[RELEASE] Send IP2IR - Control all of your IR devices from your Dashboard

Found this.

@bptworld this just keeps getting better and better! I just confirmed it will work to control an Xbox as well. now to my latest question....you've personally said you use the IP2IR devices for tv/stereo/fireplace...so you do you have one IP2IR box for each of those devices?

For devices in different rooms, that makes complete sense to me.

For devices in the same room (in my case, rack mounted xbox + xantech HDMI distribution box), I THINK i can get away with one device, but not 100% sure yet. Here are what I see as the options:
i) use the existing app as is. this should work, but i will need to come up with my personal secret decoder ring of what all the digits will actually mean (i.e. the ir code for digit #1 = "A" on my Xbox controller, digit #7 = switch HDMI to camera input, etc. etc.).
ii) suck it up and buy another device, still have to do decoder ring exercise, no worry about IR connectivity.

the crux of the issue I am hitting is actually getting the IR signal to BOTH devices. to that end, is there any way to select which port on the iTach emits the IR codes? I took a look at the driver and it looks like it MAY be possible to tweak it so all of the emit commands go through port 3 on the iTach (which is the "blaster" port, vs what i presume are the 2 lower powered "emitter" ports. Any thoughts there?

the home run answer is to be able to individually address each of the 3 ports on the iTach. is that doable?

hows about a way to send the SAME IR codes out of all 3 ports?

for another $100 this would all go away, so feel free to tell me to pound salt :slight_smile: but if you think its doable, you can count on at least that much in beer money from me. thanks man!

Glad to hear you're having fun with this one!

I only use one device and then 'choose' which port to send the command through.

Just change the port number in the sendir command
sendir,1:1 - port 1
sendir,1:2 - port 2
sendir,1:3 - port 3

ok...i swear on my life i'm not just saying this....but I found the API overview file on Global Cache like 2 minutes after I posted this and tried it. it works! definitely had a tiger woods fist pump when the xbox made its power up noise...ha!

as Columbo....one last thing....am i right in understanding that each child app has its own discrete on and off buttons? and that the only commands capable of being common to all child apps are the digits 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/0, the enter command, and the digit separator? just want to make sure I know how many slots I have to work with.

thank you!

Your're on your way now!


I'm not able to run Send IP2IR app version 2.0.5. I've added a virtual device with device type IP2IR telnet, the device is on my devices list, it's connected to my iTach and I when I use the "Device Notification" Command, my devices respond to the command.

When I try to run Send IP2IR installation, the virtual device I added doesn't appear in the "Virtual Device created for Send IP2IR" list.

I used package manager to install driver and app. I've tried removing and installing the IP2IR Telnet device. What have I missed?

New version available

2.0.6 - 03/15/21 - Adjustment

OK! That worked. Thanks.

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Just trying to configure this for the first time. I've got the GlobalCache iTach working and sending IR commands using the iLearn.exe. I've got the IP2IR Telnet driver up and running and can send the IR commands using the device notification button.

I'm trying to set up the parent app, but it won't save the app settings and is demanding I enter values in the advanced config where it says: Please enter in the Preset Values in 'Advanced Config' BEFORE creating Child Apps

What am I supposed to enter into these fields?

The IR Code for digits 1 though 0 and 'enter' code

IR Code to Send - Enter

Not sure I understand the purpose of globally setting those IR send codes, or why the fields are mandatory (yet the digit/enter codes are optional). Since I don't intend on using the channel switches, I just put a random value in. That seemed to do the trick.

Great app.

Hello there,

I'm a complete newbie to Hubitat, so bear with me...

As I'm reading this thread it seems like such an awesome app! Thanks for creating it! However, I can't seem to find any instructions on how to use it anywhere. In the docs/readme on GitHub I only find very generic notes and disclaimers, but not really any instructions that help me understand how to actually control my IR devices. I'm also searching this thread, and there's a post that refers to "the instructions", but it doesn't really tell me where to find these...

If there are any such instructions, it would be really helpful if someone could point me to them :slight_smile:


There isn't really much to it. Install the app and follow the prompts. If you have a specific question or get stuck, feel free to ask.

Well, the prompts kind of suppose that I know the lingo of the app, and also IR communication. Which I don't...so it's quite difficult to make sense of what I'm supposed to do.

Reading previous questions, it seems as though I can just put 0 for the required fields in "Advanced Config" (since I won't really use numbers for my IR devices anyways). But I'm not sure if this will cause any other problems to me, considering they are required fields?

Also, I have no idea what a "Child app" is, and how the best way is to set up my system. I have a receiver and a projector. Am I supposed to create one child app for each? Or am I supposed to create one "Parent app" per device? Is Child/Parent app a concept in Hubitat that I can read up on somewhere?

