[RELEASE] OwnTracks for Hubitat Presence Detection

Hi guys,
Not sure if this has been reported before, but I am experiencing a strange presence issue where the date and time seem to reset to Thu 1:00 AM 1970-01-01 for some unknown reason (seen it a few times now).

The device below reported the correct arrival time at 17:00, but a couple of hours later, I noticed that it is showing an erroneous date/time below.
It will report the correct location once a new location is detected.

Note that the mobile is still at home and connected to the Home WiFi network!

Any idea what is causing this issue?

Summary: Android phones - App v2.4.17 - only 1 out of 4 devices is showing this issue

Let me check into that. The date "makes sense" since it's the start of EPOCH time. The fact that it's displaying that, does not. :slight_smile:

Are you only seeing this on the "since time"?

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Yes, only seeing this on the "since time"!

Since time correctly updated after a transitionTime, see below:


I cannot thankyou enough. My android and wifes ios is "dialed in" on Owntracks. On-spot.... my friend. I can give life360 the.......@#$$%!
Now I just need to migrate C8 to C8 Pro now. I'll be in-touch for the coffee donations.......

Much thanks....


Which version of the Owntracks app are you using?

Great to hear!

Version 2.4.17

Ahhh that's what I suspected. Can you updated to 2.5.2 from the second post:

It installs right over 2.4.17 (you don't lose anything).

2.4.17 had a bandaid that it would still send home locations even if the location accuracy was bad, but they were "0 time" (which you are seeing). During the cleanup/migration to the 2.5.x, some of that filtering was removed from the HE app (that's why you see it now).

2.5.2 fixes all of that, and is a lot more robust. :+1:

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Ahh, I missed that.
Thanks for making it easy to update.
Great work.


No problem! The newer version has been rock solid stable (at least for me).


Any news about official owntracks android app? Still Beta right?

Yes. Apparently so. They did a Beta3, but not substantial updates to it in the past couple of weeks.


I still haven't have time to migrate c8-c8Pro
Anyhow send over a link or info for donations......

Check ur DM

Thanks again

Is there a minimum radius distance requirement for new regions? I created a new region with a radius of 1000 ft in the Owntracks HE app and click save. When I go back to the region, the radius is 3277 ft. I would like a smaller radius to limit false notifications.

Looks like the app took in meters and spit out feet?
You want 305 meters as an input for 1000 feet.



Thanks for the tip. I set the radius while using metic units then switched back to imperial and is properly reflected 1000 feet.

Thanks for the information. Noticed that official app gives sometimes "app was closed" errors on my android. These error notifications are something new. I really wish that I could start using app version that really works. I do not have possibility to install apps outside of play store. Have to wait..

Can you download the apk file in post 2 to your phone and then install the downloaded apk file.

Nope. Company policy doesn't allow it. :pensive:

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