[RELEASE] Unified Thermostat Driver - MELCloud, MELView, Kumo Cloud and more if you want

G'day @Tunnus ,

Glad you like the integration for your Mitsubishi A/C.

Re Vane Direction and some other promises I made, there is not immediate plans to introduce this, I would probably put the mostly complete local control of units in the U.S. in front of this, but that doesn't mean Vane Direction won't happen. The best I can offer is to ask me against in March :slight_smile: Alternatively, for those technically minded, I am happy to accept any PR's for changes people want to offer.

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Thanks @sburke781 , I can now see my primary air con unit using the updated code. However, I can only see one device (I have two registered). Any idea how to make the second device appear?

Do you have any floors or areas defined?

Yes, just ground floor and first floor.

@sburke781 - I’ve moved the second unit to the same area and it has now picked it up. Thanks for the pointer!

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Glad you got it working.

I'd like to cater for your original setup at some point, so if you could capture any details that would be good, but don't worry if you can't for any reason or don't have time ATM. There were various combinations possible from what I understand, so it's probably just a case of adding another one in.

@sburke781 - of course, happy to help. Just let me know what you need. It was a basic set up simply with two floors and no areas.

Thanks @Simonfea , that will probably be enough to get me started.

Simon, hi. Thank you for creating the driver for Mitsubishi cloud system. We have the hyper heat system with two air handlers and a few mini splits.
I am trying to use our motion detectors to create rules and adjust the temp based on which rooms we occupy. I run into the following issue:
I can’t set the heating temp below 66F for air handlers. Somehow this number is the minimum set points for cooling in Kumo app. But the limit also takes effect when I use the driver to set heat set point. I can go as low as 50F from cloud or thermostat itself. I read above that you can set the heating temp to as low as 50F (just like kumo app). I am wondering if I have messed something up or that there is a workaround. All other features work just fine and I can control the units from hubitat.
This is what I read as current states (“MinTempHeat” seems to be my problem)

  • CanCool : true
  • CanDry : true
  • CanHeat : true
  • HasAutomaticFanSpeed :false
  • MaxTempAuto : 82.5
  • MaxTempCool : 82.5
  • MaxTempDry : 82.5
  • MaxTempHeat : 82.5
  • MinTempAuto : 66.0
  • MinTempCool : 66.0
  • MinTempDry : 66.0
  • MinTempHeat : 66.0
  • NumberOfFanSpeeds : 5
  • heatingSetpoint : 61.0
  • lastCommandUTC : 2024-01-15 17:13:46.096Z
  • lastRunningMode : heat
  • speed : auto
  • supportedThermostatFanModes : ["Off", "Low", "Medium Low", "Medium", "Medium High", "High", "On"]
  • supportedThermostatModes :["heat", "cool", "dry", "fan", "off"]
  • temperature : 70.0
  • thermostatFanMode : Auto
  • thermostatMode : heat
  • thermostatOperatingState :heating
  • thermostatSetpoint : 61.0

Any insight is much appreciated.

Welcome to the Community @ymaval . I will check the driver later today to see what part of it may get able to update the settings in HE to reflect what you have in Kumo.

Did you change the settings in Kumo after creating the device in HE?

Thank you Simon. And thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I don’t see this setting in Kumo app’s installer settings: (didn’t let me post photo. There is only min cool set point and max heat set point in installer settings)

Not sure where the value is stored. Is there somewhere else I can look for it?

I tried setting the min cool set point in Kumo app to something other than 66F and no change in HE values. Any number smaller than that makes the value something like a NaN in Kumo.

Before I get on to the drivers... in order to post screenshots you need to join the hub owners group on the Community.

I've taken a look at the drivers and some time ago I used to impose both the minimums and maximums for both cooling and heating set points, but I think it could have been a situation like this that lead me to only use the maximum for heating and the minimum for cooling. I think from what you have described and what was discussed back then, this is also the way Kumo treats it, which makes sense when you think about it. I really should take out some of the attributes that are no longer relevant to avoid any confusion.

Might be easier if we move this to a private message, not that there is anything particularly sensitive about it....

Could you please:

  • Send me a screenshot of the rule you are trying to construct
  • Turn on debug logging for the parent device in HE
  • Send me a screenshot of the logs produced when you try to adjust the temperature and have the issues you described earlier, plus the steps you used to produce the issue

Basically, from what you have described and what I have briefly looked at in the drivers, I can't see where the temperature change would be restricted, but am not ruling anything in or out.

Hi @sburke781 . Let me start by saying thank you - I appreciate your hard work to creating this integration :slight_smile:

I am following the instructions provided here, and attempting to link my new Kumo Cloud mini split (testing it vs using non-integrated IR blasters). After saving my credentials, nothing happens and no child devices or scheduled tasks appear - am I missing something?

Checking the log: I can see it pulling my Kumo account details (the rooms I have, my name, phone number, etc). I just noticed the attached snippet from the log (in yellow) - would that be why it's not working? Or am i doing something else wrong?

Thank you so much, again :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @Bondkt ,

That will be an issue. In the parent device you created, you need to select the Kumo platform in the Preference Settings on the Device Details page.

Apologies for neglecting that it is set as Kumo :slightly_smiling_face:

By that do you mean that was set to Kumo when it failed, or it works now?

It was/has been set to Kumo and it yields the results above/in the log (and still does not show any child devices/work) - thank you!

Thanks for confirming that. It is strange... I'll need to take a look in the next few days and get ca k to you.

And looking at it again, i got that wrong about the platform selection.... The debug message you saw is fine, it is just me reminding myself that child device creation is not done in that method like the other two platforms. I need to check what initiates that and get back to you.

I appreciate you taking a look - thanks so much :slight_smile:

@Bondkt ,

Looking at your logs screenshot again...

I'm expecting that is from having called the refresh command on the "parent" device you created in HE, either intentionally or by having saved the preference settings. I would have expected more debugging log entries, but based on your comment about your details appearing in the logs, I am expecting you have either filtered them out or done some adjustments to the screenshot... Would that be correct? If so, any chance you could send me the full log when performing this refresh process, redacting whatever you don't want to send through. I'd even be happy to see the start of the log entries to know which parts of the code are running.

Also, when looking at the logs page, if you could leave any filters off, it may at least help you to see if there are some other errors occurring that are not necessarily logged under the parent device.
