@markus no worries at all, take your time I can wait. Let me know if you need any help with the ticket system.
I was able to successfully flash Tasmota to my new Sonoff Mini. I could get it to connect and was able to toggle by directly interfacing. Once I updated to the HE specific FW however, I was no longer able to connect. The device is powered on and the blue LED emits a slow and steady on/off flash. The device shows up as ESP_XXXXXX in my WiFi manager and I can connect. When I try to access nothing resolves.... Any pointers would be appreciated.
@intelregod I'd try to reset it:
@markus I've got a use for the temperature probe data into hubitat (from the max31855) in about 4 days so wondering if this is realistic it could be incorporated by then.
I understand there is life outside this driver and I have a backup idea for the short term so no problems for me if it isn't. More for curiosity sake as I was planning my smoker.
Awesome, worked effortlessly on my Gosund (aka Tuya) WiFi plugs, thanks!
@peterbrown77.pb I do have it added and the next release is within 2 days. I'd like to verify that I got it right, could you please PM me the output of "status 0" in the Tasmota console of the device with the max31855? In case this doesn't work I did order a MAX31855 with a K-type thermocouple probe, but it might not be here for another few days.
Important Update
A new version (v1.1.0.1025T) of all my Tasmota drivers have been released.
It includes support for v8.5.1 of my version Tasmota (Tasmota HE version is now called Tasmota HttpHook).
To keep up to date with new releases, sign up here.
Installed and working without issue
@markus Thank you so much! This has fixed both of my issues.
Two down, 25 to go. Thanks!
Is it worth updating the firmware on my devices? I only have a few power plugs, wemos mini custom garage door opener (relay and sensor), and another wemos with thermocouple (max31855) and pwm output. Edit: Forgot the wemos mini led ws2812.
As they are all working reliably I'm a little hesitant.
There is always fixes and enhancements to the drivers and firmware so it's best to keep them updated if you can. I can confirm though that I have everything you have mentioned except the thermocouple. I have 23 Tasmota devices in total all now running the latest and I had no issues during the process. I highly recommend.
I generally like staying up to date but I hesitated mainly because I'll need to set them up again won't I?
As in configure module/channels and any custom/user templates. Will I need to do anything else? I assume hubitat side won't need any changed as the IP address is the same.
The settings are retained within the Hubitat drivers and applied to the device but to be extra cautious I also like to note down the template I used and the module settings for my device so if I did happen to loose them I have them ready to go. I also like to do a single device first that I can access more easily than others but again that's just a habit/safety net to get the hang of a newer version update
Correct your IP and WiFi details etc will not change it will be retained. You just need to update to @markus Tasmota minimal 8.5.1 firmware first then to his Tasmota standard firmware next. As I mentioned previously your settings will be retaining in HE too.
+1 for this suggestion😉
hi @markus
I have been running 8.3.1 FW on my four devices for a while now without any problems, yesterday I updated to 8.5.1. Initially all the devices had a "Available" status, but today they all show "Timeout". When I click on the IP address, the device webpage comes up and I can control the device, so I know it's still connected to wifi.
Any ideas what's going on here?
I don’t think you’re inquiry will get answered. Checkout this link We are sad to announce... | Oh-La LABS
What did I miss? The Oh La labs thread is gone and those accounts suspended? I know they were respectful about not talking about a product they are about to announce that competes with HE.
Crap... I'm all about Tasmota devices - using HE for zigbee only mostly.
After following the instruction of tuya-covert ota. I was able to install tasmota 8.1.0 on KMC 4-outlet wifi min smart plug w/energy monitoring. As I wanted to add it to hubitat. I tried to install tasmota-httphook-8.5.1 it failed with a buffer error. Then I installed tasmota-minimal-8.5.1.bin. Which was successful. Then I installed tasmota-httphook-8.5.1 it installed successfully. But it went into a continuous boot loop and I couldnt get it back on the network. (2nd outlet relay continuously clicking)
Unsure why that happened. That is exactly how to do it - minimal first. Can you do a reset 5 from the console? The support forum for this is over on the other site. See thread item 445 above.