Once I was able to prevent the scroll bars the width issue went away.
I am using polling and so far every thing is working.
Several more like these. Before SmartGrid I had a Tile for each switch!
I have enough room on the main dashboard I was able to add this lighing grid.
Thanks for sharing. It is interesting to see how people use it and helps me understand what is important and what is not.
Currently I'm working on adding a few of the common sensors (contacts, leak and temperature) as well as having the option to pin controls and sensors if desired.
This would allow you to combine your door locks with your contacts which I'm guessing is the ideal. You do not need to show the Pin column in order for it to be in effect.
I'd like to try playing with the advanced Remote Builder. I have Tile Builder advanced, but I'm not able to use the same license key. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here?
The license keys are only good for the Hub they are activated on. Have you by chance migrated to a new hub since you first installed Tile Builder about 18 months ago?
I think if you activate it and migrate to a new Hub it will still work but it won’t reactivate.
Yes that would probably be it. I moved from a C-5 to a C-8, which crapped out and now I'm on a new C-8. Tile Builder shows as licensed, but the key doesn't work anywhere else. Thanks for the response.
I became aware of this issue yesterday where Tile Builder was migrated from one Hub to another but could not be properly re-activated on the new hub, even with the correct key. I just pushed out Tile Builder Parent V1.5.5 that corrects this issue when the correct key is applied.
I re-upped anyway because your work is certainly worth it!
ETA: Still not working with remote builder but I’m sure it will be fine with a new key.
Just wanted to let you know I have not forgotten about this. I have an update to SmartGrid to push out, hopefully tomorrow. Once that is done this should be a fairly quick fix although it sounds like it would need to be applied to the button remotes also?
Just to let you know that you can download SmartGrid 3.1.0 via HPM.
Feature Adds:
Pinning of devices and contacts. Pinned objects are always visible regardless of any filters.
Addition of contacts, temperature and water sensors as options to include in the list. Includes the option of filtering out "normal" sensor conditions, i.e. closed contacts, dry water sensors or temp sensors within a given range.
Device renaming similar to Tile Builder.
Improved handling of classes and icon appearance.
Added temperature and battery as options for the Info column as many contact sensors also support these two attributes.
Performance improvements:
Caching of data on the Hub and using lookups to state vs API calls.
Reduced size of transfers between Hub and client.
Streamlined gathering of data for Info columns, only needed data retrieved so less Hub stress.
Notable changes:
The definition of a lock has changed. The active state of a lock is now considered to be "locked". The inactive state is now "unlocked".
Known Issues:
JavaScript uses session storage meaning that preferences within the same browser window (tab) is shared between iFrame instances. Setting the column sort preference on one iFrame will get picked up by the others in the same browser window (tab). This is fixable, but it is not fixed in this release. Pretty soon.
This has not been done yet but will follow in the next few days.
SmartGrid Version 3.1.1 was just released to HPM. This addresses the sorting issue in the above release notes whereby multiple SmartGrids on the same browser tab (i.e. a Hubitat Dashboard) were sharing their sorting preferences. Now they are separate to each SmartGrid within a browser tab..
Very Nice. Thanks again for making Dashboards awesome and way better than the defaults.
Here is one I was able to combine door locks and contact sensors. Very cool!
Not sure why but whatever I change the header text size to, when a column is selected/sorted on, the header name is enlarged more than the setting I gave as well as bolded. Can that be reduced to the same as the value I set for the header. I also don't like the background color lightening. I would prefer the background color I set or at lease an option to define it.
Maybe, in a future version, we can get an override for the default icon image as well an override for the State?
This is all your fault Gary with giving us so many options in your other software.
It has to do with the presence of the sort direction indicators and the bolding. They make the text wider and can result in the column widths re-sizing. I've opted to use an underline plus a background gradient instead so that the column width remains constant and its a smoother look when you click on a sort header.
The background gradient is light to dark (A-Z) or dark to light (Z-A) using a half tone of the user selected color.
I think the gradient is a little more pleasing but you can let me know.
I'm using the Google Materials icon set which I believe is the same one Hubitat used to use but they seem to have moved to something else now. I agree some customization would be desirable but their is limited suitability at present. A search for the word switch of Materials font gives these results.
There are more potential options for the Control and it is something I'd consider in the future.
P.S. There is now Device Name Modification in Grid to rein in those long device names.
SmartGrid Version 3.1.3 has just been uploaded and is available via HPM.
Fixes sort order error with the State column. When sorting on the State column the secondary key is now always the Name column in A-Z order.
Change behaviour of the sort column header. I have eliminated the direction indicators and the bolding in favor of a subtle background color hint to eliminate the column resizing that would sometimes occur.
You can change these colors if you wish.
Let me know if you encounter any issues.
FYI I just noticed I had the filename wrong in GitHub (dashes instead of underscores) so if you already tried to update to 3.1.3 you should do an HPM repair on Remote Builder. It is corrected for anyone updating from this time forward.
Has the lineup of Pico remotes been considered for inclusion?
No issue with the new build and thank you for the changes to the headers. Also, I didn't know I needed the Device Name Modification until you pointed it out. Thanks.
I look forward to what you may have up next.
The idea did occur to me but overall Im not sure how much traction these remotes are getting so I’m taking a wait and see approach to them and putting my efforts into SmartGrid at the moment.
Just started playing around with smart grid. Amazing.
am i missing something though? I'm getting the scroll bar on the side. Can this be removed?
Also for order, is there a way you can implement a custom sort order? A way to manually set up the order of elements in the table. This will be handy if a temp or contact sensor needs to be next to a switch as temp and contact sensors don't have a name modification.
-For temp sensors, can we add a decimal place modification? I have temp sensors that read between 22.5-23.5
The scrollbar on the side should only appear when the table length exceeds the size of the viewport. For example, if I change my preview length to shorter then the scrollbars will appear. If I make it longer then it will disappear.
Note that the Max Width setting actually carries into the final result whereas the Preview Height does not.
If this does not address your concern then post a pic so I can see what is going on.
I can see why you say that, but actually the Device Name Modification does apply to both the Controls and Sensors. I just chose to include it on the Controls real estate as it has the higher visibility.
The names of the devices is the primary sort order so you do have some control although I realise it's limitations. You can also include the roomName column and sort on this if that helps. I have enquired whether the Tags and Notes features in 2.4.X can be accessed programmatically which would probably be the best option.
Yes, that is an easy one and makes sense for Celsius. You will have the option for 0 or 1 decimal places.