This is my release of the Tasmota RGBW LED Addressable Lights Device Handler Driver
What controller do they have for addressable LEDs? Do you have a link to a device this would be used for? I didn't think the Tuya LEDs were digital. I thought they were analog.
Good catch @Ryan780 its the Tasmota flashed magic home controllers not the Tuya based devices I would assume to work with this. @848667 asked for the updated driver so he would need to provide a link to the controller that he is using.
I using h801 with tasmota
@848667 That's what I figured but wanted to make sure. Let me know how the driver works for you as I don't have a way to test it right now. All of my h801 devices still use magic home and the driver that Adam wrote.
That's not for addressable LEDs. That's for analog LEDs. Addressable LEDs give you the ability to have each led pixel be a different color. These are the WS2811 or WS2812b. The H801 uses standard, analog LEDs that are all the same color. Might want to edit the title as to not confuse anyone.
They do have addressable LED controllers. This is the one I have
Ryan780 is right some functions for WS2811 only ... So some buttons does not work with h801... But i figured out how you did the driver ... So i can try to fix it
I was just going by that. The H801 is for RGB LEDs.
You see how it has channels for Red, Green, Blue, white and warm white? That means it is designed to control analog LEDs throughPWM. Are you saying that the Tasmota firmware can make an analog controller into a digital controller?
Also, the one you linked to only supports RGB leds not RGBW or RGBWW. Have you tried the tasmota firmware with that device you linked to and this driver? I'd never seen WS2812's that run off 12v before either. All the ones I'd looked at before were always 5v.
The one I linked to does 12 and 24v addressable LED's. I'm using it with WS2811's There are also other controllers that will work with the RGBW and RGBWW that I have see before. I have not had the opportunity to flash mine but it is running on an 8266 chip so I just need to open it up and flash it. eventually... But since @848667 has flashed his controller with Tasmota and the Tasmota firmware does support the addressable LED's this driver can handle that.
Returned to your old driver... Such as i have regular RGB not a ws2812.. And works not all functions....
But have question: i have error in log all the time... How to fix it???
dev:6472019-09-07 01:10:01.529 pm errorgroovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: user_driver_damondins_Tasmota_RGBW_LED_Light_Bulb_836.refresh() is applicable for argument types: () values: [] Possible solutions: every(), parse(java.lang.String), every(groovy.lang.Closure), grep() (refresh)
There is no "Refresh" capability in the driver. Are you seeing the refresh command in the driver?
@848667 Did you add anything to the code? There is not a refresh capability nor is there a procedure for it.
Do you have a refresh button on the driver?
Such as i have regular RGB not a ws2812.. And works not all functions....
This is why I asked if you had an addressable device to begin with. It is also why I broke the driver into two.
No i don't...
I would delete the driver and get the code from my github and try that. I'm not getting the error.
Ok... I can try... But do you have old code without those add-ons???
go to the github on this link
You can use the history button in the top left to display all the versions that I have updated. If you go one down from the top it should be what your looking for.
Click on e316640
Ok. Great... let me try
So sad
Every minute same code log........
dev:6472019-09-07 09:14:00.237 pm errorgroovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: user_driver_damondins_Tasmota_RGBW_LED_Light_Bulb_897.refresh() is applicable for argument types: () values: [] Possible solutions: every(), parse(java.lang.String), every(groovy.lang.Closure), grep() (refresh)
dev:6472019-09-07 09:13:00.105 pm errorgroovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: user_driver_damondins_Tasmota_RGBW_LED_Light_Bulb_897.refresh() is applicable for argument types: () values: [] Possible solutions: every(), parse(java.lang.String), every(groovy.lang.Closure), grep() (refresh)
dev:6472019-09-07 09:12:00.266 pm