[RELEASE] Tuya Smart Siren Zigbee driver

thats all i really need if someone breaks in after cutting power when house is empty

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two issues with this.. no way to put to 0 with low medium high..


so i attempted to play a sound with 0 and 1 etc it appears the lowest it will go is to 33%

also tried mute then strobe.. it unmutes and plays the alarm

I will check the code later, but if the Tuya volume enum value 0 means low volume, then it seems it will not be possible to mute the siren.

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Are you stuck on the Tuya zigbee siren?
I really like the Ecolink chime siren.
I've got custom voice messages announcing stuff, like, "Zigbee Radio Is Off", lol.
You can record 20(?) or so on a micro sd card.
The smoke/co alarm is quite loud, for the zcombo in the garage.
It also has a battery and sends main/battery messages.

toya is fine.. has usb power .. and is very innexpensize.. ecolink is very pricy

Yeah, currently 79 bucks on Amazon.
It's my first foray into voice.
I don't think I'll venture any farther, as in web-connected stuff, but having it announce various things is cool, rather than remembering what different tunes mean.

ya having 2 hubs and 5 locations .. local voice is not really for me.. i use the alexas in each place to give me the voice so that it doesnt matter where i am at the time.. now if i only had one location and one hub maybe.

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I just got this siren

  • manufacturer: _TZE204_t1blo2bj
  • model: TS0601

and it seems to pair, and correctly select this driver, but none of the actions work. I have it plugged into USB only -- do I need to put in batteries?

Am I missing something? This is my first foray into Zigbee -- the odd thing I noticed was that the device seems to remain in pairing mode even after HE has figured out what it is and assigned the driver, etc...


ETA: I reset it and paired again -- I immediately pressed the "On" on the device page, and it sounded the siren. I pressed "Off" and it stopped. But I can't get it to do it again... :man_shrugging:

Here's what the debug logs show now:

dev:27292023-11-21 11:41:04.726debugSiren 1 sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0x3C28 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {C13F0D01000100} {}, delay 200])
dev:27292023-11-21 11:41:04.722debugSiren 1 sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0x3C28 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {C13F0D01000100} {}, delay 200]
dev:27292023-11-21 11:41:04.712debugSiren 1 sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he raw 0x3C28 1 0x01 0x0000 {10 00 00 05 00}, delay 50])
dev:27292023-11-21 11:41:04.708debugSiren 1 wakeUpTuya()
dev:27292023-11-21 11:41:04.704debugSiren 1 swithing alarm off (presetBeepAndChimeSettings = fast)
dev:27292023-11-21 11:40:47.390debugSiren 1 sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0x3C28 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {A8D4050400010207020004000000B4150400010B0D01000101} {}, delay 200])
dev:27292023-11-21 11:40:47.359debugSiren 1 sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he raw 0x3C28 1 0x01 0x0000 {10 00 00 05 00}, delay 50])
dev:27292023-11-21 11:40:47.354debugSiren 1 wakeUpTuya()
dev:27292023-11-21 11:40:47.350debugSiren 1 swithing alarm on (presetBeepAndChimeSettings = fast)

Seems like Hubitat Zigbee 3.0 connectivity issue - the device will stay connected to the hub for several seconds, and short after will leave the ZIgbee network.

This has been reported many times, but until now it affected mostly Tuya, Aqara, and other brands that are not officially supported by Hubitat.

If Inovelli fan switch issue reported recently is the same, I think that now there is a good chance this problem to be identified and fixed by Hubitat engineers. :+1:

The code does not work with this device, the siren does not work.

Is this a known bug or should it work?

  • manufacturer: _TZE200_d0yu2xgi
  • model: TS0601

Hi @sanlulafra ,
TS0601 _TZE200_d0yu2xgi is in the list of supported devices, so it should work if the pairing to your hub is successful. Is your hub a C-8 or C-7 ?

To verify the connectivity status:

  • enable the Debug option and click on the Save Preferences button.
  • open the live logs in another tab in the browser.
  • click on the Configure button, filter the logs for this device only.
  • power off the device for 5 seconds.
  • power it back on

Is there anything in the live logs after powering on the siren?
Don't click on any buttons from the device web page. The powering off -> powering on should produce some debug logs, meaning the Zigbee connection is alive.

If nothing in the live logs after powering on the device, you can try to pair it again, very close to the hub, then try the power off -> power on test again.

