[RELEASE] OwnTracks for Hubitat Presence Detection

It looks like that is what might have happened. Of course, fixing it didn’t resolve the issue; I had to delete all the points and start anew. Perhaps the developer of OwnTracks should set the default radius to 1 to eliminate this issue.

1 Like

It is not, there are no private devices set.

I have scrubbed the lat/long but here is the log (with debug on) of a manual push, force sync in the app, manual push, manual push.

app:27672024-04-20 11:32:42.792 AMdebugOwnTracks: Updating user: Kevin with data: [[_type:location, t:u, lat:34, lon:-118, tst:1713636337, tid:Colin, batt:99, acc:16, alt:140, vel:0, bs:1], [_type:location, t:u, lat:34, lon:-118, tst:1713631249, tid:Trish, batt:89, acc:35, alt:179, bs:2], [_type:cmd, action:setConfiguration, configuration:[_type:configuration, pegLocatorFastestIntervalToInterval:false, locatorPriority:3]]]
app:27672024-04-20 11:32:42.785 AMinfoOwnTracks: Requesting a high accuracy location update for Kevin
app:27672024-04-20 11:32:42.577 AMdebugOwnTracks: Updating 'Manual' presence for member Presence - OwnTracks Kevin
app:27672024-04-20 11:32:42.574 AMdebugOwnTracks: OwnTracks: Delta between location events, member: Kevin, Distance: 0 ft, Time: 0 s
app:27672024-04-20 11:32:42.568 AMdebugOwnTracks: Received update' from user: 'Kevin', deviceID: 'iPhoneXs', data: [acc:5, conn:w, alt:176, _type:location, lon:-118, m:1, tid:XS, p:99.613, batt:80, bs:1, BSSID:a0:4:60:21:d0:9f, t:u, tst:1713637962, vac:3, topic:owntracks/Kevin/iPhoneXs, vel:0, SSID:NGN, lat:34]
app:27672024-04-20 11:32:29.912 AMdebugOwnTracks: Updating user: Kevin with data: [[_type:location, t:u, lat:34, lon:-118, tst:1713636337, tid:Colin, batt:99, acc:16, alt:140, vel:0, bs:1], [_type:location, t:u, lat:34, lon:-118, tst:1713631249, tid:Trish, batt:89, acc:35, alt:179, bs:2], [_type:cmd, action:setWaypoints, waypoints:[_type:waypoints, waypoints:[[rad:50, tst:1700000000, _type:waypoint, lon:0.0, lat:0.0, desc:+60follow], [rad:73, tst:1713254176, _type:waypoint, lon:-117, lat:33, desc:Home], [rad:73, tst:1713254359, _type:waypoint, lon:-118, lat:34, desc:Home2]]]], [_type:cmd, action:setConfiguration, configuration:[_type:configuration, mode:3, autostartOnBoot:true, cmd:true, remoteConfiguration:true, reverseGeocodeProvider:Device, allowRemoteLocation:true, connectionTimeoutSeconds:30, debugLog:false, dontReuseHttpClient:false, experimentalFeatures:[], fusedRegionDetection:true, notificationHigherPriority:false, opencageApiKey:, pegLocatorFastestIntervalToInterval:true, monitoring:1, locatorPriority:2, locatorDisplacement:50, locatorInterval:60, moveModeLocatorInterval:30, ignoreInaccurateLocations:150, ignoreStaleLocations:7.0, ping:30, notificationLocation:false, pubExtendedData:true, notificationEvents:true, enableMapRotation:true, showRegionsOnMap:true, notificationGeocoderErrors:false]]]
app:27672024-04-20 11:32:29.896 AMdebugOwnTracks: Updating configuration: [_type:cmd, action:setConfiguration, configuration:[_type:configuration, mode:3, autostartOnBoot:true, cmd:true, remoteConfiguration:true, reverseGeocodeProvider:Device, allowRemoteLocation:true, connectionTimeoutSeconds:30, debugLog:false, dontReuseHttpClient:false, experimentalFeatures:[], fusedRegionDetection:true, notificationHigherPriority:false, opencageApiKey:, pegLocatorFastestIntervalToInterval:true, monitoring:1, locatorPriority:2, locatorDisplacement:50, locatorInterval:60, moveModeLocatorInterval:30, ignoreInaccurateLocations:150, ignoreStaleLocations:7.0, ping:30, notificationLocation:false, pubExtendedData:true, notificationEvents:true, enableMapRotation:true, showRegionsOnMap:true, notificationGeocoderErrors:false]]
app:27672024-04-20 11:32:29.837 AMinfoOwnTracks: Updating configuration for user Kevin
app:27672024-04-20 11:32:29.828 AMinfoOwnTracks: Updating waypoints for user Kevin
app:27672024-04-20 11:32:29.651 AMdebugOwnTracks: Updating 'Manual' presence for member Presence - OwnTracks Kevin
app:27672024-04-20 11:32:29.648 AMdebugOwnTracks: OwnTracks: Delta between location events, member: Kevin, Distance: 0 ft, Time: 0 s
app:27672024-04-20 11:32:29.645 AMdebugOwnTracks: Coodindate lookup results in addess: 1937 La France Avenue, South Pasadena, CA 91030, United States of America
app:27672024-04-20 11:32:28.612 AMdebugOwnTracks: Received update' from user: 'Kevin', deviceID: 'iPhoneXs', data: [acc:5, conn:w, alt:176, _type:location, lon:-118, m:1, tid:XS, p:99.614000000000004, batt:80, bs:1, BSSID:a0:4:60:21:d0:9f, t:u, tst:1713637948, vac:3, topic:owntracks/Kevin/iPhoneXs, vel:0, SSID:NGN, lat:34]
app:27672024-04-20 11:32:11.699 AMdebugOwnTracks: Check members for stale locations.
app:27672024-04-20 11:32:11.685 AMdebugOwnTracks: Leaving Trish device name as 'Presence - OwnTracks Trish'
app:27672024-04-20 11:32:11.680 AMdebugOwnTracks: Leaving Kevin device name as 'Presence - OwnTracks Kevin'
app:27672024-04-20 11:32:11.675 AMdebugOwnTracks: Leaving Colin device name as 'Presence - OwnTracks Colin'
app:27672024-04-20 11:32:11.658 AMinfoOwnTracks: Updated
app:27672024-04-20 11:31:39.662 AMdebugOwnTracks: Updating user: Kevin with data: [[_type:location, t:u, lat:34, lon:-118, tst:1713636337, tid:Colin, batt:99, acc:16, alt:140, vel:0, bs:1], [_type:location, t:u, lat:34, lon:-118, tst:1713631249, tid:Trish, batt:89, acc:35, alt:179, bs:2], [_type:cmd, action:setConfiguration, configuration:[_type:configuration, pegLocatorFastestIntervalToInterval:false, locatorPriority:3]]]
app:27672024-04-20 11:31:39.655 AMinfoOwnTracks: Requesting a high accuracy location update for Kevin
app:27672024-04-20 11:31:39.472 AMdebugOwnTracks: Updating 'Manual' presence for member Presence - OwnTracks Kevin
app:27672024-04-20 11:31:39.469 AMdebugOwnTracks: OwnTracks: Delta between location events, member: Kevin, Distance: 0 ft, Time: 0 s
app:27672024-04-20 11:31:39.464 AMdebugOwnTracks: Received update' from user: 'Kevin', deviceID: 'iPhoneXs', data: [acc:19, conn:w, alt:181, _type:location, created_at:1713637899, lon:-118, m:1, tid:XS, p:99.614999999999995, batt:80, bs:1, BSSID:a0:4:60:21:d0:9f, t:u, tst:1713637894, vac:14, topic:owntracks/Kevin/iPhoneXs, SSID:NGN, lat:34]
app:27672024-04-20 11:30:20.889 AMdebugOwnTracks: Kevin's position is stale. Requesting a high accuracy location update.

