[RELEASE] Tile Master - Display multiple devices that can be Controlled from the tile!

Now I get it!

Technically, yes it should be possible. But, due to the tile character count constraints (1024) imposed by HE, things like this are not feasible. My original app before the constraints had every text option available added, but I had to rip out almost all of them to keep the tiles under the 1024 limit.

If that limit was even 2000, we would have some awesome looking tiles but 1024 is tough!

That's fair enough, 1024 is a tight limit, shame they haven't lifted it since....

Could that option of the vertical alignment I am after be something that is included in the IFRAME text only if you choose to use it? i.e. in the Tile Setup screen, could you add a "Section Vertical Alignment" switch to the section setup, with the default option having the new switch off, providing the current behaviour with no change to the character count, but turning the switch on would prompt a user for the vertical alignment (top, bottom, centre), only adding to the character count if required?

Sorry, missed these somehow.

What is that screen? Don't know what browser you are using but only Chrome is supported.

Not sure what you are trying to do with this but there is already a toggle switch to go between local and cloud. One uses http and the other https. There is no need (and it will break things) to add your own http(s) to the ip address in the parent app.

New version:

2.4.4 - 10/11/20 - Added vertical text-align :sunglasses:


Definitely out of scope. :sunglasses:

Awesome, thanks for such a quick turnaround Bryan. I'll test it out later today and report back on the results.

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Hi @bptworld,

The Vertical Align change didn't seem to bring the temperature and humidity values together like I want. The html that is output for the tile seems ok, so I think I will play with it some more before coming back with too many more details.

I don't know if it is related, but a number of my tiles are now reporting as having too many characters. I can't say if it was this change being released, I only just noticed it a moment ago. Let me know if you want anymore details.


2.4.5 - 10/12/20 - Typo

Try again. :sunglasses:

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I think I'm getting closer (pun intended).... but I think there are still some padding / margins being introduced, perhaps by the tbody elements or table elements. I've tried adding style="padding:0;margin:0;" to each of them but can't seem to remove that last little bit.

Leave it with me, I don't want to take up your time too much with such a fiddly request, I'll keep looking at it and once I crack it I'll let you know what worked.

Thanks again for looking at this,


Yes, this is 100% controlled by HE. Search for 1024. Lots of information out there.

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Nope, that would require a complete rewrite. I don't often say 'no'. But this is definitely on of those times! :grin:

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@bptworld Thanks for this fantastic work - This thing goes a long way in tidying up dashboards and making it easier to hit those good WAF scores.

I made a small pull request in case others find it useful - it allows using 'door' control (like the Zooz Garage Door App).



Thanks and Welcome to Hubitat!

New version, thanks to @chrissjos

  • 2.4.7 - 10/23/20 - Fixed the 'cloud' toggle for non-lock devices
  • 2.4.6 - 10/23/20 - Added 'door' control

When I try to copy a tile I got this message(not only a line but entire tile):

2020-11-08 12:05:44.631 errorjava.lang.RuntimeException: java.sql.SQLException: NULL not allowed for column "DEVICE_ID"; SQL statement: INSERT INTO APP_SETTING_DEVICE_LINK (APP_SETTING_ID, DEVICE_ID) VALUES (?, ?) [23502-197] Query: INSERT INTO APP_SETTING_DEVICE_LINK (APP_SETTING_ID, DEVICE_ID) VALUES (?, ?) Parameters: [20995, null] on line 1206 (doTheTileCopy)

Other question - when using color if you do not select numbers you can select color entire cell or only text. This will go away when you choose numbers. Why?
The reason I ask is because if you choose §Change color of entire cell" before you switch to
numbers will work also with numbers :slight_smile:


Sounds like a bug. Will add it to the list to look in to.

Tile copy has never worked quite right, working on something else right now that should carry over to this app too.


@bptworld Hi, Bryan, thanks for this awesome app.

Quick question:
I made a bunch of tiles for my dashboard for switches using icons. Everything on the dashboard works great when on Local but anytime I'm on Cloud dashboard the images break.

Any idea how I can fix?

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this is a known issue using cloud

Is there any way around it?