After doing the indicated tests, it still doesn't work, I paste the entire log.


dev:26992024-04-19 12:27:29.567debugSirena Casa basic cluster report : descMap = [raw:BF130100001605004206545330363031, dni:BF13, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:16, attrId:0005, encoding:42, command:01, value:TS0601, clusterInt:0, attrInt:5]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:27:25.099debugSirena Casa sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xBF13 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {27E7740400010267020004000000B4660400010B6801000101} {}, delay 200])

dev:26992024-04-19 12:27:25.080debugSirena Casa sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he raw 0xBF13 1 0x01 0x0000 {10 00 00 05 00}, delay 50])

dev:26992024-04-19 12:27:25.077debugSirena Casa wakeUpTuya()

dev:26992024-04-19 12:27:25.074debugSirena Casa swithing alarm on (presetBeepAndChimeSettings = fast)

dev:26992024-04-19 12:27:19.466debugSirena Casa basic cluster report : descMap = [raw:BF130100001605004206545330363031, dni:BF13, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:16, attrId:0005, encoding:42, command:01, value:TS0601, clusterInt:0, attrInt:5]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:27:16.744debugSirena Casa sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xBF13 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {D6907404000102670200040000000166040001026801000101} {}, delay 200])

dev:26992024-04-19 12:27:16.711debugSirena Casa sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he raw 0xBF13 1 0x01 0x0000 {10 00 00 05 00}, delay 50])

dev:26992024-04-19 12:27:16.707debugSirena Casa wakeUpTuya()

dev:26992024-04-19 12:27:16.705debugSirena Casa sending beep() beepVolume = high

dev:26992024-04-19 12:27:03.970infoSirena Casa humidity is 1.8 % RH

dev:26992024-04-19 12:27:03.967infoSirena Casa Neo Humidity Level is 1.8 %RH (18)

dev:26992024-04-19 12:26:38.933debugSirena Casa device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x24 response 0x00 data = [24, 00]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:26:38.764debugSirena Casa sending time data : [he cmd 0xBF13 0x01 0xEF00 0x24 {0008662246DE662262FE}, delay 2000]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:26:38.758debugSirena Casa time synchronization request from device, descMap = [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 BF13 01 00 0000 24 01 0003, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:BF13, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:24, direction:01, data:[00, 03]]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:26:33.670debugSirena Casa application version is 53

dev:26992024-04-19 12:26:28.432debugSirena Casa device announcement

dev:26992024-04-19 12:26:02.538debugSirena Casa Neo Siren Volume is (2)

dev:26992024-04-19 12:26:02.419debugSirena Casa Neo Siren Volume is (2)

dev:26992024-04-19 12:26:02.317debugSirena Casa Neo Siren Volume is (2)

dev:26992024-04-19 12:26:02.296debugSirena Casa device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:26:02.284debugSirena Casa basic cluster report : descMap = [raw:BF130100001605004206545330363031, dni:BF13, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:16, attrId:0005, encoding:42, command:01, value:TS0601, clusterInt:0, attrInt:5]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:26:02.266debugSirena Casa device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:26:02.251debugSirena Casa basic cluster report : descMap = [raw:BF130100001605004206545330363031, dni:BF13, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:16, attrId:0005, encoding:42, command:01, value:TS0601, clusterInt:0, attrInt:5]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:26:02.220debugSirena Casa device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:26:02.177debugSirena Casa basic cluster report : descMap = [raw:BF130100001605004206545330363031, dni:BF13, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:16, attrId:0005, encoding:42, command:01, value:TS0601, clusterInt:0, attrInt:5]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:25:58.171debugSirena Casa sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xBF13 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {81BF7404000102670200040000000166040001026801000101} {}, delay 200])

dev:26992024-04-19 12:25:58.148debugSirena Casa sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he raw 0xBF13 1 0x01 0x0000 {10 00 00 05 00}, delay 50])

dev:26992024-04-19 12:25:58.145debugSirena Casa wakeUpTuya()

dev:26992024-04-19 12:25:58.144debugSirena Casa sending beep() beepVolume = high

dev:26992024-04-19 12:25:49.170infoSirena Casa Debug logging is will be turned off after 24 hours

dev:26992024-04-19 12:25:49.106infoSirena Casa Debug logging is true; Description text logging is true

