[RELEASE] Laundry Manager

How did you get ifttt working? Every time I try it says it can't find my washer and dryer.

I am getting several finish notifications, It looks like my power plug drops to a value below threshold for just a second 2.021W and I am getting a message it has finished. Is there a setting that will wait X time to see if it goes back up.

Yes. You need to increase the "Time Threshold (Off)" in the device settings.

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Thank you, I was looking in the app not the device. Thank you for pointing it out.


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Have you thought about adding motion as a trigger for Dryer or washer. Vibration sensors are far cheaper then power meters for 220 here in the states.

The washer portion is working great now that the threshold holds are set, but I have several multisensors and the cheapest meters for the dryer are close to $100.

Thank you

It's not something I plan to support. I'm skeptical about their efficacy as I've seen enough reports that the vibration can be hit or miss as it will also pickup vibrations from the washer. But I believe Better Laundry Monitor has support for vibration sensors, so you could give that a go.

I haven't used it, but there is the Shell EM at around $50. Not as cheap as vibration sensor but also not $100.

Great, thank you I will look in to those.

Any chance of getting that extra code, so I can filter out these erroneous power readings. Everything works fine until my Zen15 spontaneously reports over 10,000W power and triggers a start washing cycle.

I started work on this today. Hopefully I'll have something to share soon.

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What is the difference between 'push' and 'TTS' notifications?

And did 'Repeat Interval' go away?
(this was from your original posting and I don't see it in my version of Laundry Manager)

I noticed the other day that I was getting TTS notifications even though I had modes set for the "Only send notifications in specific modes" option. I believe line 236 is the culprit as modesTTS is not defined anywhere in the app.

I'm not sure what your original intent was but I modified it to be:

    def modeTTSOkay = !modes || modes.contains(location.mode)

This makes it send the TTS notifications based on the modes selected.


Push notifications are text based whereas TTS (text to speech) is for spoken notifications (Alexa or Google).

It should still be there. I would try toggling repeat notifications off/on.

Thanks for finding that bug. I will fix it.

That makes sense I guess. I was thrown off by seeing the speaking devices show up in the Push Notifications device selection list.

That fixed it. Thanks.

Just pushed an update with the following changes:

  • Added min time on support. You can now specify the minimum amount of time that is required to go from idle to running. This should help with devices that report sudden spikes when the machine is not actually in operation.
  • Fixed bug related to tts and modes (thanks, @bujvary).

Just came by the post to say I have just switched to this over "another" laundry app. I love this so much better! no fluff pure function. The other one never worked 100% from day one. This one I actually installed and configured as the dryer was running! It finished about 5 minutes after I installed and immediately went to work doing it's thing.

Oh and since I'm a dashboard junkie, this is going on there ASAP!

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Thanks! Glad it’s working well for you.

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Been working pretty well for a while but now it's been seeming to ignore the time settings. Anything I should be checking? When the power level dips below threshold for even just a tiny moment, the device changes to "finished"

This app works really well. I would love the ability to also use it with my dishwasher.

@markbellkosel84 Are you noticing that the power attribute gets updated consistently? It's odd that it would stop working suddenly. I would try saving the device settings again. This will trigger the state to clear. Perhaps a state variable got messed up along the way.

@waterboysh I'll keep this in mind. I'd have to re-architect the the app structure to support additional devices.