[RELEASE] Laundry Manager

@j2hdwd I'm actually using SharpTools for my dashboard with the Hero Attribute layout. I don't think that the Hubitat dashboard can do multiple attributes out of the box. However, to get just the status you could use the attribute template and select status. Hope this helps!

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Thanks. I've been trying to get this working for sometime. But not having any luck. I'm using a tuya converted plug that gives me some attributes or power monitoring. What I found is that the plug doesn't refresh hence not getting any alert. Any ideas? Thanks

@j2hdwd Unfortunately I’m not familiar with Tuya or other WiFi plugs. I’m currently using Aeotec Z-Wave switches. I also have Zooz switches that work well and report power similarly.

Are you using the firmware Markus maintains for HE?

yes I am. I'm using his flavour of drivers and firmware on those plugs.

You were running the unmodified version of Tasmota as you found out, hence no updates... I'll add a check for that in the future...

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Thanks @markus.

@at9 - So, just for my understanding, from you question.....given the fact that I'm using markus' firmware & drivers, do you actually have the same setup and have good success in getting them working?

Yeah I did have the same setup and it was working.

I did have to delete this app as I'm pretty sure it was the cause of issues with my hub i.e. hub kept crashing then only change I made was to remove laundry manager and no issues for a week then reinstalled it issues then returned within a day.

Has anybody else had issues like this?

Yes, I've got the same issue.

Request : any chance you can add in multiple selections for notification? The wife wanted me to know when to dry the clothing as well. :man_shrugging:t2:

@Navat604 Done! Code has been updated to allow for multiple notification devices.

That was quick! Thank you so much. Been using this since December without issue.

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Can you add switches to notification devices. I use a virtual switch to trigger an Alexa routine for "Dryer Done" announcements. I figured this out. The child device Laundry Dryer is the switch I need. Thanks,

Thanks for your work. I'm using it for 2 days with a Shelly Plug S and Raspberry Pi 4 for text notifications. Works great and my wife is happy that she don't need to check a few times if the laundry is ready.

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I just installed this and I am using the Zooz zwave appliance plugs. Something is odd though. I am getting a lot of false positive finishes. Ant idea hat is going on here?

Can you give some more context? In relation to the events above, what were the actual cycle times for the machine?

Usually a false positive means you need to increase the min time threshold.

We were not doing any laundry. I didnt start the washer until 12-12 at 7:45am where you see the power value go on.

It's tough to say what's going on. If the issue is consistent you could turn on logging and post it here. I would try increasing your Minimum watt value to trigger state setting. Your machines might have some amount of phantom power that is spiking at some point (this happens with mine every now and then).

ugh i dont have a button, request: I have a contact on the washer door, anyway to make that work in this?
basically once its done alerts - txt- voice- light changes - reapet severy 15 minutes until the washer door is open ?

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Yes, that should be doable. I will try and get to it this week.