Did your trip start Aug 19th? It sounds like the mobile app got a ton of queued up locations, couldn't call home before, and now is struggling to offload them.
If you reboot the phone, does it fix itself? Let me know and I can raise this with the iOS dev's.
I flew to Europe on Aug 15th. Between then and last night, I was on some very slow and to some degree restricted wi-fi networks, so this explanation sounds plausible to me. In fact, last location fix has progressed from Aug 19 to Aug 20 today. Phone has been rebooted several times and that doesn't seem to flush all the pending updates.
Is there a way to just flush all the pending updates from the client side and start fresh?
Update: Yeah, this is exactly what is happening. I brought up the device page for my presence object and am reliving my travel. I'm up to last Friday now.
The apparent situation in my case (though still speculation) is not just travel. It is travel in conjunction with almost spotty, intermittent, and questionable network connections.
@jbaruch@HAL9000 I'll post an issue on the OwnTracks Github. This is an issue with the phone queuing up a lot of past history, and then struggling to send it home.
If you opened the OT app on the phone, clicked "status", the "endpoint queue" probably at a bazillion locations waiting to sync back to the app.
That would be caused by intermittent network connectivity.
So, we tried to reboot trick without success. However, I switch the mode to 'move' (from 'significant') and the updates into Hubitat are a lot faster now -- its making progress through the backlog of updates! Up to last Thursday so far ...
Less painful than waiting for the waypoints to clear. Once you reinstall the phone app, the HE app will automatically setup the phone app. Last time I did it took 10-15 minutes total if I remember correctly.
C8 latest OS beta
I'm a glutten for punishment
I have everything you've done current; live for the beta.
No debug turned on.
Wife went out today and I didn't get the alert this time at 500 events.
Looks lke I get 30-40 events every time she moves. Varies from 3 minutes to 10 minutes.
Maybe I should pull back a chatty setting; which one?
Could you PM me the contents of her configuration on the phone? (preferences -> configuration management). I'd just like to see if something is set badly that is tripping this up for you.
To put some context around this, not only was my network connectivity rare over the last two weeks, but the few times I did have wi-fi, my iPhone seemed bogged down across all applications. I attributed this to being on the outskirts of Starlink coverage, but there may have been more at play. The OT and other apps may all have been trying to play catch-up.
I was thinking about what would be reasonable for the app to do. If the wi-fi network was marked (in iOS settings specific to the SSID) as low data, would the app behave differently? I don't know if the change in behaviour is at the OS level, or it is just something to tell the app so it may alter its behaviour accordingly.
While suggesting that data be thrown away is sacrilegious, it seems like a backlog of a billion might simply be flushed and focus on getting the most current readings. Or, imagine if, when backlogged, the queue is processed in reverse, with most current entries fed first and leaving the catch-up for historical purposes.
At a minimum, it would be nice if there was a Flush Backlog button in the client app to allow the user to willingly sacrifice older updates to get caught up faster.
Hope the mobile app developer comes up with something clever. I know there's very little you can do on the Hubitat app side to deal with this.
That makes sense, especially for people who don't use recorders and only need the current location to be accurate. I don't care where my phone was when it couldn't connect; I need it to show "present" to turn off HSM