[RELEASE] Life360+

Am I the only one that started getting these errors in my Life360 logs?

Using the latest version provided by Package manager:

app:982024-06-28 17:47:30.876errorLife360+: listCircles, error: http:403, groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException: status code: 403, reason phrase: Forbidden
app:982024-06-28 17:47:30.261errorLife360+: cmdHandler: status:403, resp:hubitat.scheduling.AsyncResponse@1b31fca
app:982024-06-28 17:47:19.139errorgroovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException: status code: 403, reason phrase: Forbidden on line 314 (method getCredentialsPage)
app:982024-06-28 17:47:12.901errorLife360+: cmdHandler: status:403, resp:hubitat.scheduling.AsyncResponse@b3027a
app:982024-06-28 17:47:12.712infoLife360+: createCircleSubscription: subscribed to Life360 circle push events
app:982024-06-28 17:47:12.464debuggroovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException: status code: 403, reason phrase: Forbidden
app:982024-06-28 17:47:00.221errorLife360+: cmdHandler: status:403, resp:hubitat.scheduling.AsyncResponse@7946b8
app:982024-06-28 17:46:30.214errorLife360+: cmdHandler: status:403, resp:hubitat.scheduling.AsyncResponse@1eb24ca
app:982024-06-28 17:46:26.297errorLife360+: listCircles, error: http:403, groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException: status code: 403, reason phrase: Forbidden
app:982024-06-28 17:46:00.306errorLife360+: cmdHandler: status:403, resp:hubitat.scheduling.AsyncResponse@f32218
app:982024-06-28 17:45:30.241errorLife360+: cmdHandler: status:403, resp:hubitat.scheduling.AsyncResponse@e502c5
app:982024-06-28 17:45:00.302errorLife360+: cmdHandler: status:403, resp:hubitat.scheduling.AsyncResponse@12ef183
app:982024-06-28 17:44:30.291errorLife360+: cmdHandler: status:403, resp:hubitat.scheduling.AsyncResponse@110d3ef
app:982024-06-28 17:44:00.291errorLife360+: cmdHandler: status:403, resp:hubitat.scheduling.AsyncResponse@2075f0
app:982024-06-28 17:43:30.211errorLife360+: cmdHandler: status:403, resp:hubitat.scheduling.AsyncResponse@10ae962
app:982024-06-28 17:43:00.257errorLife360+: cmdHandler: status:403, resp:hubitat.scheduling.AsyncResponse@67a444
app:982024-06-28 17:42:30.221errorLife360+: cmdHandler: status:403, resp:hubitat.scheduling.AsyncResponse@1201da
app:982024-06-28 17:42:19.008errorLife360+: cmdHandler: status:403, resp:hubitat.scheduling.AsyncResponse@656686
app:982024-06-28 17:42:00.217errorLife360+: cmdHandler: status:403, resp:hubitat.scheduling.AsyncResponse@1d29dc0
app:982024-06-28 17:41:41.994errorgroovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException: status code: 403, reason phrase: Forbidden on line 314 (method refresh)

No, that is why (I believe) the topic has the "BROKEN" reference in the title. Others have reported the 403 errors previously on this topic, which lines up with my understanding of Life360 blocking third-party support some time ago now. Similar issues occurred for people in Home Assistant as well, not just HE.

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Thank you so much, I've not heard of OwnTracks, so I'll have to research a bit before I allow an unknown app to start tracking my families location at all times.

It is frustrating that Life360 did this, but it does make sense for the free version as they make no real money from the people that use their service for free, but they should allow location services to people who opt to pay for their services. It would have been a good way to get people onboard, I guess they missed the boat on that one.


I developed a HE plugin that allows you to use OwnTracks locations to control your automations: [RELEASE] OwnTracks for Hubitat Presence Detection

Nice thing about OwnTracks is (I didn't write the mobile app, that is another developer):

  • It's open source
  • It's free
  • Your location only goes to the HE app, unlike Life360 who was selling your driving history to insurance companies to adjust your rates

You just point the app at the HE hub and that's the only place your locations are going. Nobody is monetizing your locations. The top block of the link above should give you a bunch of insight. If you need more, feel free to ask questions on that thread.

It's been working flawless for me.


Would you mind sharing how you do this? I have two houses and I'd like to use OwnTrack for presence purposes. I had a look at the OwnTracks HE user apps and unless I missed something, they both seem limited to posting data to a single hub.

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Pardon my ignorance, but allow me to confirm one point. There is no separate dedicated device or virtual private server?

When I previously considered OwnTracks, step one was to set up a Linux device or server. I lost interest in reading further. If this step can be circumvented, then my consider me piqued again.

That is correct. My integration installs from Hubitat Package Manager, and you just link the mobile app to the link provided in the OwnTracks Hubitat App setup.

"Out of the box" you will get presence detection as well as map dashboards. If you sign up for a free Google Maps API key, then you will get advanced maps that show all the members on a single map, speed, etc (similar to what Life360 did).


While in the OT HE App, expand out the Optional Features - Thumbnails, Recorder, Secondary Hub section and click on Link Secondary Hub.
The instructions are noted at the top, but basically you copy the Mobile App link from the secondary hub and paste it here. Anything your primary hub receives from it's OT members will then be sent over to the secondary hub. Including locations (regions). Speaking from experience, don't go setting up duplicate named regions on both hubs.

EDIT: The OT app from HPM needs to be installed in the second hub too.

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Excellent. Thanks!

Perfect - already set up on my phone. After I test and play for a few days, I will add other users. Is that as simple as:

  • installing OwnTracks on their device,
  • setting up the same HTTP Host,
  • assigning them a unique username,
  • finishing the create/config in HE --> Apps --> OwnTracks?
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It's back.....

version 5.0.0 of Life360+ has just been pushed and should show up via the Hubitat Package Manager shortly

I got pinged this morning from this thread and was able to get the app and driver working again.

That's not to say it'll run forever.. I've only been running it for a few hours now. It's also a lot harder to configure but I did try to document the steps pretty well so if you're feeling up to it check it out.

There's only a few things that I didn't re-implement so I could get back up and running faster.. one of them is registering the webhook so Life360 would notify the Hub when a device enters or exits the 'home' region. If everything goes well I'll add that back.


So far so good, followed your instructions and got the 'Access Token' right away.


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Nice! Real curious to see if you can get webhook subscription working again. If you do, an option to dial back scheduled refresh to say 30 or even 60 minutes to act as a failsafe would be cool for use cases like mine where all I really need is home present/not present. Webhook alone nails that. Refresh catches if webhook fails.

I am seeing an error is the log.

I wanted to be careful not to call any attention to the app which might get it locked down again..

Regarding the webhook - I wasn't sure what it could be used for normally.. any ideas? You can't use a webhook to reach a phone. They'd likely use FCM push notifications for that.

But, agreed if it works reliably it'd reduce the need to poll the API as often as every 30 seconds too.

I'm not sure about that error.. I did see 1 in my logs too that came after a http timeout on 1 of the polls. I tried to fix it but maybe that didn't work? If you or someone who knows groovy Exception handling please take a look and let me know.

Working great for me too. Thanks @jpage4500

Is the html tile working for folks?

FWIW I wasn't able to login with phone number (US numbers only for some reason) so I used email address and that worked fine - giving me the access token per the instructions

Thanks for updating this!!! I can finally get my family presence information for my rules.

Not knocking anyone's work (I'm sure it's appreciated), but I was under the impression the company had specifically said they were not going to support third party integrations?

As such, I wouldn't waste any time on this as I would presume this will be blocked once more in due course.



Unfortunately, I cannot log in from PC to phone in Korea.