You know that's @lpakula, right? :slight_smile:

ok, now im getting 3 departed from work notifications at the exact same time.

This morning I got another 3 notifications for 'arrived at work' all at the same time.

First of all wanted to express my gratitude to @lpakula for developing this for Hubitat - it's a pleasure to not have to worry about Life360 integration.

I also announce arrivals but I do not use OwnTracks to do it, I've always had Rule Machine announce when someone arrives. Shortly after 4:30am my partner and I were woken up to an announcement that I had arrived. When I looked at the events for my Owntracks device it showed me departing and then arriving about 30 seconds later. Of course my device was right here the whole time.

A full 10 minutes later (4:42am) my partner was announced, the logs for that device show the same departed/arrived cycle took place but it happened 4 times in the span of 5 seconds.

My hub rebooted just before these events as I have backup script that reboots the hub when its done. I'm sure it's related to the reboot and that I could modify my rules to catch this, but I imagine it shouldn't be seeing departed/arrived events when everything is initialized so thought I'd share my observations in hopes we can prevent this at the source.

Do you have the Wi-Fi setting enabled in the app, that will keep it from thinking you've gone in returned when you're on the Wi-Fi at your home location.

I know he makes the Hubitat app, but I was referring to the iPhone app.

1 Like

Yes, I have my SSID defined and would think that's a good safeguard. The logged events show data connection changing to mobile and then back in conjunction with the alerts, but I wouldn't have expected a departure event unless the device actually leaves and the wifi is not connected. FWIW my wireless access point logs don't show disconnects during that time. Thanks for the suggestion though!

Ah, thanksl...just wanted to confirm. :slight_smile:

I'll poke their development space about this. You cannot make a region with a lat/lon, but they seemed to miss screening for no radius.

Could you select that phone here:

Click "Done" in the bottom right, and then do the manual trigger again? That will force the HE app to update all the regions on the phone. Thanks!

Is this from the Hubitat logs that showed this? iOS or Android phone? For that SSID configuration page, what is the radius you have selected there?

You may need to make this larger if the HE logs are showing that the phone was much further away when this happened:

What we have seen is the ISP sometimes does something wonky and reports the lat/lon from internet box feeding the neighborhood, vs your actual home lat/lon. That would make the OwnTracks mobile app send out a location that "appeared" you transitioned away from home, and when the ISP fixes it, then back again. (maybe they rebooted the curb side box or something...)

That is what I did when I said I did "force sync in the app", but I did it again, still no regions on iPhone, and here is the log:

app:27672024-04-20 04:22:19.509 PMdebugOwnTracks: Updating user: Kevin with data: [[_type:location, t:u, lat:34, lon:-118, tst:1713654347, tid:Colin, batt:73, acc:6, alt:142, vel:0, bs:1], [_type:location, t:u, lat:34, lon:-118, tst:1713648889, tid:Trish, batt:44, acc:11, alt:177, vel:3, bs:1], [_type:cmd, action:setWaypoints, waypoints:[_type:waypoints, waypoints:[[rad:50, tst:1700000000, _type:waypoint, lon:0.0, lat:0.0, desc:+60follow], [rad:73, tst:1713254176, _type:waypoint, lon:-117, lat:33, desc:Home], [rad:73, tst:1713254359, _type:waypoint, lon:-118, lat:34, desc:Home2]]]], [_type:cmd, action:setConfiguration, configuration:[_type:configuration, mode:3, autostartOnBoot:true, cmd:true, remoteConfiguration:true, reverseGeocodeProvider:Device, allowRemoteLocation:true, connectionTimeoutSeconds:30, debugLog:false, dontReuseHttpClient:false, experimentalFeatures:[], fusedRegionDetection:true, notificationHigherPriority:false, opencageApiKey:, pegLocatorFastestIntervalToInterval:true, monitoring:1, locatorPriority:2, locatorDisplacement:50, locatorInterval:60, moveModeLocatorInterval:30, ignoreInaccurateLocations:150, ignoreStaleLocations:7.0, ping:30, notificationLocation:false, pubExtendedData:true, notificationEvents:true, enableMapRotation:true, showRegionsOnMap:true, notificationGeocoderErrors:false]]]
app:27672024-04-20 04:22:19.455 PMdebugOwnTracks: Updating configuration: [_type:cmd, action:setConfiguration, configuration:[_type:configuration, mode:3, autostartOnBoot:true, cmd:true, remoteConfiguration:true, reverseGeocodeProvider:Device, allowRemoteLocation:true, connectionTimeoutSeconds:30, debugLog:false, dontReuseHttpClient:false, experimentalFeatures:[], fusedRegionDetection:true, notificationHigherPriority:false, opencageApiKey:, pegLocatorFastestIntervalToInterval:true, monitoring:1, locatorPriority:2, locatorDisplacement:50, locatorInterval:60, moveModeLocatorInterval:30, ignoreInaccurateLocations:150, ignoreStaleLocations:7.0, ping:30, notificationLocation:false, pubExtendedData:true, notificationEvents:true, enableMapRotation:true, showRegionsOnMap:true, notificationGeocoderErrors:false]]
app:27672024-04-20 04:22:19.447 PMinfoOwnTracks: Updating configuration for user Kevin
app:27672024-04-20 04:22:19.438 PMinfoOwnTracks: Updating waypoints for user Kevin
app:27672024-04-20 04:22:19.252 PMdebugOwnTracks: Updating 'Manual' presence for member Presence - OwnTracks Kevin
app:27672024-04-20 04:22:19.249 PMdebugOwnTracks: OwnTracks: Delta between location events, member: Kevin, Distance: 0 ft, Time: 0 s
app:27672024-04-20 04:22:19.243 PMdebugOwnTracks: Received update' from user: 'Kevin', deviceID: 'iPhoneXs', data: [acc:5, conn:w, alt:177, _type:location, lon:-118, m:1, tid:XS, p:99.305000000000007, batt:69, bs:1, BSSID:a0:4:60:21:d0:9f, t:u, tst:1713655338, vac:3, topic:owntracks/Kevin/iPhoneXs, vel:0, SSID:NGN, lat:34]

