[RELEASE] OwnTracks for Hubitat Presence Detection

This part is your fault, @lpakula can't code you up some nice weather.
:umbrella: :wink: :rofl:

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On it! :joy:


Please, please, PLEASE!!!!!! It feels like it has rained every day since November.
Let me know when you want a beta tester..... :rofl:


Lost a bit of my morning coffee on this one...you need to warn me before you post stuff like that. :wink: :coffee:

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I'm starting to see some oddities in the last couple of days. However, I made DNS changes (IPV4 and IPV6). Using the Adguard paid version gives a little more control. I did some exclusion to reduce the Processing time and potential blocking conditions. However, I still see these errors.

I have excluded the Hubitat, Google APIs, and Geoapify.
I'm still getting these error messages on my device.

Which version of the OwnTracks app are you running? The 2.5.0 Beta1 would throw errors like that, and was fixed in 2.5.0 Beta2.

It just states it is 2.5.0. I just left the beta testing. I have had some odd issues. I'm hoping that is all it is.

Ahh yeh, there should be a newer version that will fix that. There is a bug in the connection timeout that caused it to timeout and try to reschedule until you stopped moving.

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Bunch of NPEs on 1.7.51 :cry:

java.lang.nullpointerexception: cannot invoke method todouble() on null object on line 2036 (method webhookeventhandler)
updatedevicepresence: exception for member: baruch java.lang.nullpointerexception: cannot invoke method todouble() on null object

Can you open the HE app, and click "done" to see if that fixes it? If it's still happening, check if your "home" is assigned. You may need to "edit" home and just click save.

It did, thank you!


In the next version, I'll catch that better and display clear guidance in the log messages on what to do.


Release a new version with improvements for iOS and for Android 2.5.x when it's released.

  • Clear log indications if there was an issue with the home region, vs the log exception.
  • When regions are sent back to the phone, the old ones are deleted first, and then replaced by the new regions (iOS and Android 2.5.x+)
    • This eliminates the duplicate region names on iOS, and cleans up regions for Android.

I updated this morning and now I'm getting continuous errors filling the logs for both users like this:

I'm getting these for both my wife and myself. We both have 'Home' regions assigned in the app.

Can you open the HE app and then click 'Done' on the bottom right? You may need to migrate your regions.

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I wonder if I've already done this (click 'Done') or am just getting myself confused as to exactly when I ran the update (before or after the errors) It looks as though the errors stopped at 12:36PM and there's a log entry for the driver at 12:37PM:

There have been no errors since then. I've been at 'Home' since then but my wife has only just got in, registering as Present and her user hasn't logged any errors either.

For some reason I have two identical 'Home' regions in my app along with a '+60follow' whereas my wife's app has just one 'Home' and no '+60follow'

iOS use the "+60follow" and Android does not. If you're both on iOS then both of you should have the "follow" regions.

Yeah we're both on iOS (Android ugh :face_vomiting: no thanks - :apple: fanboy here)

I'm not sure then why my wife phone is missing the '+60follow' I'm just using the app as a replacement for Life 360 on my dashboards with HD+. It correctly shows the location for both of us when we're out and shows us as 'Present' when we arrive 'Home' so I guess it's ok. Both phones are still running Locative as well and that's what is used for presence based rules in Hubitat (if it aint broke.....)

I could literally hear you retching. Calm down, no one is trying to take away your petit chou. :wink:

As for "...if it ain't broke, I'll defer to @lpakula to provide any additional advice. My feeling would be better to get things set up the way they are supposed to be, as you may run into unexpected breaking changes in future HE/mobile app updates if you're running w/a non-standard setup. :man_shrugging:


In the "Maintenance" expanding box of the HE app, select both phones in the "Select family member(s) to update location, display and region settings on the next location update" box and click "Done".

Then wait until the phone reports a location or click the up arrow to force a location update. That will resync all the regions and fix that missing +60follow.