I have been looking for a realtime image display solution for project and after some thought came up with a modification of the SharpTools Premium Art Tile as a 'workaround' to suite my requirements.
Generally, this will allow you to display REAL TIME images local or web and use it as a button controller from a SharpTools dashboard.
This DTH was originally just a test harness to prove the solution can work, but it should have some legs to run on its own. I put hooks in the configuration to allow for various use case configurations:
The basic default configuration is just a On/Off switch that you can assign an image to each. This can be disabled if you want to use webCoRE, Rule Machine or SharpTools Rules to update the images directly.
The "Enable Switch to act like Momentary button" configuration will bounce the On/Off switch back to 'Off' after 1 second.
The SharpTools tile allows you to 'press' or 'double press' so those are translated into 'push' or 'doubleTap' button types - again usable in webCoRE, Rule Machine or SharpTools Rules.
If you turn off 'Toggle Switch when Tile is single tapped' and/or 'Toggle Switch when Tile is double tapped' you can then enter images to be displayed on those actions.
The metadata1 and metadata2 fields allow for you to set for use in (again) in webCoRE or Rule Machine.
The description command can be used with the SharpTools Hero functions as a simple realtime text tile.
This works great, but the images will not be visible on the SharpTools outside of your home network. I use GitHub for hosting items outside of network.
I have reviewed and it is an innovative idea, but as the author points out it has a lot of working requirements to make it functional. Hoping at some point they open that area up directly for Groovy access to make an 'easier' solution available. I do have a AWS solution using API Gateway, Lambda and S3 for private external storage, but it is an advance solution beyond scope here for sure.
I have found that Fully Kiosk Browser will update its camera capture (if you allow permissions) and you can toggle by putting an alternating time value in the access URL. Suggest your first get it working in a browser window but it should look something like this:
Awesome. Off to work so I'll have a proper peek later and post back. It's kinda been on my list for a while - essentially having a traffic light style visual to let me know if there's been motion in a particular area now, 5 mins ago, 10 mins ago, longer. That kind of thing. Not sure how I'll integrate just yet.
Kinda off-topic, but I'd played with a virtual thermostat tile (which I've yet to sort out fully). Use webcore/age Piston to alter the virtual value. Then sharptools can colour automatically depending on that value.
Would this allow you to dynamically generate URLs for images based on real-time changes to other devices? I'm thinking of updating a map with location POIs for people based on GPS coordinates.
Not sure I follow the question. You can use the updateImage( string ) command to display any image in near realtime, so if you have a webCoRE piston (or Rule Machine) that captures or builds an image, send that URL location and it should display on the SharpTools dashboard.
So this is returning the actual image, not a URL to an image?
I'm thinking of when you use a mapping API to generate a dynamic map, like here:
It's easy to encode POI into the URL to show up on the map, but I want to dynamically do that when something like a GPS sensor updates with Lat / Long so I update the image URL and the image tile in Sharptools will be mapped to that attribute and update.