[RELEASE] Tile Master - Display multiple devices that can be Controlled from the tile!

Hey Bryan, I found a little bug/typo, in the parent app Lines 137-141 it doesn't affect the running of the app just some aesthetics with the custom colors. Below is what I changed in my parent app to correctly show the colors selected on the parent app screen

> Original
> 137 -  input "colorActive", "text", title: "<span style='color: ${colorOpen};font-size: 25px'>active</span>", submitOnChange: true, width: 6"
> 138 -  input "colorInactive", "text", title: "<span style='color: ${colorClosed};font-size: 25px'>inactive</span>", submitOnChange: true, width: 6
> 140 - input "colorLocked", "text", title: "<span style='color: ${colorLock};font-size: 25px'>locked</span>", submitOnChange: true, width: 6
>  141 - input "colorUnlocked", "text", title: "<span style='color: ${colorUnlock};font-size: 25px'>unlocked</span>", submitOnChange: true, width: 6
> Changes
> 137 -  input "colorActive", "text", title: "<span style='color: ${colorActive};font-size: 25px'>active</span>", submitOnChange: true, width: 6
> 138 -  input "colorInactive", "text", title: "<span style='color: ${colorInactive};font-size: 25px'>inactive</span>", submitOnChange: true, width: 6
> 140 - input "colorLocked", "text", title: "<span style='color: ${colorLocked};font-size: 25px'>locked</span>", submitOnChange: true, width: 6
>  141 - input "colorUnlocked", "text", title: "<span style='color: ${colorUnlocked};font-size: 25px'>unlocked</span>", submitOnChange: true, width: 6
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New version on GitHub...

V2.0.5 - 11/04/19 - Fixed some typo's in the color options, thanks @scubamikejax904 !

@bptworld, Thanks for the app finding it to be very useful. I have some strange behavior that started recently. I have a zoned HVAC system and a wife that is very temperature sensitive, so I created a routine to shut off the HVAC either completely or the individual zones. I have a tile master tile to display the current status of each zone. Here is the strange behavior. When I turn off the downstairs zone tile master displays both zones as being off instead of just the downstairs zone. When I look at the app config for that line however the reporting is correct (today it shows "heat"). When I turn off the up-stairs zone it reports both zones correctly.


I don't see anything in the log that tells me where the misfire is occuring.

Just out of curiosity if you turn off the use custom color on line 2 does it fix your issue, I was having something like this happens where it shows the wrong attribute but only when Use custom color was clicked

Would definitely help if I could see a debug log.

Not sure why it didn't capture last time, but I tried the suggestion from @scubamikejax904 but that didn't fix it. However, I was able to grab the events.

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:21.154 am debugIn makeTile (v2.1.9)

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:21.150 am debugIn sampleTileHandler - tileLength01: 126 - tL02: 226 - tL03: 223 - tL04: 8 - tL05: 8

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:21.142 am debugIn sampleTileHandler - theTileLength01: 118 - tTL02: 218 - tTL03: 215 - tTL04: 0 - tTL05: 0

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:21.128 am debugIn sampleTileHandler - Back in sampleTileHandler

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:21.124 am debugIn tileHandler05 - state.theTile05:

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:21.113 am debugIn tileHandler05 (v2.1.9)

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:21.109 am debugIn tileHandler04 - state.theTile04:

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:21.102 am debugIn tileHandler04 (v2.1.9)

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:21.098 am debugIn tileHandler03 - state.theTile03:

Upstairs off

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:21.076 am debugIn makeTileLine - newWords2: Upstairs

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:21.072 am debugIn makeTileLine (v2.1.9) - device: 3 - words: Upstairs - linkName: null

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:21.064 am debugIn tileHandler03a - Received: off

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:20.560 am debugIn getStatusColors - Returning: off

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:20.555 am debugIn getStatusColors (v2.1.9) - Received: thermostatMode - heat

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:20.515 am debugIn tileHandler03 (v2.1.9)

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:20.511 am debugIn tileHandler02 - state.theTile02:

Downstairs off

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:20.490 am debugIn makeTileLine - newWords2: Downstairs