When you add your phone, click "Done" and then re-open the HE app, do you see your user with a bunch of pending updates like this?

When it's selected, it will set the 'Update Region/Location/Display' to 'Pending' waiting to send back that information.

Once the location comes from the phone, you should see a message that waypoints and configuration are being sent:

@cjkeenan sorry, ignore the above, it looks like from the first line of the log that it's sending back a +60Follow, Home and Home2 to the iPhone. Can you check your OwnTracks log on the phone to see if it's erroring on anything?

Looks like in the upcoming Android version this was fixed (so should be in iOS as well). It now defaults to 20m instead of blank like before. You can explicitly set it to 0m if you desire, but that isn't the default. :+1:

I think I might have found it:

2024-04-21T18:59:37.701Z  [Settings][setWaypoints] waypoint does not contain valid tst
2024-04-21T18:59:37.701Z  [Settings][setWaypoints] waypoint does not contain valid tst
2024-04-21T18:59:37.702Z  [Settings][setWaypoints] waypoint does not contain valid tst
2024-04-21T18:59:37.723Z  [OwnTracking] unhandled record type for own device _type:cmd
2024-04-21T18:59:37.724Z  [OwnTracking] unhandled record type for own device _type:cmd

It appears that the timestamp has a weird space character in it that might be throwing everything off. In my day job I know this type of thing can wreck havoc when developing in windows and deploying to unix/linux

