[RELEASE] Tasmota Sync - Native and Real-time Synchronization between Hubitat and Tasmota 11 or later

Yes, I had done an Initialize. Here is a picture of the state variables, as well as the Hubitat log after doing an initialize (with debug level set to 3).

[dev:513]( 05:31:58.282 PM[info]( Door - *️⃣1️⃣🐶 🛑 ..watchdog: Finished.
[dev:513]( 05:31:58.278 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣2️⃣🐶 ....watchdog: All normal. Not in a transaction.
[dev:513]( 05:31:54.645 PM[info]( Door - *️⃣1️⃣💨 ..hubitatResponse: Exiting
[dev:513]( 05:31:54.641 PM[info]( Door - *️⃣1️⃣..hubitatResponse: Closing Transaction
[dev:513]( 05:31:54.636 PM[info]( Door - *️⃣1️⃣..updateStatus: Complete:Success
[dev:513]( 05:31:54.628 PM[info]( Door - 0️⃣**hubitatResponse**: **Setting device handler values to match device.**
[dev:513]( 05:31:54.622 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣2️⃣....hubitatResponse: RSSI: 100
[dev:513]( 05:31:54.616 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣2️⃣....hubitatResponse: Flags are Action:STATE ActionValue:None
[dev:513]( 05:31:54.612 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣2️⃣....hubitatResponse: Raw data is: {"TIME":"2023-11-20T02:31:55","UPTIME":"0T00:02:22","UPTIMESEC":142,"HEAP":24,"SLEEPMODE":"DYNAMIC","SLEEP":50,"LOADAVG":19,"MQTTCOUNT":0,"POWER1":"OFF","POWER2":"OFF","WIFI":{"AP":1,"SSID":"HOMESWEETHOME","BSSID":"80:2A:A8:15:60:F7","CHANNEL":11,"MODE":"11N","RSSI":100,"SIGNAL":-47,"LINKCOUNT":1,"DOWNTIME":"0T00:00:04"}}.
[dev:513]( 05:31:54.606 PM[info]( Door - *️⃣1️⃣🏁 ..hubitatResponse: Entering, data received
[dev:513]( 05:31:54.602 PM[info]( Door - *️⃣1️⃣💨 ..parse: Exit to hubitatResponse()
[dev:513]( 05:31:54.597 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣2️⃣....parse: TSync is: false.
[dev:513]( 05:31:54.593 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣2️⃣....parse: StatusSync is: false.
[dev:513]( 05:31:54.587 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣2️⃣....parse: body is {"Time":"2023-11-20T02:31:55","Uptime":"0T00:02:22","UptimeSec":142,"Heap":24,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":19,"MqttCount":0,"POWER1":"OFF","POWER2":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"HomeSweetHome","BSSId":"80:2A:A8:15:60:F7","Channel":11,"Mode":"11n","RSSI":100,"Signal":-47,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:04"}}
[dev:513]( 05:31:54.576 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......parse: data is mac:DC4F22FA2AFD, ip:c0a80118, port:50, headers:SFRUUC8xLjEgMjAwIE9LDQpDb250ZW50LVR5cGU6IGFwcGxpY2F0aW9uL2pzb24NClNlcnZlcjogVGFzbW90YS8xMS4xLjAgKEVTUDgyODUpDQpDYWNoZS1Db250cm9sOiBuby1jYWNoZSwgbm8tc3RvcmUsIG11c3QtcmV2YWxpZGF0ZQ0KUHJhZ21hOiBuby1jYWNoZQ0KRXhwaXJlczogLTENCkFjY2VwdC1SYW5nZXM6IG5vbmUNClRyYW5zZmVyLUVuY29kaW5nOiBjaHVua2VkDQpDb25uZWN0aW9uOiBjbG9zZQ0K, body:eyJUaW1lIjoiMjAyMy0xMS0yMFQwMjozMTo1NSIsIlVwdGltZSI6IjBUMDA6MDI6MjIiLCJVcHRpbWVTZWMiOjE0MiwiSGVhcCI6MjQsIlNsZWVwTW9kZSI6IkR5bmFtaWMiLCJTbGVlcCI6NTAsIkxvYWRBdmciOjE5LCJNcXR0Q291bnQiOjAsIlBPV0VSMSI6Ik9GRiIsIlBPV0VSMiI6Ik9GRiIsIldpZmkiOnsiQVAiOjEsIlNTSWQiOiJIb21lU3dlZXRIb21lIiwiQlNTSWQiOiI4MDoyQTpBODoxNTo2MDpGNyIsIkNoYW5uZWwiOjExLCJNb2RlIjoiMTFuIiwiUlNTSSI6MTAwLCJTaWduYWwiOi00NywiTGlua0NvdW50IjoxLCJEb3dudGltZSI6IjBUMDA6MDA6MDQifX0=
[dev:513]( 05:31:54.565 PM[info]( Door - *️⃣1️⃣🏁 ..parse: Entering, data received.
[dev:513]( 05:31:53.299 PM[info]( Door - *️⃣1️⃣💨 ..callTasmota: Exiting
[dev:513]( 05:31:53.292 PM[info]( Door - *️⃣1️⃣..updateStatus: Sent:STATE
[dev:513]( 05:31:53.285 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣📞 ......callTasmota: hubaction: GET /cm?user=null&password=null&cmnd=STATE%20None HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* User-Agent: Linux UPnP/1.0 Hubitat HOST:
[dev:513]( 05:31:53.279 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣📞 ......callTasmota: Path: /cm?user=null&password=null&cmnd=STATE%20None
[dev:513]( 05:31:53.275 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......cleanURL: Returning fixed path: /cm?user=null&password=null&cmnd=STATE%20None
[dev:513]( 05:31:53.269 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......cleanURL: Fixing path: /cm?user=null&password=null&cmnd=STATE None
[dev:513]( 05:31:53.238 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣📞 ......callTasmota: Starting Watchdog
[dev:513]( 05:31:53.235 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣2️⃣📞 ....callTasmota: Opening Transaction
[dev:513]( 05:31:53.228 PM[info]( Door - 0️⃣📞 **callTasmota**: **Sending command: STATE**
[dev:513]( 05:31:52.743 PM[info]( Door - *️⃣1️⃣🐶 🛑 ..watchdog: Finished.
[dev:513]( 05:31:52.740 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣2️⃣🐶 ....watchdog: All normal. Not in a transaction.
[dev:513]( 05:31:48.114 PM[info]( Door - 0️⃣💨 **statusResponse**: **Exiting**
[dev:513]( 05:31:48.111 PM[info]( Door - *️⃣1️⃣..statusResponse: Closing Transaction
[dev:513]( 05:31:48.108 PM[info]( Door - *️⃣1️⃣..updateStatus: Complete:Success
[dev:513]( 05:31:48.103 PM[info]( Door - 0️⃣**statusResponse**: **STATUS 8 - SENSOR values processed.**
[dev:513]( 05:31:48.096 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣2️⃣....statusResponse: ****************** Data Processed ******************
[dev:513]( 05:31:48.083 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣2️⃣....statusResponse: De-duping attribute names. Attribute is: HUMIDITY Count is: 0
[dev:513]( 05:31:48.078 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣2️⃣....statusResponse: De-duping attribute names. Attribute is: TEMPERATURE Count is: 0
[dev:513]( 05:31:48.071 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣2️⃣....statusResponse: ****************** Items Processed ******************
[dev:513]( 05:31:48.064 PM[info]( Door - *️⃣1️⃣..statusResponse: STATUSSNS Time is: 2023-11-20T02:31:49
[dev:513]( 05:31:48.059 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......statusResponse: Item is: TIME
[dev:513]( 05:31:48.054 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......statusResponse: Item is: SWITCH3
[dev:513]( 05:31:48.049 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣2️⃣....statusResponse: ****************** Extracted Items and Sensors ******************
[dev:513]( 05:31:48.042 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......statusResponse: Add item: TIME
[dev:513]( 05:31:48.037 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......statusResponse: Add item: SWITCH3
