[RELEASE] Inovelli Device Drivers

Thanks for this. Came here to ask about exactly that.

@ericm the Inovelli 4-in-1 Sensor driver is broken... last update did something to break the parameters and the pull down selections do not work.


input "parameter15", "enum",
    title: "Reverse Basic Set ON / OFF\nSend OFF to devices in association group 2 when motion is triggered and ON when motion stops\nDefault: No"

Note there is a 015 and a 15 parameter....

parameter015 : [name:"Reverse Basic Set ON / OFF",
    desciption: "Send OFF to devices in association group 2 when motion is triggered and ON when motion stops",
    range: ["1":"Yes", "0":"No"],
    default: 0,
    size: 1,
    type: "enum",
    value: null
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Thanks, I thought I had fixed that but didn't upload the file. It is fixed now.

@ericm not sure if it's related to the new C7 firmware, but i think something broke with the drivers for the switches. The config button is not triggering anything anymore and the drivers are no longer logging the button numbers in the driver's event tab. Checked with both LZW30-SN & LZW31-SN.

Have 3 of the NZW39 dimmer smart plugs and cannot get them to show up right in dashboards. I added image below of what they show up as with the dimmer slider working but actual switch is ? mark. I have the drivers from here installed for them and have tried every combination of things in settings to try and get them to show up. Any suggestions?

I think there are multiple threads that may be leading to the same issue where some Inovelli devices aren't functioning properly.

@ericm posted that they are looking into this.

Yeah, we are looking into a few issues with the C-7. The NZW37 is not working because it's multi-channel reports can't be parsed yet.

For the other devices users will have to use the built in Hubitat drivers until the issue is figured out.

@ericm & @Eric_Inovelli so we cant use the wall switches to their full extent on the C-7 even with the new firmware?

The wall switches should work fine aside from the SmartStart issue, but tbh it's hard to keep up on what works and what doesn't. Good news is both teams are working together to figure out how to make everyone happy. I couldn't be happier with the Hubitat team and kudos to them for their efforts to bring this 700 Series hub to market. With new technology brings new challenges and we're working thru it.


Currently that is the case, but we will get it worked out. I've reached out to Hubitat to see why some drivers aren't working on the C7.

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following the thread for NZW37

Frustrating, I bought the new Hubitat because the hurricane fan/light switch can’t be updated via home assistant, and I need the firmware updated to get the switch working with my hunter non-pull chain fan. Well now the c7 doesn’t fully work with the inovelli switches...

I'm assuming this problem will get sorted out soon, so it should be short-lived. :slight_smile: But in the meantime, if you have access to a Windows PC, you can update the firmware without Hubitat or Home Assistant. Since you have Home Assistant, you probably have a Z-Wave USB stick, and all you'd need is the Z-Wave PC Controller software to perform the update--just use that stick and put it back on HASS when you're done.

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Do I have to reset my entire HA zwave setup? Or will it retain it when I plug back into the pi? Eventually I will port all to Hubitat when I have more free time, just need these darn new fan/light switches to work for now.

Seems to be a major oversight by Inovelli as most new and high end ceiling fans do not have pull chains and other switches handle it fine.

No, Z-Wave PC Controller will "see" all the nodes you've paired while it was in use with Home Assistant--that much is stored on the stick. You won't see device names (that exists only on the hub/software side, so Home Assistant in this case but it would be the same with Hubitat), so you'll have to get or know the Z-Wave node number. Just don't do a "Reset" on the stick in PC Controller and you'll be good!

I should note that some devices need to be re-paired after firmware updates (in which case it may be easier to just exclude and pair it to a special stick/network you use just for this purpose), but I did not have to do this with the LZW36-SN or any current-generation Inovelli devices to-date.

Thanks for this, I went through and did the update to the latest beta firmware. Still not working to control the fan module. Did I just get a bad unit? Also, it is still showing up as 1 controllable entity in HA, not 3 (fan, light, and combo).

Did I just get a bad unit?

There are definitely some Hubitat driver code problems for the LZW36. I posted an issue on their github site about it a few days ago. When I first pair the device, it sets up as a "Inovelli Fan/Light Switch" - but the "default" driver doesn't allow you to adjust the various configuratin parameters. When I then update the driver to the latest one on the Hubitat github site (the Aug. 14, 2020 version), it leaves extra child devices in the interface. I assume (hope) they'll sort this out soon, but for now, I also can't get the LZW36 to work correctly (Hubitat C-7 hub; latest firmware
and using the beta 1.36 firmware for the LZW36 (though it didn't work with the release firmware either))

That's the Inovelli Github, while the issue you noted about being able to delete (or rather not) the original child devices is an issue with the Hubitat driver that Inovelli can't fix. It's typical for built-in drivers to not have every single parameter exposed (the Basic Z-Wave Tool or third-party drivers can help there), but there are indeed some problems with at least the fan portion of that driver. I think Inovelli's hahe worked fine for me, but I'm not using it on the C-7 or with security at the moment, so there may still be something there. In any case, I've also reported the Hubitat-specific issues to Hubitat, so well see if they're addressed in the next update.

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I'm assuming it must be the case that if you switch from the built-in driver to Inovelli's, then the Inovelli driver should construct the child devices properly using the getChildDevices and deleteChildDevice methods to remove anything left over from a prior driver and addChildDevice method to add its child devices. It doesn't seem to do this. Also, from what I can see, even if you install the Inovelli github driver before pairing the switch, Hubitat defaults to its built-in driver. Thus, you have to switch over after pairing -- so there is no way to get the Inovelli driver to work as it creates the extra child devices during the switch over. The solution may be simply to make the "github" version of the Inovelli driver the default / built-in version so the correct driver installs in the first instance.

There currently is no way to do this that I know of. If Hubitat has a driver for the device it will always be the default. Depending on how the child devices are created, you may have the ability to delete them. The Hubitat driver makes the child devices in a way that they can't be deleted from the web interface (easily). If you are familiar with the browser developer tools you can temporary remove the "disabled" tag from the button and it will let you delete it.

I have added code to delete the Hubitat created child devices, but it should have worked before without removing them (it just looked cluttered with extra devices).

@cpwilhelmi When you restore power from the breaker does the light on the fan start "pulsing"?