2024-04-21T18:59:35.470Z  [Connection] state connecting (1)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.666Z  [Connection] state connected (3)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.676Z  [Connection] HTTP 200 incomingData [
        "_type": "cmd",
        "action": "setWaypoints",
        "waypoints": {
            "_type": "waypoints",
            "waypoints": [
                    "rad": "50",
                    "tst": "1700000000",
                    "_type": "waypoint",
                    "lon": "0.0",
                    "lat": "0.0",
                    "desc": "+60follow"
                    "rad": "73",
                    "tst": "1713254176",
                    "_type": "waypoint",
                    "lon": "-117",
                    "lat": "33",
                    "desc": "Home"
                    "rad": "73",
                    "tst": "1713254359",
                    "_type": "waypoint",
                    "lon": "-118",
                    "lat": "34",
                    "desc": "Home2"
        "_type": "cmd",
        "action": "setConfiguration",
        "configuration": {
            "_type": "configuration",
            "mode": 3,
            "autostartOnBoot": true,
            "cmd": true,
            "remoteConfiguration": true,
            "reverseGeocodeProvider": "Device",
            "allowRemoteLocation": true,
            "connectionTimeoutSeconds": 30,
            "debugLog": false,
            "dontReuseHttpClient": false,
            "experimentalFeatures": [
            "fusedRegionDetection": true,
            "notificationHigherPriority": false,
            "opencageApiKey": "",
            "pegLocatorFastestIntervalToInterval": true,
            "monitoring": 1,
            "locatorPriority": 2,
            "locatorDisplacement": 50,
            "locatorInterval": 60,
            "moveModeLocatorInterval": 30,
            "ignoreInaccurateLocations": 150,
            "ignoreStaleLocations": 7.0,
            "ping": 30,
            "notificationLocation": false,
            "pubExtendedData": true,
            "notificationEvents": true,
            "enableMapRotation": true,
            "showRegionsOnMap": true,
            "notificationGeocoderErrors": false
2024-04-21T18:59:37.680Z  [Connection] oneMessage {
    "_type" = cmd;
    action = setWaypoints;
    waypoints =     {
        "_type" = waypoints;
        waypoints =         (
                "_type" = waypoint;
                desc = "+60follow";
                lat = "0.0";
                lon = "0.0";
                rad = 50;
                tst = 1700000000;
                "_type" = waypoint;
                desc = "Home";
                lat = "33";
                lon = "-117";
                rad = 73;
                tst = 1713254176;
                "_type" = waypoint;
                desc = "Home2";
                lat = "34";
                lon = "-118";
                rad = 73;
                tst = 1713254359;
2024-04-21T18:59:37.684Z  [Connection] oneMessage topic owntracks/Kevin/iPhoneXs
2024-04-21T18:59:37.685Z  [Connection] oneMessage {
    "_type" = cmd;
    action = setConfiguration;
    configuration =     {
        "_type" = configuration;
        allowRemoteLocation = 1;
        autostartOnBoot = 1;
        cmd = 1;
        connectionTimeoutSeconds = 30;
        debugLog = 0;
        dontReuseHttpClient = 0;
        enableMapRotation = 1;
        experimentalFeatures =         (
        fusedRegionDetection = 1;
        ignoreInaccurateLocations = 150;
        ignoreStaleLocations = 7;
        locatorDisplacement = 50;
        locatorInterval = 60;
        locatorPriority = 2;
        mode = 3;
        monitoring = 1;
        moveModeLocatorInterval = 30;
        notificationEvents = 1;
        notificationGeocoderErrors = 0;
        notificationHigherPriority = 0;
        notificationLocation = 0;
        opencageApiKey = "";
        pegLocatorFastestIntervalToInterval = 1;
        ping = 30;
        pubExtendedData = 1;
        remoteConfiguration = 1;
        reverseGeocodeProvider = Device;
        showRegionsOnMap = 1;
2024-04-21T18:59:37.687Z  [Connection] oneMessage topic owntracks/Kevin/iPhoneXs
2024-04-21T18:59:37.687Z  [Connection] state starting (0)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.701Z  [Settings][setWaypoints] waypoint does not contain valid tst
2024-04-21T18:59:37.701Z  [Settings][setWaypoints] waypoint does not contain valid tst
2024-04-21T18:59:37.702Z  [Settings][setWaypoints] waypoint does not contain valid tst