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:20.485 am debugIn makeTileLine (v2.1.9) - device: 2 - words: Downstairs - linkName: null

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:20.478 am debugIn tileHandler02a - Received: off

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:19.973 am debugIn getStatusColors - Returning: off

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:19.928 am debugIn getStatusColors (v2.1.9) - Received: thermostatMode - off

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:19.887 am debugIn tileHandler02 (v2.1.9)

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:19.883 am debugIn tileHandler01 - state.theTile01:

HVAC Status

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:19.871 am debugIn makeTileLine - newWords2: HVAC Status

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:19.867 am debugIn makeTileLine (v2.1.9) - device: 1 - words: HVAC Status - linkName: null

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:19.857 am debugIn tileHandler01 (v2.1.9)

app:3882019-11-13 11:01:19.853 am debugIn sampleTileHandler (v2.1.9)

app:3992019-11-13 11:01:19.468 am infoAction: Delay 0:30:00

dev:2332019-11-13 11:01:16.749 am infoExecuting 'login'

app:3992019-11-13 11:01:16.507 am infoAction: Thermostats: Downstairs Thermostat: --> Mode: off

app:3992019-11-13 11:01:15.548 am infoAction: Set PrevModeDown to Downstairs Thermostat thermostatMode

app:3992019-11-13 11:01:15.210 am infoHVAC - EMR - Downstairs Zone Off Triggered

app:3992019-11-13 11:01:14.988 am infoHVAC - EMR - Downstairs Zone Off: Thermostat - Downstairs switch off

dev:2492019-11-13 11:01:13.370 am infoThermostat - Downstairs was turned off

This jumps right out at me... this app is only on v2.1.1. Just went and double checked Github for a typo and nope, it has state.version = "v2.1.1". I suggest you re-download the latest code and see how that works for you.

Edit: To be clear - update all 3 components - parent, child and driver.

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Thanks for the useful app.

I noticed one issue with the "use custom colors on device value". If the value doesnt match what Tile Master expects, it seems to overwrite the value.

Eg for my garage lock, if the lock status is "unknown" instead of "locked" or "unlocked", then Tile Master displays the lock status as "closed" instead.

If I switch off the custom colors it displays "unknown" correctly.

My Yale locks have an "unknown" status when the lock fails to fully lock, eg when the bolt jams. I noticed this as I have this problem on my garage door at the moment, need to do some more filing of the box. The cold weather seems to have made the bolt jam.

New version on GitHub...

V2.1.2 - 12/03/19 - Attempt to fix color overwriting the value

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Wow, super quick! That fixed the issue, thanks.

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How do I edit an existing "Tile Master" tile?

Earlier I created this tile for a few rooms in the house, here is it listed in the "Devices" list, you can see the HTML for the tile over on the right side of the page.

On the "Apps" page, should I see this child tile listed under the parent "Tile Master" app?

Going into the parent app, I don't see any way to get to or edit the tile I created either

You should! Looks like you deleted it at some point. You'll need to recreate it. Use the same virtual device and it will overwrite the data.

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Is there a way for Hubitat to change things so there is a way to get round the 1024 characters limitation?

The app is very useful, but with custom colours switched on, 1024 is too limited.

Nope, they wanted to make it 512 but we negotiated to 1024. So we need to be happy we got that! :grin:

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That seems kinda crazy. I'm guessing they have some technical reason for that?

Just starting using TM and it looks very promising for my purposes. I want to use it in part to replace a Clock page that I host on a webserver here at home. I use several tablets that are using Fully Kiosk that show a webpage that has a clock with a sub page that shows a HE dashboard. I would like to get rid of that. How can I add a clock to line 1 and a date to line 2 of a TM child. I can't find a Virtual Device to create.


You would have to have a device that stores this information already. Tile Master simply combines data from existing devices.

I'll look into adding time/date options but no time schedule or promises. :wink:

Hi Brian,

I have attributes in my weather device but they weren't available in TM. Seems like something so simple....


Is it possible to control devices (multiple devices with 1 tile) similar to how Home assistant does theirs?

Sorry, not at this time. I too would love this!