[RELEASE] Hubitat Package Manager (HPM) -- HubitatCommunity

I did. 1.9.2 . So there are no issues with this app. It is able to find packages install uninstall but no updates for months

Give an example, and show a screenshot from "View apps and drivers" section, and also a link to the github repo.

just wondering out loud if it'd be possible for an option to auto-update HPM installed apps/drivers.. maybe there's reasons not to do this like some updates requiring user interaction.. but, at least from my uses it seems like it could be nice to have


That option is already there:

But IMHO, it's a bad idea. Update on your schedule, and read the release notes first. I don't recommend doing anything else for my apps, at least.


Got an odd error on this update:

Never seen that before, and HPM updates drivers that are in use all the time. Likely error in the updated driver code, or ?

Tried a repair and slightly different message, w/comment to notify package developer...will do.

I tried importing the code, you know, the hard way :smiley:

Screenshot 2024-02-01 at 8.39.44 PM

Seems the hub doesn't like the code. Those double quotes on line 185 are probably wrong:
[name: "Sunsa Wand"", <-- two quotes are good, three, not so good. :slight_smile:


I'm seeing an odd issue. I was going through cleaning all drivers and apps and the like. I just want to confirm that everything was work as expected. I did a Match Package. It found packs that were install by HPM and Packages what were removed from HPM. I was able to remove the ones that it said it was installed and Mismatch and cleaned that up. However, I have one package (ecobee suite) that keep coming up as Match packed. I see it was installed but HPM. I have attempted repair, "upgrade with the match" and everything else I can think of. However, still show a Match was found.

I don't want to remove it and delete all my settings should this be something to worry about?

I'm not able to duplicate but at least part of that is due to never installing that package until 10 mins ago. You perhaps should contact the developer of that package and see if they can check their Manifests against the code... specifically names.

Something about this rings a bell... maybe try to UnMatch Ecobee Suite and then use MatchUp to bring in the latest manifest. Select "Assume the packages are up-to-date" option when you do.

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Will do thanks.

how do i remove a package that is still showing up in the list of packages for available updates even though i uninstalled them.. the uninstall in the package manager app throws and error as well.

Have you tried the “unmatch” option? I wonder if that would work…

i dont see an unmatch option only uninstall

the uninstall must have worked for the kasa app as i recently removed all of it when i switched all my devices and rules to the built in one (with a great deal of effort)

the one that is sticking is this one.. which i have removed manually as no longer using it.

not sure why it would be trying to check the repository anyway during an uninstall but it is..


as a workaround i tried to add the driver back in manually ie created the driver code and still throwing the same error.

It’s under “Package Manager Settings” on the bottom of the page. Not obvious…


thanks that solved it..

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a new error in my log

Occurred with the Zigbee Map App update today... but the map is working - nothing more to add.

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unable to duplicate BUT I haven't been using Zigbee Map and therefore I can't do an update. But I did test both an Install and a Repair followed by an Uninstall. All of them worked.

I'll try an install, unmatch, matchup, update to try and mimic your path.


Update didn't have an issue either:

app:1945 2024-03-09 10:04:14.463 AM debug Updates complete
app:1945 2024-03-09 10:04:14.409 AM info  Installing https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dan-danache/hubitat/zigbee-map_2.0.0/zigbee-map-app/mem-cpu-history.html
app:1945 2024-03-09 10:04:14.351 AM info  Installing https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dan-danache/hubitat/zigbee-map_2.0.0/zigbee-map-app/zigbee-routes.html
app:1945 2024-03-09 10:04:14.163 AM info  Installing https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dan-danache/hubitat/zigbee-map_2.0.0/zigbee-map-app/zigbee-neighbors.html
app:1945 2024-03-09 10:04:10.436 AM info  Upgrading Zigbee Map Helper
app:1945 2024-03-09 10:04:08.189 AM info  Upgrading Zigbee Map
app:1945 2024-03-09 10:04:07.851 AM info  Downloading Zigbee Map Helper
app:1945 2024-03-09 10:04:07.472 AM info  Downloading Zigbee Map
app:1945 2024-03-09 10:04:07.232 AM info  Downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dan-danache/hubitat/zigbee-map_2.0.0/zigbee-map-app/mem-cpu-history.html
app:1945 2024-03-09 10:04:06.968 AM info  Downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dan-danache/hubitat/zigbee-map_2.0.0/zigbee-map-app/zigbee-routes.html
app:1945 2024-03-09 10:04:06.688 AM info  Downloading https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dan-danache/hubitat/zigbee-map_2.0.0/zigbee-map-app/zigbee-neighbors.html
app:1945 2024-03-09 10:04:06.248 AM debug Performing update
app:1945 2024-03-09 10:04:03.024 AM debug prefPkgVerifyUpdates
app:1945 2024-03-09 10:04:01.847 AM debug Updates available

5 downloaded, 5 installed. Looks perfect for this hub. :smiley:


I renamed one of html files from zigbee-map.html to zigbee-neighbors.html without changing its UUID, maybe I shouldn't do that anymore :slight_smile:

Here's the manifests:

Hope this helps.

when you rename a package or portions, HPM won't be able to find it BUT for Installs and Repair, it should be fine, you'll just end up with an abandoned old one after Repair. Update probably won't work right. You probably need to advise your users on a correct path forward, which certainly includes an UnMatch somewhere in the recipe. :smiley:

I don't have any hub with an older version, so my starting point is not likely to be a good one for testing this specific issue.