dev:26992024-04-19 12:25:49.104infoSirena Casa Updating Sirena Casa (Tuya Smart Siren Zigbee) model TS0601 manufacturer _TZE200_d0yu2xgi

dev:26992024-04-19 12:25:38.284infoSirena Casa Debug logging is will be turned off after 24 hours

dev:26992024-04-19 12:25:38.233infoSirena Casa Debug logging is true; Description text logging is true

dev:26992024-04-19 12:25:38.232infoSirena Casa Updating Sirena Casa (Tuya Smart Siren Zigbee) model TS0601 manufacturer _TZE200_d0yu2xgi

dev:26992024-04-19 12:25:34.409infoSirena Casa Debug logging is will be turned off after 24 hours

dev:26992024-04-19 12:25:34.363infoSirena Casa Debug logging is true; Description text logging is true

dev:26992024-04-19 12:25:34.361infoSirena Casa Updating Sirena Casa (Tuya Smart Siren Zigbee) model TS0601 manufacturer _TZE200_d0yu2xgi

dev:26992024-04-19 12:25:27.790infoSirena Casa Debug logging is will be turned off after 24 hours

dev:26992024-04-19 12:25:27.742infoSirena Casa Debug logging is true; Description text logging is true

dev:26992024-04-19 12:25:27.740infoSirena Casa Updating Sirena Casa (Tuya Smart Siren Zigbee) model TS0601 manufacturer _TZE200_d0yu2xgi

dev:26992024-04-19 12:25:26.540debugSirena Casa Tuya check-in

dev:26992024-04-19 12:25:14.448infoSirena Casa Debug logging is will be turned off after 24 hours

dev:26992024-04-19 12:25:14.398infoSirena Casa Debug logging is true; Description text logging is true

dev:26992024-04-19 12:25:14.397infoSirena Casa Updating Sirena Casa (Tuya Smart Siren Zigbee) model TS0601 manufacturer _TZE200_d0yu2xgi

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:46.526debugSirena Casa Neo Siren Volume is (2)

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:46.416infoSirena Casa alarm is off

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:46.414infoSirena Casa confirmed alarm state off (0)

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:46.412debugSirena Casa Neo Alarm status is 0

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:46.293debugSirena Casa Neo Siren Volume is (2)

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:46.175infoSirena Casa alarm is off

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:46.163infoSirena Casa confirmed alarm state off (0)

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:46.161debugSirena Casa Neo Alarm status is 0

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:42.618debugSirena Casa device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:35.834debugSirena Casa device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:35.826debugSirena Casa basic cluster report : descMap = [raw:BF130100001605004206545330363031, dni:BF13, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:16, attrId:0005, encoding:42, command:01, value:TS0601, clusterInt:0, attrInt:5]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:35.752debugSirena Casa device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:35.737debugSirena Casa basic cluster report : descMap = [raw:BF130100001605004206545330363031, dni:BF13, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:16, attrId:0005, encoding:42, command:01, value:TS0601, clusterInt:0, attrInt:5]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:35.707debugSirena Casa device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:35.690debugSirena Casa basic cluster report : descMap = [raw:BF130100001605004206545330363031, dni:BF13, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:16, attrId:0005, encoding:42, command:01, value:TS0601, clusterInt:0, attrInt:5]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:35.671debugSirena Casa device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:35.617debugSirena Casa basic cluster report : descMap = [raw:BF130100001605004206545330363031, dni:BF13, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:16, attrId:0005, encoding:42, command:01, value:TS0601, clusterInt:0, attrInt:5]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:33.024debugSirena Casa sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xBF13 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {FAE6740400010267020004000000B4660400010B6801000101} {}, delay 200])

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:32.995debugSirena Casa sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he raw 0xBF13 1 0x01 0x0000 {10 00 00 05 00}, delay 50])

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:32.991debugSirena Casa wakeUpTuya()

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:32.982debugSirena Casa swithing alarm siren (presetBeepAndChimeSettings = fast)

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:31.134debugSirena Casa sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xBF13 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {8D506801000100} {}, delay 200])

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:31.132debugSirena Casa sendTuyaCommand = [he cmd 0xBF13 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {8D506801000100} {}, delay 200]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:31.113debugSirena Casa sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he raw 0xBF13 1 0x01 0x0000 {10 00 00 05 00}, delay 50])

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:31.110debugSirena Casa wakeUpTuya()