After trying a bit more I assume that "Child app" is just a name for an action/function that will be sent to my devices when interacting with the assigned Switch. And because there's no way to choose which emitter is used I assume that all commands are sent to all emitters, and that I just have to cross my fingers that no commands will be conflicting between the devices.

If the above assumtions is correct, I guess my only question left is which format the IR command is supposed to be pasted in? From iLearn I can choose from "Global Caché", "HEX", "GC Compressed" and "Flex JSON (HTTP)".

If you help me sort this out, and are interested in adding a bit of an introduction somewhere (in a readme or in the app), I could throw a draft together that is written from the perspective of a newbie and what would have saved me a lot of time getting started with this.

Thanks again,

Since you are new, I'll let you know a little about me so my words don't come across offensive. I had a stroke awhile back. My words don't always go from my brain to my mouth/typing the way I think they should. :upside_down_face: So please excuse the short answers and if they don't make sense, you know why! :wink:

Basic structure of Hubitat apps, helps group like apps together. One Parent, many children. Lot's of info about this of the forums and in HE docs.

Yes, these fields are required because people were creating child devices to change the channel and then coming back here saying that it doesn't work. Now you have to put in your send command for each digit before doing anything else. You can put a 0 in there if you want but don't try to make a child to change any channels. :wink:

This is in the manual that came with the device... (see why I don't write much instructions!)

Just change the port number in the sendir command
sendir,1:1 - port 1
sendir,1:2 - port 2
sendir,1:3 - port 3

From post #2...

Hope this helps.

Wonderful! Thanks a million for the pointers!

And no worries at all, I haven't found any of your answers offensive, and I sincerely hope I'm not coming across as such either! I'm sad to hear about your stroke, but am happy that you still have energy to and still find joy (I hope :slight_smile:) in being active here!

Interesting that you mention the "manual that came with the device"...I actually didn't get any manual, and I find the online Global Caché documentation to be extremely hard to find. I only found some scattered "tutorials" that shows some steps to get started, but I haven't been able to find any detailed manual for the iTach IP2IR. Their self-acclaimed "comprehensive support portal" has a whopping one (1) FAQ article about my device :joy: (ok, ok, I know there's an old FAQ also with a few more articles, but the irony of following the link was just a bit like a poke in the wound when I was struggling with setting it up and learning the codes from my remote...)

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Hi just installed and created my first child device. It created the device and it has an on and off button which I wanted to use to turn power on and off. Pictures of device included and the log results I get from this at the bottom. Clearly something is not working correctly but not sure what the problem is?

Also, help me understand why there are 10 spaces for codes in the Advanced config section on the parent? It seems like I have to enter the codes into the child devices anyway and anything I add into the parent doesn't stick. Thanks.

[app:977]( 01:21:35.968 pm [error]( Cannot invoke method deviceNotification() on null object on line 211 (switchHandlerOnOff)

[app:977]( 01:21:35.959 pm [debug]( switchHandlerOnOff - telnet Device: null - mCommands: false - Switch is turned on - msg: sendir,1:3,1,38000,1,69,341,170,21,64,21,64,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,64,21,64,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,64,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,64,21,64,21,21,21,21,21,64,21,64,21,64,21,64,21,21,21,21,21,64,21,64,21,21,21,1517,341,85,21,3655

[dev:1377]( 01:21:35.934 pm [info]( Power was turned on

[app:977]( 01:21:35.168 pm [error]( Cannot invoke method deviceNotification() on null object on line 223 (switchHandlerOnOff)

[app:977]( 01:21:35.162 pm [debug]( switchHandlerOnOff - telnet Device: null - mCommands: false - Switch is turned off - msg: sendir,1:3,1,38000,1,69,341,170,21,64,21,64,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,64,21,64,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,64,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,64,21,64,21,64,21,64,21,64,21,64,21,64,21,64,21,21,21,1517,341,85,21,3655

[dev:1377]( 01:21:35.132 pm [info]( Power was turned off

[dev:1377]( 01:21:33.673 pm [info]( Power is on

Did you go to the device and finish the setup? Show me the device please.

Answered many times in this thread...

Did you hit 'Done' after entering the codes?

Also, please see post #1 on posting logs. :wink:


Thanks for the reply. Here is my version:

  • Send IP2IR Documentation | Community Thread | Donate
    • Send IP2IR v2.0.6 (app)
    • Send IP2IR Child v2.0.5 (app)
    • IP2IR Telnet v1.0.7 (driver)
    • Send IP2IR Switch Driver v1.0.0 (driver)

As for logs. I have debug turned on and I captured all of the lines in the log file that seem to be related. Am I missing something here? I took a screen shot as well just in case.

Here is the device:

Sorry about the question about the default IR codes. I did read through the 218 comments but couldn't figure that out. It only clicked when I went back again and realized that the numbers 1-10 actually referred to digits 1-10 on a remote, not just slots 1-10. So got that now.

Start with step one in the parent app...

Show me that device