Cannot hide column C, though I cannot turn on column a/b with hide c on. I think the two are intermixed somehow.
I like the fan controls, but it doesn't appear I can only display those without displaying dimmer bar. Unfortunately, my wife will constantly change the dimmer by accident. So unable to display A/B.
If I did display column A/B, it cuts the device name in 1/2 or more. There does not appear a way to adjust column width individually. I would gladly sacrifice space in column A/B to read device names. Full name appears with A/B is off.
When sort is first set to state then name, a device change reverts it to sort by name.
If I wasn't trying to use smartgrid as simple dashboard on a phone, these column size issues would not be a problem on windows screen.
No custom CSS here. How can I get the remote inside the tile to scale?
Edit: This is in Firefox on MacOS. In Chrome or Safari, the remote scales fine. I'll poke around a bit...
... and having poked around, it looks like the constraining element is the <div> that contains the iframe, but I can't tell why -- it has a height and width of 100%, but its calculated height is 150px even though the containing <div style="tile-primary"> has a calculated height of 414px. In Chrome, both of those have a calculated height of 414px.
and I think what you are saying is that if it looked like this:
[div style='height:100%; width:100%; scrolling:no; overflow:hidden;'][iframe src= style='height: 100%; width:100%; border: none; scrolling:no; overflow: hidden;position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; bottom: 0px;'][/iframe][div]
Now I notice that my closing [div] isn't closing as it's missing the /. Perhaps that is something to do with it. Would you mind trying that first? If you go into the storage device you can just copy the link from the state variables, close the [div] and then paste the modified link directly in there using createTile and then placing the attribute on your Dash.
If that does not correct it I have no issue with adding those parameters as they seem to have no negative impact on Chrome.
Well I'm glad you pointed out that storage device page, because what I was suggesting was absolutely-positioning the remote over the whole page, whoops! So that approach alone isn't gonna work.
This turned out to be trickier than I expected, but I think I've got it working.
The thing I missed was that in the context of a dashboard, the parent div is using display: table-cell. So for the dashboard, this will work:
(The calc(100%) converts 100% to a pixel measurement, which I noticed that the tile-primary class is also using and turns out to be a handy way to provide a dynamic, but not percentage-based, size for the iframe to fill. So far so good for the dashboard.)
Unfortunately, on the storage device page's "Current States" section, the resulting remote is tiny tiny, since now we're not falling back to a 150px-default iframe height. I would fix that by adding a fixed height to the unstyled div that contains the remote, or by adding a minimum height for a remote:
This definitely stretches my CSS knowledge so please don't take my word on any of that and test it out I did make sure it looked correct on the dashboard in Firefox, Chrome and Safari on my Mac.
How can I get rid of scroll bars when using a SmartGrid on a Dashboard? I have increased the tile sizes and for the scrollbars to be gone the tile is way to large. Using Edge/Chrome
Here is my example. 1st Tile size is 2 x 3 and the 2nd Tile is 3 x 3
I really like SmartGrid. I have 5 of them now on my main dashboard.
A found a couple of issues and looking at the code I was able to resolve them. First was the beige background that I could not get rid of in the UI. It was in the code for some reason and I just removed it. On the same @media line on 1720.
The other issue was the scroll bars. Unless I oversized the dashboard tile they would show unless I reduced the smartgrid padding and text sizes to smaller than I wanted it. Finally I saw in the code a /* Eliminates scrollbars that was commented out that I uncommented on Line 1726. Now it's perfect!
I'm not clear on the width issue? Your two latter images show a clear height issue which you now have a solution for but whatever the width issue it's not clear from the images.