Not sure how long it has been like this, but when the levels get around 8.7ish the numbers get truncated with the bar graph until the level is high enough to be in the bar.
Absolutely! That post looks promising.
It looks like the app uses 9.7 as the cutoff where anything below this is displayed above the bar graph. That works for my device (S20) but I can see how it wouldn't fit on lower resolution devices. I can try changing that cutoff to 8 and see if that helps
I have a S20 as well so I thought this may be due to tile size since yours looked taller. Maybe that is it. When I use a 2x1 tile I get truncation and when I changed to 2x2 I did not.
I would rather keep the smaller height tile so appreciate a lower cutoff as you suggested as 8.
Joe Page, can this be implemented in your dashboard. I had a asked about something like this awhile back but it seems someone already did the leg work... thoughts?
I'm sorry to say that it still goes to screensaver with version 1.0.1447 (beta)
version 1.0.1457 (beta)
- fix Android/Fire TV navigation
- back and menu key exits out of edit mode instead of open nav menu
- fix crash seen with restoring backup from hub
- fix crash displaying folder with custom ordered back button
- pollen count: change threshold for showing text above or inside bar graph
- only show 'all on/off' toggle for folders that contain devices of same type (lights, switches, locks, etc)
This update is mostly small fixes.. the biggest area I was trying to address was navigation via remote control or keyboard (Fire TV / Android TV) so I can submit to the Amazon App Store.
Dang, you're right.. I just tested it and got the screensaver instead of the device turning off. I'll get it fixed
Thanks for such a quick fix. Joe, you are awsome!
I have been playing around with it on my Google TVs for a while now. Had to resort to using my phone as a mouse for some operations (Bluetooth Keyboard app for Android). This version is definitely a step forward.
Anyone having trouble picking an icon image for a boolean variable? Select Image, Hub Filemanager reports No Results.
EDIT : Guess it was a cache thing. Working now.
Can someone help me with Cloud? I fetched the token, and have Cloud set to Auto, but get Network unavailable. What do I need to change/add for this? Thank you.
If you use it and notice something that can't be done or reached let me know. I know you can't re-arrange tiles with the remote right now so I'll try to figure that one out. I did add logic so you can navigate to the 'add device' menu item (it's not in the beta version yet though)
just FYI - I submitted an update a few days ago and it's live. It actually went really smoothly this time.. maybe Amazon changed something.
I'll try to make a note to update it every few weeks so it doesn't get too out of date again
Where/when does that error show up?
The app does need location permission to work with 'auto' cloud mode detections so you could double-check that's granted. Also, did you add your SSID for when you're on the local network?
The app detects if it's in local mode by comparing the SSID vs what you have set here - otherwise it uses the cloud URL's.
There might be a better way to determine if the device should connect to the hub via local IP or the cloud URL but that's the best way I could think of. The only alternative I could think of would be trying to connect locally first and then falling back on the cloud URL.. but the downside of this is - it could take a few seconds for the local IP connection to fail. So, it could be a lot slower..
Wow that's great news, thanks Joe. Side question... Could your dashboard be submitted to Android auto? That's probably a dumb question but I have no clue. I'd love too have your dashboard in my car!
No, I'll add that and see if that fixes it.
Edit, I think that might be working. What confuses me about that is that I tried setting to Cloud only mode, and that did not work before. I would think that would bypass the need to check SSID, no?
@John.Herron is doing that in some manner so maybe he can help.
I think it was determined that the Hubitat Dashboard won't work on Android Auto due to limitations of the programming libraries and that the Play Store won't accept it with work arounds.
However, Hubitat Dashboard does work fine on head units that run Android natively. I have it in my car and use it daily (mostly for opening the garage and house door). This is a 2 year old screenshot, it looks a lot better now. Just side load the Play Store and install apps from there (so you get updates and lots of choices).
I'll check this.. right, cloud only mode shouldn't require the SSID or location permission. I haven't ever tested cloud mode only though so it could be a bug