[RELEASE] Tasmota for HE - Auto-detecting Tasmota drivers + Tasmota firmware 7.x/8.x for HE (for use with Tuya, Sonoff and other ESP devices)

Oh ok thanks that looks promising... I was looking at buying it as my wife liked it.. So hopefully I don't brick it ha ha. Or I sneak out and replace it when she isn't looking ha ha.

Or maybe I buy a nicer looking one and convert it to being smart by using a wemos mini with your tasmota firmware and a few reed relays to simulate button pushes... Hiding the device in a 3d printed box... Not sure how polished I can make that though..

All depends on the features you want. There are others on the "compatible" list, some of them are however a bit complicated to get right since they need custom rules. I've written Tasmota rules for one of them that can be adapted, so if you like any of the others on the compatible list that might be easier:

None of them are very pretty in my opinion, I have one similar to the Maxcio 400ml one that looks ok.

Hello, Is there a way of adding a child driver manually?
I am asking cause I got 4 Gosund plugs and 2 of them are in a remote location (L2L VPN) so their subnet differs from HEs.
Tasmota Device Manager just can not determine type of device and so does not match them with any child driver.

When those are in the same subnet all is working just fine.
My guess is that they would work just as fine when I could add a child driver manually.

Due to how HE works when receiving traffic on port 39501 it is important that when using separate subnets you don't map many IP's to one, you need a 1 to 1 mapping, or normally just no NAT between the subnets, just filtering and then routing. HE needs to be able to reach each device separately on their OWN ip and not a shared one, it is also important that traffic from each device has that same IP as the source IP.
When all this works child devices will be created automatically, when it doesn't work, even if you did have the child devices you would not get status updates nor be able to send commands to the device. I hope this explains the issue to be solved. Multiple subnets is an advanced topic and the exact settings depend on the equipment you use.

Thanks for the explanation. I am not using any NAT with my L2L VPN. So I'll need to find a way debug the communication. The firewalls are allowing the traffic...

Got a 4 pack of Gosund M5 smart plugs in an auction for $16, and tuya converted them. Loaded Tasmota-hubitat on them and all four are good to go!
Next is 3D printing the module to snap onto the chip for solder-less attempts at some Treatlife dimmer switches.

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I installed some sonoff th10 whith temp sensors and it worked like a charm. I wonder if it is possible to integrate a thermostat (BHT-002-GBLW).
Thanks for a fantastic code👍

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:checkered_flag: :+1:

Can that device run Tasmota? If you have a working template I'd love to see it and then I can answer how easy it would be to integrate. I did a quick search and what I found was some other custom firmware, but not Tasmota. I can't find it here.

Can you think of any reason why my latest 8.3.1(tasmota-he) devices are not being discovered by Alexa? I thought it was just enable Hue Emulation and that was it, I can't seem to discover them - GoSund M3 plugs and Feit rbgw lightbulbs.


Are they being discovered and installed properly by the T4HE App on HE? If that works the only reason it may not work on Alexa is that the discovery packet content on my version of Tasmota is somewhat different compared to original Tasmota.

Very new HE user here and currently reading the doc and info on youtube to ensure I fully understand the flashing process. Just to be clear and ensure I have the least chance of bricking anything I should do as follows?

  1. Flash Tasmota 7.1.2 or later to my device using the method described by digiblurDIY

2)Upgrade to tasmota-minimal-8.1.0.bin using OTA url here: Release Tasmota v8.1.0 Doris for Hubitat · markus-li/Tasmota-Hubitat · GitHub

3)Copy tasmota-hubitat-8.1.0.bin to the Tuya Convert folder on the Pi and flash using the method described by digiblurDIY for adding custom .bin files


The least likely way to brick a device would be:

  1. Run Tuya convert as per instructions digiblurDIY's video. Use the tasmota.bin already included.
  2. Once flashed configure your device to connect your WiFi network.
  3. Go to the IP address of the device and upgrade the firmware via the WebUI with tasmota-minimal-8.3.1.bin.
  4. Then repeat this but flash the version of T4HE you need from here

Did you get this working?

You need to add the devices to the Alexa skill in HE under apps so Alexa has access to them.

I did not get it working yet for additional devices. I am using the Hue Emulation check box on the Tasmota config of each device. I thought tasmota/alexa via Hue emulation was independent of HE/Alexa and was direct, due to the Hue emulation?

My logic is to keep as much processing out of the HE hub as possible, Even though I don't have slow downs, these measures make sense. Same logic has me running Echo Speaks on the ST hub (now in a drawer) and Hubconnect.

Separate topic - Some of my Tasmota rbg bulbs - 6 total, all running 8.3.1 HE, in the dashboard I call them a Color Bulb template. Some of them have the white temp slider on the bottom, others do not. It's very hard to make a 'soft white' or 'warm white' with the colors, vs the temp slider.
This may be a dashboard issue more than a Tasmota issue, but thought I'd ask here. Anyone know how to get the color temp on the color bulb on the dashboard?


Ah, very sorry for misunderstanding.

I know nothing about hue and up until the new driver automatically turning it on in the devices, I didn’t even have the option selected.

It could be, but the Hue implementation on my version of Tasmota has a slight change to work with HE, this seems to make it incompatible with Alexa. While I understand your desire to keep things processed outside of HE, for these devices with my drivers the load is minimal and all is VERY fast.

Is there a difference inside the device page? Are they using different child device drivers? Show screenshots please.

@markus do you have a driver that doesn't require using your discovery app? My concern is I have devices already embedded into rules and using a discovery app + adding new devices would throw them all for a loop. I simply just need a generic tasmota device that does power monitoring as my version Sonoff PowR2 - Tasmota doesn't seem to pass "power" to the MakerAPI. I'd rather just add a new driver and update it in the device itself vs. redoing all of my automations.


All my drivers can be installed manually by adding as a virtual device and setting it up, though that is not really documented or recommended it is possible. With that said, the discovery app can't cause the issues you're talking about, you only chose to install the device you want inside the app, any other devices will be ignored. If you select all other devices running my drivers but which were not installed with my app they will be filtered from the installation list, but you don't even HAVE to do this part.
As a final note, once discovery is done and you close the T4HE App, it doesn't run in the background, ever. It is a 100% safe App to use, it is only there to help with installation.