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration dontReuseHttpClient:0 (__NSCFBoolean)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration monitoring:1 (__NSCFNumber)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration _type:configuration (__NSCFConstantString)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration experimentalFeatures:(
) (__NSArray0)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration moveModeLocatorInterval:30 (__NSCFNumber)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration fusedRegionDetection:1 (__NSCFBoolean)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration pubExtendedData:1 (__NSCFBoolean)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration cmd:1 (__NSCFBoolean)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration notificationEvents:1 (__NSCFBoolean)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration allowRemoteLocation:1 (__NSCFBoolean)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration connectionTimeoutSeconds:30 (__NSCFNumber)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration enableMapRotation:1 (__NSCFBoolean)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration locatorPriority:2 (__NSCFNumber)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration ignoreStaleLocations:7 (__NSCFNumber)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration showRegionsOnMap:1 (__NSCFBoolean)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration reverseGeocodeProvider:Device (NSTaggedPointerString)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration debugLog:0 (__NSCFBoolean)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration notificationGeocoderErrors:0 (__NSCFBoolean)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration opencageApiKey: (__NSCFConstantString)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration remoteConfiguration:1 (__NSCFBoolean)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration locatorInterval:60 (__NSCFNumber)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration pegLocatorFastestIntervalToInterval:1 (__NSCFBoolean)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration notificationLocation:0 (__NSCFBoolean)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration autostartOnBoot:1 (__NSCFBoolean)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration ignoreInaccurateLocations:150 (__NSCFNumber)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration mode:3 (__NSCFNumber)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration locatorDisplacement:50 (__NSCFNumber)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration ping:30 (__NSCFNumber)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.706Z  Configuration notificationHigherPriority:0 (__NSCFBoolean)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.710Z  [LocationManager] set monitoring=1
2024-04-21T18:59:37.715Z  [LocationManager] set monitoring=1
2024-04-21T18:59:37.716Z  [LocationManager] set monitoring=1
2024-04-21T18:59:37.719Z  [OwnTracksAppDelegate] reconnect
2024-04-21T18:59:37.719Z  [Connection] disconnect
2024-04-21T18:59:37.720Z  [Connection] httpHeaders (
2024-04-21T18:59:37.720Z  [Connection] state starting (0)
2024-04-21T18:59:37.723Z  [OwnTracking] unhandled record type for own device _type:cmd
2024-04-21T18:59:37.724Z  [OwnTracking] unhandled record type for own device _type:cmd
2024-04-21T18:59:37.783Z  [LocationManager] Location: <+34,-118> +/- 61.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 4/21/24, 11:56:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time last: <+34,-118> +/- 35.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 4/21/24, 11:59:37 AM Pacific Daylight Time Δs:-184.651473/60.000000 Δm:645.802963/50.000000
2024-04-21T19:06:59.434Z  [Connection] idle
2024-04-21T19:06:59.488Z  [LocationManager] Location: <+34,-118> +/- 35.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 4/21/24, 12:06:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time last: <+34,-118> +/- 35.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 4/21/24, 11:59:37 AM Pacific Daylight Time Δs:441.601955/60.000000 Δm:6.624532/50.000000
2024-04-21T19:07:07.718Z  [OwnTracksAppDelegate] applicationDidBecomeActive
2024-04-21T19:07:07.718Z  [Connection] connectToLast
2024-04-21T19:07:07.721Z  [LocationManager] startBackgroundTimer
2024-04-21T19:07:17.724Z  [LocationManager] Location: <+34,-118> +/- 14.18m (speed 0.54 mps / course 202.96) @ 4/21/24, 12:07:17 PM Pacific Daylight Time last: <+34,-118> +/- 17.04m (speed 0.83 mps / course 207.77) @ 4/21/24, 12:07:15 PM Pacific Daylight Time Δs:1.546807/60.000000 Δm:3.568852/50.000000
2024-04-21T19:07:48.352Z  [Connection] idle
2024-04-21T19:07:49.208Z  [OwnTracksAppDelegate] applicationWillResignActive
2024-04-21T19:07:49.843Z  [OwnTracksAppDelegate] applicationDidEnterBackground
2024-04-21T19:07:49.844Z  [Connection] disconnect