[dev:513]( 05:31:48.032 PM[info]( Door - *️⃣1️⃣..statusResponse: STATUSSNS is: [SWITCH3:OFF, TIME:2023-11-20T02:31:49]
[dev:513]( 05:31:48.024 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......adjustBody: Adjusted Body {"STATUSSNS":{"TIME":"2023-11-20T02:31:49","SWITCH3":"OFF"}}
[dev:513]( 05:31:48.020 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......adjustBody: Received body is: {"STATUSSNS":{"TIME":"2023-11-20T02:31:49","SWITCH3":"OFF"}}
[dev:513]( 05:31:48.015 PM[info]( Door - *️⃣1️⃣💨 ..parse: Exit to statusResponse()
[dev:513]( 05:31:48.008 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣2️⃣....parse: TSync is: false.
[dev:513]( 05:31:48.004 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣2️⃣....parse: StatusSync is: true.
[dev:513]( 05:31:47.998 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣2️⃣....parse: body is {"StatusSNS":{"Time":"2023-11-20T02:31:49","Switch3":"OFF"}}
[dev:513]( 05:31:47.991 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......parse: data is mac:DC4F22FA2AFD, ip:c0a80118, port:50, headers:SFRUUC8xLjEgMjAwIE9LDQpDb250ZW50LVR5cGU6IGFwcGxpY2F0aW9uL2pzb24NClNlcnZlcjogVGFzbW90YS8xMS4xLjAgKEVTUDgyODUpDQpDYWNoZS1Db250cm9sOiBuby1jYWNoZSwgbm8tc3RvcmUsIG11c3QtcmV2YWxpZGF0ZQ0KUHJhZ21hOiBuby1jYWNoZQ0KRXhwaXJlczogLTENCkFjY2VwdC1SYW5nZXM6IG5vbmUNClRyYW5zZmVyLUVuY29kaW5nOiBjaHVua2VkDQpDb25uZWN0aW9uOiBjbG9zZQ0K, body:eyJTdGF0dXNTTlMiOnsiVGltZSI6IjIwMjMtMTEtMjBUMDI6MzE6NDkiLCJTd2l0Y2gzIjoiT0ZGIn19
[dev:513]( 05:31:47.965 PM[info]( Door - *️⃣1️⃣🏁 ..parse: Entering, data received.
[dev:513]( 05:31:47.860 PM[info]( Sync - Universal Multi Sensor Driver reloaded with sensor type All
[dev:513]( 05:31:47.853 PM[info]( is: 1
[dev:513]( 05:31:47.766 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......remainingTime: Remaining time 4926
[dev:513]( 05:31:47.761 PM[info]( Door - *️⃣1️⃣💨 ..callTasmota: Exiting
[dev:513]( 05:31:47.753 PM[info]( Door - *️⃣1️⃣..updateStatus: Sent:STATUS 8
[dev:513]( 05:31:47.747 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣📞 ......callTasmota: hubaction: GET /cm?user=null&password=null&cmnd=STATUS%208 HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* User-Agent: Linux UPnP/1.0 Hubitat HOST:
[dev:513]( 05:31:47.741 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣📞 ......callTasmota: Path: /cm?user=null&password=null&cmnd=STATUS%208
[dev:513]( 05:31:47.737 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......cleanURL: Returning fixed path: /cm?user=null&password=null&cmnd=STATUS%208
[dev:513]( 05:31:47.732 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......cleanURL: Fixing path: /cm?user=null&password=null&cmnd=STATUS 8
[dev:513]( 05:31:47.697 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣📞 ......callTasmota: Starting Watchdog
[dev:513]( 05:31:47.694 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣2️⃣📞 ....callTasmota: Opening Transaction
[dev:513]( 05:31:47.687 PM[info]( Door - 0️⃣📞 **callTasmota**: **Sending command: STATUS 8**
[dev:513]( 05:31:47.683 PM[info]( Door - *️⃣1️⃣..refresh: Getting sensor data.
[dev:513]( 05:31:47.680 PM[info]( Door - 0️⃣⚡ **Action**: **Refresh started....**
[dev:513]( 05:31:47.666 PM[info]( Door - *️⃣1️⃣..Initialize: pollFrequency value: 0
[dev:513]( 05:31:47.662 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣2️⃣⚡ ....Action: DNI: C0A80118 is correct. Not updated.
[dev:513]( 05:31:47.657 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......updateDeviceNetworkID: Settings are:
[dev:513]( 05:31:47.646 PM[info]( Door - 0️⃣⚡ **Action**: **Initialize/Update Device**
[dev:513]( 05:31:44.847 PM[info]( Sync - Universal Multi Sensor Driver reloaded with sensor type All
[dev:513]( 05:31:44.843 PM[info]( is: 1
[dev:513]( 05:31:40.161 PM[info]( Sync - Universal Multi Sensor Driver reloaded with sensor type All
[dev:513]( 05:31:40.156 PM[info]( is: 1
[dev:513]( 05:31:40.118 PM[info]( Door - *️⃣1️⃣..updateStatus: Attributes Cleared - Refresh Browser!
[dev:513]( 05:31:40.078 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: switch4
[dev:513]( 05:31:40.072 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: switch3
[dev:513]( 05:31:40.065 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: switch2
[dev:513]( 05:31:40.058 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: switch1
[dev:513]( 05:31:40.052 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: switch
[dev:513]( 05:31:40.046 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: type
[dev:513]( 05:31:40.039 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: pulse
[dev:513]( 05:31:40.033 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: flowRate
[dev:513]( 05:31:40.027 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: active
[dev:513]( 05:31:40.020 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: uid
[dev:513]( 05:31:40.014 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: absRaw
[dev:513]( 05:31:40.007 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: weightRaw
[dev:513]( 05:31:40.000 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: weight
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.994 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: stage
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.987 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: energy
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.980 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: event
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.973 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: ambTmp
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.966 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: objTmp
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.960 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: proximity
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.953 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: cct
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.946 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: ambient
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.939 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: green
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.931 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: blue
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.924 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: red
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.916 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: data
