[RELEASE] OwnTracks for Hubitat Presence Detection

Let me circle back on that one to see what I can do. What is happening is some of those fields force the app to update immediately (like change metric/imperial for example). When that happens, the page refreshes, and the defaults back to those sections being closed.

I'll see if there is a way to retain a state to stop that from happening.


Ok, pushed another version to address the issue @iJester pointed out about the local Google Family map link not showing members.

This is now fixed, but did require a bit of restructuring to make it all right. Let me know if you see anything wrong (seems to be fine from all the links/pages I clicked, but just in case!)


Oh sure, @iJester gets what he wants, but me, oh nooooooo... :wink:

Thanks for allowing me to relive my whiny childhood for just a moment. :rofl: Things are always more complicated than I expect, don't worry too much about my request if it means taking things apart... :slight_smile:


Oh, I can guarantee what you are "complaining" about is annoying me too. :rofl:


Where do you find the time!

@lpakula - I am getting excessive events warning from the hub. Do I have something set wrong?

It looks like it didn't get the settings pushed back to the phone.

Can you check that these are set on the phone:

  • Android: "remote commands" and "remote configuration"
  • iOS: "cmd"

And then on the main HE app screen, click "Maintenance" and select that member from here:

Click 'Done' and send a location from the phone by clicking the up arrow on the map screen.

Just pushed a version that will now retain those box states between closing the app, etc. which should address this now.


Thank you very much, going to update to it in a few minutes. I was out for a walk with dogs and confirmed that the Owntracks app doesn't appear to be sending messages for entering and leaving zones for me.

I'm getting all the proper things happening, other automations dependent upon presence or working normally, but I no longer getting messages. Messages from other automations are coming through just fine.

Logs from just now as we're on the walk.


Anyone else having this issue?

Let me enable them on mine to confirm. I haven't checked that one in a while.


@danabw On the latest version they were working for me. I got a notification I left work and one for me arriving home. :man_shrugging:

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Just to confirm, the notifications is a 2-step process:

  • Global enable/disable
    • You use this to enable/disable for the device(s) listed here.
    • This allows you to temporarily disable notifications without changing the per member ones.
  • Select family member to change arrived/departed notifications.
    • Person you want notifications when they enter/leave a region.
  • Select device(s) to get notifications when this member enters a region.
    • Device to get a notification on enter
  • Select device(s) to get notifications when this member leaves a region.
    • Device to get a notification on leave

So for this example below, my wife and I have devices that are enabled to receive notifications, but only her phone would get them when I enter or leave a region:

Open to suggestions if that wasn't what you were doing, and the process is awkward, poorly worded, etc. :slight_smile:

On a positive note, the devs for the OwnTracks app accepted the changes I submitted to fix the Play Store 2.4 version not deleting regions (that will be in 2.5) and are receptive to the extra information from the forked Android version to be in their upcoming versions (wifi on/off, location settings bad, app can sleep, etc).

Just working on getting a pull request staged so they can pull those in!



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Thanks for the details...I did have things set up that way, and was getting regular notifications consistently until several days ago. I need to get the exact date...might have been tied to an update. Other notifications are coming through related to presence changes, using the same notification method, so it doesn't appear to be a general issue w/notifications.

Here's what things look like in HE app, I did follow the full setup process...just recently I went back into the app and reconfigured it w/the same notification settings it already had, just in case:


Reconfiguring today after I got home from my walk.


Re-doing my settings:

Update confirmed:

I'll be out later this evening, maybe re-doing things will help, we'll see. :slight_smile:

The last time I got a location change notification from Owntracks was last week Thursday the 4th, at ~9:19 pm. Was there an update to the app that evening or the next day? There was a beta Platform update that night at 9:50 pm, but again, my other apps (Rule Machine, primarily, but also the Notifications app) that use the same notification process are working fine, so it seems unlikely that the platform update is the problem. The current production version of the platform ( that most of us are running now is the same as the one I updated to on the 4th at 9pm, so if it was an issue it should break notifications for others w/the Owntracks app as well, which doesn't appear to be happening. :man_shrugging: :slight_smile:

Congats! Took them long enough, but glad that is moving foward now! :slight_smile:


Time for some celebratory Soon Dubu, or maybe Mapo Dofu? I'm up for either... :wink: :smiley: :bowl_with_spoon:

Very great news! I'm very much looking forward to the Android app update. I am still using the play store version (shame on me :joy:), and still have to restart my phone periodically to prevent it from locking up and not updating afterwards. I try to reboot my phone proactively (not just for OwnTracks, but just to keep it running more smoothly overall). Looking forward to the quality of life enhancements the Android update will bring.

My wife's phone on IOS has been rock solid though. Only time I had to touch it recently, was because I updated to the C8 Pro, and had to relink it to the new hub address. No regrets though, the C8 Pro has been significantly snappier, not specifically OwnTracks related, just overall!

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Awesome, so if I understand correctly, we won't need to sideload your fork anymore since everything will be included. Is that right?

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