Thanks for that log. I need to check into what they changed on the iOS side. All that is sent back to the phone is a Epoch time that the phone app converts into an actual time.

That is being sent back as a number, but wondering if they are now expecting a string, hence the failure.

1 Like

I really appreciate the efforts so far to determine what's going on. First to answer questions above my high accuracy reporting radius is set to the default 750m.

More interestingly I was able to reproduce the behavior at will by rebooting my hub a few minutes ago. To test, I first confirmed in the hubitat device pages that they both report the correct location, present, wifi SSID connected, and that they're in region. Rebooted the hub, a couple minutes after coming up one user was announced as arriving. When I looked at the device events more closely (this was me) it showed me as departing at 9:55:10am, shows me moving about, then arriving home at 9:55:38, Here's the hopefully helpful information - everything about the trip was correct, but took place from 6-7am. These log entries show the correct times in the payload/value column, but they're logged in Hubitat after the reboot.

New theory: it seems the device is accurately tracking but not sending the events to owntracks app immediately? And one more info that may entirely vindicate owntracks - I noticed my google home was "unable to reach the hubitat" before the reboot. Thinking now my hubitat cloud connection is not working properly which would have caused the events to queue up.

I think you are right, in most examples it presents it as a number, but for the second example it uses a string so maybe either way work?

But here it states "tst Timestamp of creation of region, copied into the wtst element of the transition message (iOS,Android/integer/epoch/required)" so maybe its an iOS app bug?