[RELEASE] OwnTracks for Hubitat Presence Detection

Looking in the code it looks like 1.7.58 (May 20th 2024). I ran HPM but it doesn't find any further updates.

Edit: I checked the link in the first post and 1.7.58 is the version currently on GitHub. Both phones are running the latest iOS version of OwnTracks. It may have been some weird issue with the phone.

Hmmm.. that is phone issue. I haven't heard anything like that on the iOS phones though. The 2.5.0 Beta1 Android app would do that.

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No worries. It seemed as though all of the location updates had queued up and were sent in one hit when the app was opened. At least I know just to open the phone app if it goes screwy again.

I wonder if that is iOS sleeping the app if it wasn't used for a while?

Not sure but I wouldn't think so. The app is always fully closed on our phones, rather than running in the background, 'background refresh' is on as is 'always allow location'.

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Is there a reason why I would want to switch from the WebCore app? I have been using WebCore for presence since early days on smart things. My only issue is it is quite chatty.

I recently switched to OwnTracks for Hubitat from Life 360 since Life 360 closed 3rd party access to their API from Hubitat.

IMHO, I would stay with what works for presence detection reliably (in a consistently good or accurate way) for you.


I am having trouble with notifications. I do not have any of my family members listed in the device to get notifications. All I see is a toggle All On/Off check box. What do I need to do the get notifications sent when someone enters or leaves a region?


You need three things:

  1. Hubitat Elevation app needs to be installed on your phone (this will be in the app/play store).
  2. Once that is installed, you should have your phone device in Hubitat for notifications, but you need to select all phones that you'd like to see notifications in the first box:
  3. Once the phone is enabled there, you it will list all members that are registered to the OwnTracks HE app that you can select for the arrival/departure notifications.

The devs pulled this fix into the main code base. Will be part of their next release. :sunglasses:


Little woot time... :wink::grin:

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Glad to hear the OT devs are listening to us HE users!

Just a note, hopefully it will be helpful to others if they see this issue. Not sure if it has already been discussed, I have been skimming this thread more than reading it lately, since my OT integration has been so reliable (a good problem to have :sunglasses:).

Though on to my note now: I switched over to the beta 2.5.0 a couple days ago, Play store version on Android. I noticed it wasn't updating properly initially, though anytime I did a manual update it worked just fine. I then realized Android decided to switch my location permissions to only when I was using the app, and not all the time. No popup of this happening, so I had no idea until I went into settings and checked.

So if anyone updates app versions and notices it isn't updating, check location permissions, it might be as simple of a fix as that. Not sure if this is something with Android security to adjust permissions on updates, or the fact that I went from stable to beta that might have done it. Either way, just a simple PSA since stable 2.5 is hopefully coming soon!


I'm using the sideloaded apk from post #2 (Android). Working very well. A couple of points to ask...

  • Is it possible yet to change the values within the Android app to US Imperial instead of Metric?
  • Is it (or will it be!) possible to see 'friends' on the Android app moving in real time? Seems to be the most glaring feature missing from the 'other' app that everyone is trying to move away from. :wink:
  • Would be great to have an option to add location to waypoints from the expanded user info screen.

Thanks for the considerations :grin:

It's in the original dev's "enhancement" backlog. Currently it does not though. :frowning:

Ahh yes, the app we shall not mention! :joy:
Issue with the mobile app is it only updates the friends when it sends a location report back to Hubitat. To see friends move on the map, you need to trigger a manual location from the app (up arrow on the map) or switch the app to "move mode" where it perpetually sends locations to Hubitat (high battery / data usage though).

There is an improvement ticket with the original app devs to allow waypoints to be created by using that map as well. I'm assuming low priority for them though.

The "best" solution I found for both of your asks is to sign up for a free Google maps API key and configure the HE OwnTracks app:

Once that is done, you have two web links (one for a live family map, one for the region (waypoint) configuration map:

What I did was open them on the Chrome browser on Android (or iOS), and then click the "..." and "add to home page". This creates a shortcut on your phone home page that you can tap to instantly access the two maps.

The family map will refresh every 5-seconds when it's open, so you will see people moving around as they drive.

I just leave the OwnTracks app closed 99.9% of the time. It just runs in the background to feed location updates to HE and then I use the above two links to add regions, check locations, etc.


Working Great over here!
I finally uninstalled L360 on Both phones
Be Gone L360.....
I wish All Customer Support is like you!

Not that i call tech support very often


Than you for the clarification. I thought I had to select Owntrack family members, I did not realize I needed to select the phones.

No problem! The screen is a bit confusing. The "logic" was you could quickly check/uncheck people from the global box if you didn't want notifications instead of drilling into each member to disable them.

I will be the first to say it's not the most intuitive page though.

Anyone else seeing Speed being way off? As I get everything setup, I just tracked my wife going to work. OT says she was going over 60 mph down a little country road. Now she does like to drive fast but her minivan would not be able to take those sharp corners at that speed, lol. Looking at 'L', she was going about 30ish mph.

Using the APK from post #2
Android 14 (Pixel 7a)

Any ideas?

Location accuracy. On our android phones we currently have three location apps. Owntracks apk 2.5.2, Realtime GPS and Life360. For some reason OwnTracks is sometimes a little off. My wife has been in the same place for roughly two hours, Realtime and Life360 are spot on.

Hmm... never checked the speed before for accuracy. It is common for it to report "0 MPH" for a speed when it's grabbing locations from wifi access points vs GPS.

Is it a secluded place? Phone might have got a bad GPS location which would cause a spike in fake speed. Are you using the defaults of the HE app and have allowed "remote configuration" on her OwnTracks mobile app?

Usually that gets filtered with the location accuracy value.