2.4.45 should fix 2 bugs that are present in the shipped firmware (2.4.34):
Voltage is reported smaller by a factor of 10 - 23.10 V instead of 231 V
Power is reported smaller by a factor of 10, only when it goes above 1000 W
Pretty soon we will have the latest version available for update directly from Hubitat, no need for DIRIGERA. I have already sent the update file to Mike to make it available to the cloud (soon).
I got a pair of INSPELNINGs a couple of days before, and I am currently working on a driver for it; I don't want to add hacks for 2.4.34, so a firmware update will be required, when available.
Read some reviews on the Swedish Ikea site. Apparently you'll need to update FW to 2.4.45 to get the power metering to work. Also, can't be connected to Tradfri gateway, so either will leave my hopes of possibility of FW updates directly from HE or I'll have to fork up for a Dirigera just to be able to update..
Thank you, dandanache
The IKEA official description has a description of energy monitoring, which we have not seen in practice monitoring the accumulated energy.
Do you know any information about this?
The Inspelning smart plug provides the following attributes:
Voltage (V): This should remain fairly constant, around 220V in the EU.
Amperage (A) and Power (W): These values fluctuate based on the connected device.
Energy (kWh): This value continuously increases, representing the total energy delivered by the plug. It resets to zero when you reset the device by pressing the small button for 3-5 seconds (this will also force the device to leave the Zigbee mesh).
I use it for a week with the Dirigera. The Ikea smart home app has a feature to monitor accumulated energy, 'total energy used' which can be reset at any time. Probably app feature, based on the in-device total counter.
You are right, they most likely implemented it in the app (or on DIRIGERA).
I sent the "Reset to Factory Defaults" Zigbee command (cluster:0x0000 command:0x00) and the "total energy used" value survived the reset. I don't see a way to hard reset it from the driver.
I can implement something on the driver level to remember the current value on "reset" and then subtract it from next reported values, but why?
better it works this way, instead not having that feature at all?
to replicate the feature of the ikea app? check the description of the reset feature in the second screenshot.
Released version 5.1.0 with the following changes:
Add driver for IKEA Inspelning Smart Plug (E2206)
E2204: Move "Dark Mode" preference to "setIndicatorStatus()" command and "indicatorStatus" attribute
Add decimal points support for Temperature and Humidity values
Refresh device state before configuring the device
Add missing fingerprints for Styrbar 2.4.11 and Rodret 1.0.57
Other devices
Add driver for Xiaomi Mi Temperature & Humidity Monitor 2 (LYWSD03MMC)
Add driver for Gewiss 2-channel Contact Interface (GWA1501)
How to add the the new driver for INSPELNING using HPM:
First update to version 5.1.0:
HPM -> Update -> Select "IKEA Zigbee drivers" -> Next
Then install the new driver:
HPM -> Modify -> Select "IKEA Zigbee drivers" -> Next -> Tick "IKEA Inspelning Smart Plug (E2206)" -> Next
Known Issues for INSPELNING:
Voltage reporting is broken in old firmware versions (below 2.4.45). You can update the device firmware directly from Hubitat.
By default, the Inspelning Smart Plug generates frequent updates when the connected device doesn't maintain a constant power draw. These settings are suitable for phone chargers and small appliances. If you notice an excessive number of "info" entries in the Live logs, you can reduce the smart plug's "sensitivity" using the dropdown menus in the "Preferences" section.
You are right, I use the codes from products available in my country, but the driver should work with fr/us version as well, despite the naming difference. I already documented the alternate product codes in the readme.
@dandanache I've updated to the latest firmware and hey presto! It works as expected with all of the correct readings. This outlet is outstanding and if it's like any other of the IKEA gear, then it will be rock solid. For £9 it's an unbelievable bargain. It sort of makes their parasol door sensors appear expensive at the same price ha ha! Thanks again Dan, you're a star!
Hi, a shot in the dark but is anyone using the IKEA Ormanas strip. Mine keeps turning off at random intervals. I can't find anything in the logs which indicate the device actually being switched off (it appears to be still on). I can't help feel that it's a faulty device turning itself off but not updating Hubitat to it's current state. Any thoughts folks, is this plausible?
I have a couple of the repeaters (E1746).
Your driver for it is listed on your page: IKEA Zigbee drivers | hubitat with all your other great drivers, but i can't seem to find it in HPM?
Is it me going blind or is the driver not available anymore, except for manual install..?
The driver for the signal repeater will be available in HPM in version 5.2.0, I couldn't find the time to push the changes, sorry about this.
We don't actually need a driver for these repeaters, although there is an in-built one available. I created mine just because I'm a completionist and need to finish all side-quests
I'm like that too, so using your drivers on all my Ikea devices, but one, is a no go..!!
BTW: I have a couple of the Aqara LLZKMK11LM (lumi.relay.c2acn01) - have you ever had a look at that one..?
I looks like the "old version" of the Aqara Dual Relay Module T2 (DCM-K01) that you have a driver for..
I have them working with the "Generic Zigbee Switch" driver though, but that driver engage both relays when on/off and also generate some noise in the log.. :-/
Released version 5.2.0 with the following changes:
Add driver for Tradfri Signal Repeater (E1746)
E2013: Add command to manually set contact status - @rgr
How to add the the new driver for the Signal Repeater using HPM:
First update to version 5.2.0:
HPM -> Update -> Select "IKEA Zigbee drivers" -> Next
Then install the new driver:
HPM -> Modify -> Select "IKEA Zigbee drivers" -> Next -> Tick "IKEA Tradfri Signal Repeater (E1746)" -> Next
The Signal Repeater does not actually need a driver to function (even if Hubitat offers an in-built one). The driver in this package polls the device every 10 minutes (calls the "Refresh" command) to retrieve data from the Zigbee Diagnostics cluster (0x0B05) that the device exposes; not sure if this info is actually useful. The README page contains descriptions for all exposed attributes, taken directly from the Zigbee spec.
The driver also has a "Gather Neighbors and Routes" command that retrieves the same information as the Zigbee Map app. To do this:
Click the "Gather Neighbors and Routes" command button.
Wait 5-10 seconds.
Refresh the device details page and look at the State Variables section.
Sorry, but no. I could not find a use for the T2, as it is too big to fit EU wall switch enclosures. I'm also trying to move away from chinese devices, and started to experiment with different EU manufacturers (NodOn, Gewiss, Vimar).
Maybe you can try the in-built Aqara Zigbee Double Relay Switch.