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.908 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: bits
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.901 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: protocol
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.894 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: ms
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.887 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: d7
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.880 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: d6
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.873 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: d5
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.865 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: d4
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.858 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: d3
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.851 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: d2
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.842 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: d1
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.834 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: d0
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.828 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: rate
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.821 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: soundPressureLevel
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.814 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: ultraViolet
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.807 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: gas
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.800 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: pressure
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.794 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: illuminance
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.787 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: dewPoint
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.780 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: totalStartTime
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.773 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: period
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.766 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: frequency
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.759 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: factor
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.752 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: reactivePower
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.746 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: apparentPower
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.739 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: today
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.732 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: yesterday
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.725 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: total
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.717 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: voltage
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.710 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: power
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.703 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: current
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.696 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: distance
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.689 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: pH
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.682 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: range
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.674 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: tvoc
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.667 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: resistance
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.659 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: pm25
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.652 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: ECO
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.645 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: ECO2
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.639 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: airQualityIndex
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.633 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: roll
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.626 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: pitch
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.620 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: yaw
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.614 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: gyroZAxis
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.607 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: gyroYAxis
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.601 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: gyroXAxis
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.595 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: accelZAxis
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.588 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: accelYAxis
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.582 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: accelXAxis
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.576 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: humidity
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.569 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: temperature3
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.562 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: temperature2
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.554 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: temperature1
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.548 PM[debug]( Door - *️⃣*️⃣*️⃣3️⃣......clearAttributes: Clearing attribute: temperature
[dev:513]( 05:31:39.544 PM[info]( Door - 0️⃣**clearAttributes**: **Clearing All Attributes**

