[RELEASE] Linptech/Moes 24Ghz Presence Sensor ES1 ( TS0225 _TZ3218_awarhusb ) drivers

At the moment I have mine propped up on my desk pointed across the room. About 10' behind the desk in a large glass window. With the curtains closed, it does not detect me on the other side of the window. I haven't tried much else or changed any settings yet since installing the device with 1.5.2.

I tried in my last location in the laundry room pointed at the carport thru the drywall. Didn't work for me at all but I'll tweak settings and try again tomorrow.

This Linptech radar seems to work great so far, but I am getting this warn message in logs from the device. I haven't noticed any problems with it so I'm not sure what they're all about.

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Same - repeating.

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Same here... Seems to occur with luminance reporting...

WOW!!! These ARE nice detectors though!!!!
"sees" through a wood cabinet door!
I am going to try it through glass, but I have my doubts on that one.

Just keep an eye on the events count, although it sounds like they are much better behaved than previous ones. Also, I am assuming that they are repeaters, unlike all those battery powered sensors. Hopefully they’re good repeaters.


Just tried it on a glass picture frame and it worked GREAT!
I was about 4 feet away and the motion detecting setting at 2 meters (6.5 feet).
I had to stay VERY still and partially "hide" from the detector for it to time out, but as soon as I moved it triggered.
The glass seems to reduce the sensitivity though, so that might have to be bumped up a little if used behind glass.


Yeah after further testing, I have been able to get mine working thru a cabinet as well and now some drywall as well. Still playing around with settings. My neighbors probably think I've gone crazy cause I keep walking around in front of my house like a weirdo with the carport light turning on and off constantly (testing motion trigger)


Not sure if "good" yet, but definitely repeater:


Thank you for this driver @kkossev!

Just installed it in our bathroom to cover us taking a shower (PIR can't see behind curtain) or taking a bath (not enough movement for PIR) -- testing seems great so far! This HUGELY simplifies the mess of a rule I was previously using to keep the lights on in those situations.

I did end up leaving my Hue sensor as the "on" trigger for the lights -- it consistently fires just a hair faster than the Linptech -- it's just enough that I'd get side-eye from the wife if I tried to go with the Linptech alone. But no big deal -- they can each play to their own strengths.

I did end up covering the LED with a few layers of electrical tape -- the sensor's pretty well hidden anyway, so no need to make it too pretty. The LED was a bit too much, but if that's my biggest complaint, we're doin' alright.

Look forward to seeing how it really works in the upcoming days -- thanks again!


Looks like it IS a good repeater. Every single one of those connected devices is an Aqara sensor and it looks like it's taken over the job of repeater from the IKEA Tradfri outlet that everything used to connect to. Awesome.


One thing I found out thru crude testing for Motion Detecting distance...

When SET to 10M, driver sends 6 M
the following table, first figure is SET on device page,, second figure is the entry in the log that is actually sent to the device:

8M - 6M
6M -6M
5.5M - 5.25M
5M - 4.5M
4.5M - 4.5M
4M - 3.75M
3.5M - 3.0M
3M - 3M
2.5M - 2.25M
2.3M - 2.25M
2.1M - 1.5M
2.0M - 1.5M

Also found that if the page is refreshed, the actual distance is replaced in the distance line.

Something strange in the driver or is it in conversion from meters to feet, although it doesn't seem to be correct either?

Can you show the log line?

BTW: I love this thread over at Z2M. I thought I was weird. This guy beats me by 100%. Love it!


Here ya go.
The values I set the distance parameter to were:

As I will be away from home in the next 2 weeks, today I have pushed version 1.5.2 (last changed on 2023-09-14) for an update via HPM. Seems it is working stable without major issues.

It seems that this Linptech sensor accepts a set of fixed values for the maximum distance detection parameter:

1.5 - 2.25 - 3.0 - 3.75 - 4.5 - 5.25 - 6.00 (meters).

Please use these values when setting up the maximum distance. In a future version, I will make this 0.75 meters step to be applied automatically.

The driver updates the preference values automatically when the corresponding parameter is reported back from the device. So if you press F5 and refresh the device web page in HE, it will show the actual values. If, for any reason, a parameter is not accepted by the device, it will revert back to the actual value in use at the moment.

Also, please note that the maximum 'large move' and 'small move' sensitivity of the Linptech radard seems to be limited to 5 (not 9 or 10 as the other radars).

Does anyone see a difference in the sensor behavior when the 'Static Detection Sensitivity' parameter is changed?


That was my conclusion too - 5 seems to be it. I could get higher numbers to stick, but they would just cause the sensor to stay active for a long time (up to several minutes) when I left the space. So "5" seems to be a sweet spot.

Enjoy your time away - thanks again!!


Thank you for clarifying this info!
I am still very happy with the sensor and how well it works.

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I tried playing around with it for a little bit, but wound up "diagnosing" the max dist. sens. first.

I am guessing the Static Detections Sens. refers to what was moving and is now still?
New parameters and terms that I need to learn about!!!

I have also updated the top post to include a link to AliExpress Moes branded presence sensor, which seems to have exactly the same electronics and firmware inside as the Linptech device.

Note, that not all parameters of this sensor are configurable at the moment. We are missing the 'Fade Time', which should set the period of inactivity before the device reports no presence/motion inactive.

Tuya Smart Life app doesn't have the possibility to enable or disable the device LED.

The WARN log message is due to an exception thrown from HE standard method zigbee.parseDescriptionAsMap() while parsing some illuminance reports. This exception is caught safely, and the warning can be ignored (it will not show up when the Debug logging is disabled). I should change the severity from Warn to Debug, as there is nothing that the end user can do about this - it is some non-standard implementation in the Linptech firmware. The custom Zigbee messages parser that is implemented in this driver processes the illuminance report correctly.

Looking at the debug logs screenshots, I still have some doubts about whether all the illuminance reports 0 Lux are correct. Was the illuminance sensor covered with a duct tape when 0 Lux was reported?

One of the unknown attributes 0xE001 seems to be the 'existance time' - how many minutes the sensor stays activated. In the next version, I will make it update the already existing custom attribute "existance_time", although in HE we have much better ways to build automations using the Rule Machine,

The Static Detection Sensitivity is expected to affect how sensitive the device is detecting small/micro motions (breathing).