[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

I really like the tab idea.

Joe is it possible to keep the Amazon appstore version current with the Google play store. I use fire tablets, and I assume many others do too because their so cheap. I'd love to have my tablet automatic keep up to date.

Not on my Samsung Tab4 with Android 4.4 and version 1.0.1441 :frowning_face:

Amazon's app store has been really painful to submit updates to. They're super slow and have failed the app multiple times because they couldn't log in (which makes sense since they probably don't have a Hubitat Hub to test with..)

To contrast, I'm able to auto-submit builds to Google Play (beta channel) and they're usually available in a few hours.

Anyway, that said it'd been a long time since my last Amazon App Store update so I'll try again and see if they approve it.. fingers crossed!

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That sounds absolutely insane. I would have never guessed that's its more than clicking a button to upload to their server. Its even crazier when your think of all the hosting AWS does for this planet, how in the world are that useless in their app store.

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version 1.0.1447 (beta)

  • fix interacting with HTML tiles when in full screen (click, zoom, etc)
  • change how app determines if speaker or musicplayer device is 'on' (status=playing)
  • show more images in image picker when in landscape
  • use device-specific icon in folder's 'all on' or 'all off' toggle prompt

A couple of minor changes.. the bigger ones being you can now interact with HTML tiles when in fullscreen (I noticed that bug a while ago but forgot about it).

The other one is pretty minor (and maybe most don't even know about) but if you press and hold a folder tile and the folder contains multiple devices of the same type (ie: lights, locks, switches) - you'll get a prompt to turn all of the devices in the folder on or off. I think this was something requested a while back. Anyway, I was using a generic switch icon before and now it'll be an icon for the devices you're toggling


Your so called minor update is pretty huge Joe. Time to update and adjust my dashboards, absolutely love the idea of turning off a folder full of stuff with 1 click.

Not sure if is something that you covered before but after I get some custom icons from iconsdb, is it possible to load them into the hub so they are available to all my dashboards?

Thanks for the update on the speakers. I moved them back into their rooms.

I have a folder "Other" of devices I'm not using (or testing). That folder always shows one device as on/active. It has a couple smart outlets that are off, a motion sensor that is inactive, and my phone which is shown as not present. Holding on the Folder and choosing All Off doesn't change it. What do you suspect is keeping that folder "On"?

Edit: It's the Smart Phone "Not Present" keeping it on. Removed it from the folder and it doesn't indicate anything active any more.

Also, I have swiped back (out of habit) probably dozens times expecting to back out of a folder. It doesn't work and of course I then reach up to the Folder "Go back" button. Would it be difficult to recognize Android gestures?

The app just saves the URL to the image and then caches all images so it doesn't have to download them again (at least not for a while). Anyway, the cache isn't something that's easy to access or export outside of the device. That said, if you save the dashboard config to the hub and restore it on another device - the custom icons should all be there. Let me know if that's not the case though

Hmm.. long-pressing on a folder that has multiple device types like this shouldn't even show the 'all on' / 'all off' prompt at all. It's only supposed to show when the folder has all the same device types in it.

lol.. that's not very useful :slight_smile: I'll fix on the next go around...

No worries, but also, should the "Not Present" be indicated as Active or On in a folder? Doesn't seem intuitive to me.

I reset my phone to factory. I reloaded the app but I have lost Cloud access to my dashboard. Do I have to create a new access token?

Maybe it depends on how you look at it.. I was thinking being away was something I wanted to be alerted to - like leaving a light on or a a door open.

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The app fetches the cloud token when you login. It should also be saved in the config file if you restore from a backup. You can also fetch it anytime from the nav -> more settings -> cloud mode dialog (click on 'fetch token')

Does that help?

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I see. I don't use the gesture navigation on my S20 but I tested it and the nav drawer opens when I swipe from left to right.. is that what you're getting too? I'm not sure how I can change that though.. maybe that's 1 reason Android apps are moving away from the nav drawer in general (though I personally like it because it doesn't take up any space)

I have a Note 10+
I only use gestures. Nothing happens when I swipe left inside a folder (right brings out the menu).

Actually, just realized that swiping left TWICE works. Not sure what the first swipe is doing. If I enter a folder, first swipe doesn't do anything, second swipe exits the folder.

I just found this app and it looks great however I'm having trouble getting the login process to work. My hub is setup to use SSL with my personal Certificate Authority which is trusted on my devices however while I'm able to get to the hubitat dashboards, etc. just fine (on ip and dns name), the app prompts with the following:

04-24 18:45:39.558  5856  5856 I HD_LoginFragment: discoverHub: found HUB: HUBIP, https://HUBIP:80/api/hubitat.xml
04-24 18:45:40.235  5856 14144 E HD_CustomInterceptor: HTTP_ERROR: IOException: 11) 667ms, http://HUBIP/installedapp/list, java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found.
04-24 18:45:40.235  5856 14144 E HD_NetworkUtils: downloadUrlToString: onFailure: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found., url:http://HUBIP/installedapp/list
04-24 18:45:40.236  5856  5856 E HD_LoginFragment: fetchMakerAppId: 'Maker API' not found: null
04-24 18:45:40.238  5856  5856 W HD_LoginFragment: handleLoginResult: Maker API not found!
04-24 18:45:48.843  5856  5866 W System  : A resource failed to call close. 
04-24 18:45:48.843  5856  5866 W System  : A resource failed to call close.