Here is the configuration of the Tasmota device:

Any ideas?
Thanks for your help.

Did you post this after the last time we communicated. I thought you had it figured and I can see SWITCH3 being detected in your trace log. Should get created on the first sync.

Yes, I did post this after the last time we communicated. As you note, it does show SWITCH3 being detected, but it never gets shown under the "State Variables" or "Current States". That is the point that I am stuck at.

Have you considered implementing a shutter or blind driver? Here's the relative Tasmota page

I personally use the servo motor control documented here controlled from node-red.

I would think your dimmer driver would be similar.

Hope someone has some idea of what happened to me...

I upgraded (per the instructions in this thread) from 8.5.1 to 13.3.0. All went well and the plugs are operating in both the webpage as well as in hubitat.

However, I've seem to lost all energy monitoring. There is nothing shown in the webpage (used to be a full table of values).

I've triple checked the template, and it's working on devices yet to upgrade.

Any ideas?

EDIT: figured it out!!!! I didn't select "Activate" when pasting in the template....

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Sorry I missed your comment, my tracking settings were wrong. I had not considered that as I don’t have a piece of gear to test with. But if someone modified my code to add that capability I’d be happy to publish it.

I'm absolutely loving this move from the old Markus setup. This is so simple and clean.

I'm also following the conversation with CanuckTech, as I, too, am working to move to have this new driver/system control my garage door. Just wanted to let you know that this work you have done is excellent, and that others (probably lots who don't post back any replies) have used these for many devices / activities.

I've not finished the Sonoff SV / garage door migration....but that's a project for today.

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I finally got around to converting my tasmota devices over to this driver. So far it's working great.

One thing I did want to mention for others who may be having issues with the WebQuery call back not functioning correctly is that the Tasmota Rules apparently have a maximum length of 511 characters (see Log character length limit for rule sets · Issue #7110 · arendst/Tasmota · GitHub).