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:31.107debugSirena Casa swithing alarm off (presetBeepAndChimeSettings = fast)

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:25.018debugSirena Casa Neo Siren Volume is (2)

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:24.889debugSirena Casa Neo Siren Volume is (2)

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:24.811debugSirena Casa basic cluster report : descMap = [raw:BF130100001605004206545330363031, dni:BF13, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:16, attrId:0005, encoding:42, command:01, value:TS0601, clusterInt:0, attrInt:5]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:24.798debugSirena Casa Neo Siren Volume is (2)

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:24.778debugSirena Casa device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:24.753debugSirena Casa basic cluster report : descMap = [raw:BF130100001605004206545330363031, dni:BF13, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:16, attrId:0005, encoding:42, command:01, value:TS0601, clusterInt:0, attrInt:5]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:24.724debugSirena Casa device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:24.688debugSirena Casa device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x00 response 0x00 data = [00, 00]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:24.642debugSirena Casa basic cluster report : descMap = [raw:BF130100001605004206545330363031, dni:BF13, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:16, attrId:0005, encoding:42, command:01, value:TS0601, clusterInt:0, attrInt:5]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:19.936debugSirena Casa sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he cmd 0xBF13 0x01 0xEF00 0x00 {626B740400010267020004000000B4660400010B6801000101} {}, delay 200])

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:19.909debugSirena Casa sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he raw 0xBF13 1 0x01 0x0000 {10 00 00 05 00}, delay 50])

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:19.906debugSirena Casa wakeUpTuya()

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:19.903debugSirena Casa swithing alarm on (presetBeepAndChimeSettings = fast)

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:16.617debugSirena Casa NOT PARSED : descMap = [raw:catchall: 0104 0000 01 01 0040 00 BF13 00 00 0000 04 01 00, profileId:0104, clusterId:0000, clusterInt:0, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:BF13, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:04, direction:01, data:[00]]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:16.589debugSirena Casa basic cluster report : descMap = [raw:BF1301000068040042105F545A453230305F64307975327867690000002003010000205305000042065453303630310700003003FEFF003000, dni:BF13, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:68, attrId:0004, encoding:42, command:01, value:_TZE200_d0yu2xgi, clusterInt:0, attrInt:4, additionalAttrs:[[value:03, encoding:20, attrId:0000, consumedBytes:4, attrInt:0], [value:53, encoding:20, attrId:0001, consumedBytes:4, attrInt:1], [value:TS0601, encoding:42, attrId:0005, consumedBytes:9, attrInt:5]]]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:16.271debugSirena Casa sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he raw 0xBF13 1 0x01 0x0000 {10 00 00 04 00 00 00 01 00 05 00 07 00 FE FF}, delay 200, he wattr 0xBF13 0x01 0x0000 0xFFDE 0x20 {13} {}, delay 200])

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:16.265infoSirena Casa configure()..

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:10.944infoSirena Casa Debug logging is will be turned off after 24 hours

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:10.903infoSirena Casa Debug logging is true; Description text logging is true

dev:26992024-04-19 12:24:10.901infoSirena Casa Updating Sirena Casa (Tuya Smart Siren Zigbee) model TS0601 manufacturer _TZE200_d0yu2xgi

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:59.126debugTuya Smart Siren Zigbee device has received Tuya cluster ZCL command 0x24 response 0x00 data = [24, 00]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:59.015debugTuya Smart Siren Zigbee sending time data : [he cmd 0xBF13 0x01 0xEF00 0x24 {00086622463F6622625F}, delay 2000]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:59.009debugTuya Smart Siren Zigbee time synchronization request from device, descMap = [raw:catchall: 0104 EF00 01 01 0040 00 BF13 01 00 0000 24 01 0014, profileId:0104, clusterId:EF00, clusterInt:61184, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:BF13, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:24, direction:01, data:[00, 14]]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:54.034debugTuya Smart Siren Zigbee application version is 53

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:53.676infoTuya Smart Siren Zigbee Neo Power Mode is 4

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:53.567infoTuya Smart Siren Zigbee confirmed melody 1=Doorbell 1 (0)

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:53.565debugTuya Smart Siren Zigbee received Neo Alarm melody 0

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:53.442debugTuya Smart Siren Zigbee confirmed duration 10 s

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:53.440debugTuya Smart Siren Zigbee received Neo Alarm duration 10

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:53.316infoTuya Smart Siren Zigbee alarm is off

