be rebuilding RM.
one learns to never say never but for now going to stick with When any Attribute Then this command Otherwise that command
framework … so one of each.
You kinda can set one dimmer to another in RM, though. That is how I do it now. (sorry for the off topic from WATO post).
You kinda can set one dimmer to another in RM, though.
Right, that works as long as the trigger/condition dimmer is changing. If you want to set dimmer 1 to dimmer 2's level when dimmer 2 is not changing, RM can't do this. My workaround was to force dimmer 2 to change by adjusting down 1%, then back up 1%, but it was hacky and there was a (short) delay between the decrement and increment, which translated to a delay in the target dimmer adjusting. @bangali's update makes this unnecessary, which simplifies things and eliminates the delay.
Edit: Necessity is the mother of invention I Guess:
Dimmer Sync A simple app to keep any number of slave dimmers in sync with a single master dimmer (ON/OFF and level). This isn't the first app I've made, but it is the first app I've shared externally (so be kind). I borrowed a lot of code and layout ideas from @Cobra and @bptworld. So thanks to both of them for that!!! Features: Parent/Child App structure Ability to pause any child apps Slave dimmer(s) turn ON/OFF when master dimmer is turned ON/OFF Slave dimmer(s) level is/are sync'ed to m…
The previously posted rule ensures the two dimmers are the same after the master one turns on.
Then this second rule always keeps them in sync as the master is changed after they are on.
OK, enough thread hijacking.
@bravenel pointed me to this thread which i had completely missed. awesome to see @bravenel released the apis for RM … i had been one of the users requesting HE make these available so other apps could use RM to run the actions.
Rule Machine API It is possible for other apps to use Rules defined in Rule Machine. This is very similar, and uses the same mechanism, as actions in Rule Machine that affect other rules. It is also possible to use Rules from an HTTP request to an endpoint. Important Update There is more up to date documentation here: Rule Machine | Hubitat Documentation Using Rule Machine from other apps First, import the RM helper class into your app: import hubitat.helper.RMUtils The List of Rules Ru…
so guess what folks? …
@bangali does WATO support REGEX for text attributes?
Example: trigger on weather attribute containing the text SNOW or RAIN?
i will add it this weekend along with support for executing RM actions.
@bangali - can WATO compare humidity on the same device?
WATO only supports 1 trigger match check with 1 match or 1 unmatched command.
what you are looking for is rooms manager.
Rooms is too large of an app for me to use for just 1 room. . Bummer was hoping WATO could be my answer.
Rooms is too large of an app for me to use for just 1 room.
sounds like you should use it for more than 1 room
Alas I cannot. My WAF is stable. I am now hesitant to do updates. Lol!
I hear you
My WAF is stable
but … what if you could take that rooms automation experience to beyond stable … have it be her indispensable companion?
I joke … a little.