In my case, with a multi-relay switch, I had configured the driver to send all status back to hubitat (All switch and energy status). With it configured as such, the created rule was too long and would not properly get installed to the device. After switching it to just switch/power events everything is working great.

@garyjmilne it might not be a bad idea to check the length of the rule being sent and throw a error if it exceeds the allowed buffer size and/or split the events into multiple rules (Rule2/Rule3)

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My guess is that this is more likely to be the issue.

This is from the Tasmota Sync Sensor Doc.

Good day all....well, I've got everything running, but two small issues. I've been reading the PDF documents, but still come away with these two questions:

  1. For the Tasmota plugs with energy monitoring, the current states show many parameters (like energyYesterday). However, when making a rule (in Rule Machine), the device attributes are only "Device", "Switch" and "Switch1". The other items are not available. Is this some configuration somewhere?

  2. This one is for the garage door (coming from the Markus drivers). I've got everything running, and from the tasmota webpage, I can click the one switch and the door opens (and then a few seconds later, the switch goes back to OFF). However, I've followed the details from above and setup the configuration like CanuckTech showed....but Current States only shows "Status".

Any help would be appreciated.....

EDIT: I've been able to troubleshoot the garage door. The configuration template settings that work are as follows:

"GPIO0" to "Button" then "1" from the dropdown
"GPIO3" to "Switch" then "3" from the dropdown
"GPIO4" to "Relay" then "3" from the dropdown
"GPIO12" to "Relay" then "1" from the dropdown
"GPIO13" to "Led_i" then "1" from the dropdown
"GPIO14" to "Switch" then "2" from the dropdown

Now, just to figure out the attributes for the energy monitors and I'm complete up and running....

Add this at line 64 and let me know if that fixes it.

capability "PowerMeter"

Nope. I put the capability in the device code. I even went to one of the devices and re-chose and saved the driver. Then, went into rule machine and tried to make changes. Still only have the 3 choices (status / switch / switch1).


I've tried some other modifications to the driver....still not working.

Strange how the attributes would populate in the device, but then not be shown in the rule machine.

If anyone has other ideas to try....I'm up for that.....I'm at a loss

Looking more closely at the driver it should not require the addition of "capability "PowerMeter" as it is already in there for any plugs with 2 or less switches.

I think you might by trying to assign a value to a variable. If you select a string variable to assign to, you will only get a list of attributes that are strings (status, switch, switch1).

Here i'm using a numeric attribute and I see all the numeric values.

Duh.....my mistake. I was writing a rule and trying to assign the energy used yesterday to a variable. The variable was a string, so, obviously, the only items presented were string variables / data.

I just changed that to a value (decimal) and low and behold.....all of the attributes.

Sorry to be such a bonehead, but thank you for the help.


Hi Gary, I have been receiving some error messages for one of my Tasmota devices, a Smart Plug.

Have you received any messages about this?

Here is a screenshot of the message,

Is there something I can do to prevent this from happening?

I suspect that you previously had that device setup using a different device driver.

Have a look at the bottom of your device driver. I think you will find an autoPoll job left by a previous driver.

This is a Tasmota device setup to use polling for demo purposes.

Most of the time it will be empty like this.

There is a driver you can use to clear old jobs. Off the top of my head its the generic Zigbee device but I'm not certain about that.

Perfect! It worked!

FYI, the driver the user has to select is called "Device", and there is where you will find all options, for example, to clear old jobs.

Thanks Gary!

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Any suggestions of how to control multiple servo motors with tasmota and tasmota sync? I keep getting pushed towards the shutter type in tasmota... but I don't see how to have two shutters in tasmota sync

I managed to get tasmota sync to control the single servo as a dimmer, no shutter mode... but now not sure how to add a second dimmer and it work with tasmota sync.

My other servo motor install uses hubduino, but I was hoping for this new installation to use tasmota... Mostly because I don't have arduino ide on my PC and I have liked using tasmota for a few other things recently.

Edit: OK I did some more exploring. I have just set the device as multisensor and as suspected, the dimmers don't show there as thats for sensor readings... but I have now noticed the custom command so I can send channel1 50, channel2 25 etc.. So this works but I am curious if they can be entered as a multiple dimmers into hubitat (tasmota sync)

Ok so I have now found if I set it as a dimmer, I can choose custom command and send a custom command "Channel2" + "50" there to control the second servo. So it works. A little more effort than a normal dimmer command but it works..