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:53.309infoTuya Smart Siren Zigbee confirmed alarm state off (0)

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:53.307debugTuya Smart Siren Zigbee Neo Alarm status is 0

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:53.199infoTuya Smart Siren Zigbee temperature is 26.8 °C

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:53.192infoTuya Smart Siren Zigbee Neo Temperature is 26.8 C (268)

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:53.091infoTuya Smart Siren Zigbee humidity is 1.9 % RH

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:53.080infoTuya Smart Siren Zigbee Neo Humidity Level is 1.9 %RH (19)

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:52.959infoTuya Smart Siren Zigbee Neo Min Alarm Temperature is 10 C

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:52.835infoTuya Smart Siren Zigbee Neo Max Alarm Temperature is 35 C

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:52.723infoTuya Smart Siren Zigbee Neo Temperature Unit is Celsius (1)

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:52.594infoTuya Smart Siren Zigbee Neo Alarm by Temperature status is disabled (0)

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:52.481infoTuya Smart Siren Zigbee Neo Alarm by Humidity status is disabled (0)

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:52.343infoTuya Smart Siren Zigbee Neo unknown parameter (x073) is 4

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:52.199debugTuya Smart Siren Zigbee Neo Siren Volume is (2)

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:50.235debugTuya Smart Siren Zigbee NOT PARSED : descMap = [raw:catchall: 0104 0000 01 01 0040 00 BF13 00 00 0000 04 01 00, profileId:0104, clusterId:0000, clusterInt:0, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:BF13, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:04, direction:01, data:[00]]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:50.126debugTuya Smart Siren Zigbee basic cluster report : descMap = [raw:BF1301000068040042105F545A453230305F64307975327867690000002003010000205305000042065453303630310700003003FEFF003000, dni:BF13, endpoint:01, cluster:0000, size:68, attrId:0004, encoding:42, command:01, value:_TZE200_d0yu2xgi, clusterInt:0, attrInt:4, additionalAttrs:[[value:03, encoding:20, attrId:0000, consumedBytes:4, attrInt:0], [value:53, encoding:20, attrId:0001, consumedBytes:4, attrInt:1], [value:TS0601, encoding:42, attrId:0005, consumedBytes:9, attrInt:5]]]

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:50.082infoTuya Smart Siren Zigbee InitializeVars()... fullInit = false

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:50.008infoTuya Smart Siren Zigbee updating the settings from the current driver version null to the new version 1.2.2 2023/07/19 9:30 PM

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:49.881debugTuya Smart Siren Zigbee sendZigbeeCommands(cmd=[he raw 0xBF13 1 0x01 0x0000 {10 00 00 04 00 00 00 01 00 05 00 07 00 FE FF}, delay 200, he wattr 0xBF13 0x01 0x0000 0xFFDE 0x20 {13} {}, delay 200])

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:49.868infoTuya Smart Siren Zigbee configure()..

dev:26992024-04-19 12:23:49.846infoTuya Smart Siren Zigbee installed()

1 Like

Add that my hub is a C-5


1 Like

Thank you for the logs!

The good news is that this device communicates OK to the HE hub and stays connected. However, it seems that no one has tried this particular model (w/ temperature and humidity sensors inside) with this driver, because the relative humidity readings are obviously not scaled correctly (most probably must be multiplied by 10, although 19% RH seems too low ....).

Hopefully, I will have the time to look at the code in the next few days and will notify you when there is a new version to try.

1 Like

@sanlulafra ,

Your device is from the second group, which is supported by Marcus's driver - please see the link for downloading the right driver on the top post.

Hello, any chance of making this work as well? _TZE204_fncxk3ob TS0601
Tried the current driver and not reacting with it, thank you

Thank you very much as always for your responses. There is no need to include support for this device on my part, I am going to delete this device from my installation.


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@Hanks I looked at TS0601 _TZE204_fncxk3ob - it is an interesting new device, however it is rather different than the models that work with this driver.

The current driver has too many hacks and workarounds to simulate 3 different devices (alarm, chime, and tone/beep generator) out of a single siren device. I need to make a new driver - with fewer whistles and bells, but easier to maintain and easier to add new models/manufacturers. So I am sorry, but at this time I can't add your siren to this existing driver.

I understand, thanks for taking the time and having a look at it, please don't hesitate to reach out if I can help with it in the future

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