[RELEASE] Tuya Zigbee Fingerbot

The house elevator came with a remote fob with 2 call buttons --one button for each landing. We use it mostly as a big dumb waiter. As residential elevators aren't known for being speedy, it would be handy to have voice commands using the Alexa network to 'call ahead' and have it waiting. I whipped up a mounting plate for the fob today and did a rough proof-of-concept with the one fingerbot I have. Now I need to order some more fbots and 3d print some mounts for them.

Driver worked great. Thanks!

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amazing i've got mine working smoothly

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My first one responded inconsistently, there was a loose connection or solder joint in there somewhere --just moving it without touching the button would activate it. The battery cradle also had a poor connection. It also tended to be hard to activate after being inactive overnight.

But when it did work it pushed the fob button perfectly, so I ordered 2 more. They are working flawlessly and the 'call ahead' feature for the elevator is getting used frequently. It has high WAF, too, even though she initially thought I was wasting my time on a useless SH routine. A quick addition of a contact sensor and some not-so-quick dabbling with dashboard CSS, and now we can tell which landing it is stationed. (I had forgotten just how much I hate CSS.)

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@kkossev thanks a million on providing a driver for this. I had been looking at switchbot for years but didn't buy one because it was bluetooth. Glad that Tuya decided to make a zigbee version.

I'm going to use the first one I bought to automate my washing machine. The electricity here in Ireland is cheaper overnight so normally I would wait until 11pm to start the washing, but the disadvantage of doing that would be that my washing would have stayed wet all night until I wake up in the morning.

Actually I'm wondering does anyone have any suggestions as to the best way to trigger an automation so that the figerbot gets pressed a few hours later?
Ideally I would press the button on it and instead of activating immediately it would activate at a set time and also some visual indication would be useful that the washing will be turned on later that night.

I know I could do a virtual switch, and when that is pressed the automation waits until 4 am and then turns on the fingerbot and turns off the virtual switch, but I'd prefer to have a physical way of doing this without opening my phone..

I also think that having another physical button to activate another button pusher (fingerbot) seems a bit odd.

So I'm wondering if anyone has any cool ideas

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Fingerbot driver update ver. 2.1.3 2023-08-28:

  • added Fingerbot Momentary capability
  • direction preference initialization bug fix;
  • voltageToPercent (battery %) is enabled by default;
  • Fingerbot touch-button enable/disable;


I guess the forward slashes are missing:

@iEnam use the link from the first post to update the driver. I suppose you have tried to update using the Import button? Unfortunately, there is a breaking change in this version related to the Import function and you need to update the driver once manually from the published link.

The file name in the update link should be "Tuya_Zigbee_Fingerbot_lib_included.groovy". In the previous versions of the driver, the inpirtURL was, however pointing to the main code name, which requires a second library file "kkossev.tuyaFingerbotLib.groovy" to be downloaded to your hub.
The use of Libraries makes the developers job easier, but complicates the deployment...

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@ kkossev : Many thanks for this driver. I have 2 Tuya Figerbot. Both work well with this driver.

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Hi @kkossev - unfortunately I can’t get my device to work in anything other than push mode. I need switch mode. When I change the preferences it doesn’t change the state variables - so it stays at reverse & only push. I don’t understand how to “update” the driver as you mention. I’ve copied the actual code & pasted it into the driver but still no change. I do note that line 78 is blank? Tried repairing device multiple times. Would you please advise how to update driver as you mention above? Many thanks.

Hi Dalida,

The best approach is to use the community Hubitat Package Manager (HPM) to install any custom apps or drivers. I suppose you already have the HPM installed? If yes, then you can perform a "Match Up" to add the Tuya ZIgbee Fingerprint driver to the list of the drivers handled by HPM.

Match Up example

Line 78 is empty, because the code from the library is already included in this file. If you look at the last lines in the code, you should see 'énd of include' comment like this:



Can you post a screenshot of the device debug logs when you change the mode from 'push' to 'switch'? My logs look this way:

EDIT: I just realised that this driver is not added to HPM yet... :frowning: Will do it now.
Update: The driver is now available in HPM, search for "Fingerbot"or by tag "Zigbee".

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Hi, this may be a dumb question, but how can I create an action in rule machine to get the fingerbot to push a button multiple times? Ex: at a certain time, I need it to push a button 4 times consecutively then stop. Thanks!

It's a good question....
The problem comes from the fact that this device has variable response time. In order to save the battery, it listens for incoming commands not all the time, but once every 1500 milliseconds (approximately). So, any command sent to the Fingerbot may get delayed up to 1.5 seconds. Add one second for the push down/up action.

I tested this RM rune and it seems to work:

I noticed that the Fingerbot does not show up in the list of the devices that have a 'Push' command. I will correct this in the next version. For now, you can use the 'toggle' command, which has that same effect.

This is perfect, thank you! I was looking for the push command, but the toggle makes sense. I’ll try it out. Thanks again

So just tested this with 6 pushes consecutively and it didn’t seem to work consistently. Sometimes it only did 3 pushes, other times 4. Is there anything else to try to get this to work more consistently?

Try increasing the time period between the pushes from 2.5 seconds to 4 seconds for example ..
Are you testing with exactly the same RM rule as mine?

I'll try that. The rule is identical to how yours is in RM using the repeat commands

@kkossev thanks a lot for your drivers!! I bought the Moes version: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005884658912.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.16.56db1802XygkwL and I got it to work using your driver, but it is limited to basic on/off/push functions. I can't change the push time or any other setting for that matter. Tried to pair twice, removed and paired again, moved to a generic driver and returned to the Fingerbot driver, nothing helped.

Here is the device details and the debug log when I try to change the push time to 3 seconds:

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Hi @NG582 ,

This is a new manufacturer of the Tuya Zigbee fingerbot and the new fingerprint was not included in the driver. Now I have added it, also made a small change that hopefully will not require the driver to be updated when another Fingerpront manufacturer appears.

Please update to the dev. version 2.1.4 from the link in the top post. Let me know if the Moes device works right after the driver is updated. If not, you will need to pair the device once again to the hub,

@Mikeymike88 this new version also adds the PushableButton capability, so you can use the Push command in RM.


Thank you @kkossev ! I’ll update it now. To confirm, is it the “Push Button” command? If so, RM is asking for a button number. Would that just be number 1?

Any button number should work, but put 1 to be on the safe side.

With your device in your specific environment, what are the ‘round trip time’ results when you click on the Ping button?