Although this is a module of Remote Builder I thought it worth creating a separate thread vs announcing it deep within a 6 month old thread where it may go unnoticed by many. In the vein of "A picture says 1000 words" here is an example of what you can create with SmartGrid.
Rather than list out all of the things that it can do I think this summarizes it pretty well.
You can find the documentation here.
If you want to try a running copy on my old C-5 you can do so here. They are all virtual devices so you can make any changes you want.
You can find the official Remote Builder thread here if you are looking for more information.
P.S. This has a very high WAF in this house. For some reason this appeals to her in a way that dashboards have not.
Thanks for your kind words. Actually it does not use 39501, just web calls shipping JSON back and forth.
Yeah, I avoided MakerAPI as it is just one more complexity and extra setup. This is much cleaner.
@garyjmilne - howdy G. I'd like to submit a feature request - extend the low end range of
Control Size.
In my tiles, I freely admit I push my dashboard to some extremes. My dashboard is HD+ and I pack a lot into a 27" 1080x1920 portrait mode display running at my desktop computer.
Because of this allocation of screen space, I have a lot of space to work with - and I like to compact it all.
When I push smart grid text sizes to their lowest values the icons and controls all seem at least double what the text height is. The result is causing a tile that I feel would fit nicely in a 2x1 to require 4x3 tiles.
I see your stepping is values of 2.5 starting at 15. Would you consider extending that to (guessing - ) 7.5 at the minimum?
Here is the smallest I can make it I think - note the same 3 devices are below which take a total of 3x1.
Thanks for your consideration.
Sure, there is no downside to doing that and it's about as easy a request to fulfill as any.
P.S. You are not on the current version. I can tell because your sort order header text is larger than the non sort headers. This is no longer the case in the current version 3.1.3. But don't sweat it, I'll have a minor update before the end of the weekend.which will include this request.
@garyjmilne - Master G - Big fan of your work!
The new update shaved 1x3 tiles off my tile size required to hold your smart grid output!
I can now go and INCREASE the values your tile build offers to fully utilize the tile space assigned! It's truly art - Thank you!

I'm inches from my goal line - hoping @jpage4500 will release soon the ability on his amazing dashboard to have Tile Builder and/or Remote Builder tiles allowed to by-pass the need to open a popup to use your tiles directly. It currently works great within the popup so I'm VERY excited about how incredibly well your tile generators' work on other dashboards.
@garyjmilne - I'm back ( and I can hear you say 'Already?').
I'm unsure what I'm doing wrong. I want to have 3 columns on a smart grid for my CT bulbs.
Level (brightness), Color temp in Kelvin, and Color name. I can't figure out how to get the color temp numeric value. I'm assuming it's a slider but unsure what to expect - I can't get anything at the moment!
Using the Living Room Lamp for example:
Here is the tile output on my HD+ dashboard, and a MultiAttribute tile that shows the kelvin CT temp number
What am I doing wrong?!?
btw - @garyjmilne
COLORIZED Log entries?! Dude - you are a giant among men!
There are two Control columns (ignoring the switch). Because bulbs have 3 possible controls (dimmer, CT and Color) the first Control group (A/B) allows you to toggle between dimmer and CT. The second control group only has color so there is not toggle action.
So, it you only display one Control Group then you can toggle between dimmer and CT by clicking on the header.
If you were just looking to display the Kelvin value in an Info column I've added that as an option in the next release but it is already visible on the CT range slider.
Very easy, just wrap the log output in HTML. I started using that in my Tasmota driver years ago. Perhaps I'll make the log color user selectable in a future release.
It means that the app is not finding a definition that matches the output. So, if it were a contact it would expect "open" or "closed", anything else (or null) would fall through the code and pick up a default Icon. I just had the name of that Icon wrong. It is now fixed.
No, SmartGrid looks at the capabilities of a specified device and generates the controls to match those capabilities. For example RGBW bulb has Switch, dimmer, color and CT. By contrast an outlet plug will only have switch. So, depending the mix of devices you choose you will have empty cells to accommodate this difference. Currently only Blinds (Tilt) and Color bulbs use the second Control column so you may be be able to hide this in some circumstances.
Yes. The text element has some opacity so the slider handle is still visible behind the text.
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He just needs to pass the click through to the background but then he may need to add an alternate means to open the tile as you used to do.
All reported issues are fixed in SmartGrid 3.1.5 which was just released to HPM.