[RELEASE] Laundry Manager

@MrCaspan I just pushed a fix for this.

@MapexNJD Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad it's working well for you!

@rlithgow1 Not sure I want to add that capability to the app. However, there are a few options for you:

  • There is a setting to override the machine labels, though your message would still be: [label] is finished
  • You could write a rule that watches for the status to change to finish and then you could fire off your custom notification.
  • Manually edit the code to change to your desired message.
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Is there a place in the code that allows the volume of the notification to be changed?

Mine makes the announcements through a Sonos in the Kitchen and it would be great to be able to turn it down a bit when we work from home.

I did this so that the message was in German (my wife's native language). However after an update it reverts back to the original.


One of the things I run into is errant energy readings on the circuit my dryer uses. I'm sure this may be induction for the lead to my iotawatt from surrounding breakers.

Where in the code could I modify the trigger to be lets say 10watts or amps drawn level to be the trigger for monitoring and below that it ends and sends notifcation? At this point I'll see just a couple of amps drawn on the iotawatt but that's enough to trigger laundry manager which the moment it drops to 0 will end and a couple of mins later I get a message saying whatever is done.

@rlithgow1 I don't think you need any code changes... you just need to increase your time on threshold in the device preferences

Screenshot 2023-12-21 at 8.26.40 AM

I have the same issue with random spikes, but they generally only last for a second, so a high enough threshold should prevent it from triggering a running state.

We have a gas dryer that has a cool down cycle after is finished drying. The drum spins for about 10 seconds then waits about 2 minutes and repeats this multiple times. Is there a way to get a notification that the dryer is in cool down mode?

One option might be to get the power pattern when it enters and during this period. If there is something that could be used in a rule then I'm sure other will find a way to use it.

I have a self written set of rules to alert when the laundry is done, but I love this since it can be used on a dashboard and easily be seen vs heard. Or in case you miss hearing it. Would it be possible to have a contact sensor for each device? When the washer is done, this contact will reset it. My thought is around if both the washer and dryer are done, but the dryer wasn't dry enough and I run it a little longer, a single contact would reset both devices vs. independent contacts resetting their respective device.

You can always create a virtual contact sensor to reset the device. I doubt you need a physical sensor.

A virtual contact sensor won't be able to detect when I open dryer door.

Sorry, I misunderstood your intention.

You would need to be comfortable will rule machine, but you could set your time off threshold to less than 2 minutes so that the dryer achieves a "finished" status after the first cooldown. Your time on threshold needs to be shorter than the time off threshold so a running status can be triggered for each cool down cycle. Then create a rule to watch the status and notify "dryer is in cooldown" when status transitions from running to finished. Then setup a rule to notify "dryer is finished" when status changes to finished and stays that way for X-minutes. In this scenario you would disable notifications in Laundry manager as rule machine is now handling them.

You could create a rule for each contact sensor that turns the laundry device off when triggered.