[RELEASE] HD+ - Android Dashboard

Most device tiles will show an icon if the battery level is low (there's 2 different icons). Are you looking to display the battery level all the time?

Is there a way to have HSM as a tile,

Yep, open the nav menu and hit Edit; Then, click on Add Device at the top and pick HSM

Is there a reason the Fire Tablet APK does not have the Group Similar Devices option and otherwise is there any reason I could not sideload the play store apk?

Normally Google Play and Amazon App Store have the same versions. Google also has a beta version which is updated all the time. But, that reminds me - Amazon failed my last attempt to release because they couldn't navigate all of the content with a gamepad. I'm not sure what changed but I'll look into it. Typically though they'd be around the same version.

Yes, you can sideload the apk to your Fire Tablet. I have in-app update logic too for the sideloaded version which I just tested a few days ago. You can try to grab the apk from Google Play (there's some websites that will do that) or you can just grab it from here (note: this is the latest/beta version)

Thank you. I did sideload the apk from the link at the top of this post and it's working fine.

I was looking to have a screen of just battery devices to get a quick visual on anything low.

I'll give your suggestion a try and again thank for the great effort on this app.

How do you remove a custom sound? I tested a garage door and no matter what I check or uncheck the device still shows an on/setting and returns audio when opening or closing.

Bah, still fighting with it.

Using an image tile with the following URL: rtsp://
That automatically prepends an http:// onto it (so the tile is trying to use http://rtsp://

I've tried it with and without the [useraccount]:[password]@ prepended to the address of the NVR.

Understandably, the tile errors.

01-24 21:18:42.457 6851 14524 E HD_MjpegInputStream: IOException: Unable to resolve host "rstp": No address associated with hostname

I verified the port on the NVR for RSTP is 554 and can telnet to the port on the NVR. Trying the rstp:// in chrome whisks me off to a search engine.

I reached out to Hikvision and apparently my cameras, which use H.264, can't change their video encoding. That may also be a factor here, but I figured I'd see a different error here.

Total newbie here - so if I'm missing something (which is likely), please let me know. :smile:

Moving the icon to the bottom left corner and making it a simple filled square might look and work better.

When you have the brightness set to circle rather than slider the button doesn't work because the brightness captures the same area.

I prefer the look of the circle brightness because it doesn't interrupt the bulb icon, but I intend to swap some of the bulb icons so that wouldn't apply afterwards anyway.

Maybe some clever masking on the icon for colour, but it would need a mask for whatever icon was used.

I edited up a Hue Go icon for my portable lamps but never got round to finishing. I'll wait to see what you come up with before doing anything more.

Really appreciate your work on this software.

What would cause a copied device tile's attributes (as shown on its details view) to be out of sync with what is displayed on the tile itself?

I'm seeing this behavior on copied motion/temp sensor devices that I have set to display temperature. The temp shown on the original motion view sometimes is an update or two ahead of that shown on the copied device; but the same current temperature is shown when looking at the details view of the 'stale' tile. It is just the tile itself, and the 'Options - COPY of xxx' popup that displays a stale value (drilling down into the details view shows the current value that the original device also is showing).

I usually see this on the tablets and my phone that aren't always on (Android 7, 8, and 11); eventually the values get back in sync. Quitting the app and restarting it also seems to get the copied tiles in sync again (I just restarted my phone and on the first startup of the app the values were out of sync; quitting the app and starting it a second time got them back in sync again ).

Hello, I love this very simple and fast app.

I would like to have an option to enable / disable full screen mode.

For example, on a dedicated tablet I have it with full screen and on my cell phone without full screen mode.

You don't want to use the image tile - that only supports the following image types: "GIF, JPEG, RAW, PNG, WEBP".

The video tile today supports 2 different video steam types - MJPEG and RTSP. I'm not a video streaming expert by any means and I know there's a lot of complexities here - transport type, video encoding, etc. The video tile won't prepend http:// to the URL. If you enter "rtsp://" it'll use the RTSP streaming type and any other URL will use the MJPEG streaming logic.

I reached out to Hikvision and apparently my cameras, which use H.264, can't change their video encoding

This encoding should be supported by the RTSP streaming library I'm using

I love this app! I have tried to get my work computer using bluestacks to login but I just cannot seem to get it. I am sure that I am doing something wrong. All my windows machines at home using bluestacks work great.

Please advise,

I haven't used bluestacks in a long time.. I'll install it and give it a shot

Edit: 01/26 - I tried installing Bluestacks on my Macbook and after a while it failed to install/open. That's kind of what I remember when I tried a year or so ago.

I used Bluestacks a long time ago. Recently tried it to use with TinyCam Pro. It uses it's own IP scheme, so it's not in the same subnet as my cameras. Uninstalled.

Yeah, that would prevent Hubitat Dashboard from logging in.. I don't (today) have a way to do the initial login remotely. Once you login on the network, the app gets the cloud token and can work remotely after that.

It took me 4 tries to get my installation to finish. I found it rather slow on my Windows 10 computer, granted its only an i5-2500 (24 gigs RAM) but Bluestack is certainly a CPU hog. I did get the Dashboard to work, but like everything else on it it was slow (even after doubling the amount of RAM available to Bluestack).

I have bluestacks running on all of my windows pc's on the lan and it is fast. The problem I am having is the initial connection to cloud from my work computers outside the lan on the initial connection. All my tablets I just brought home setup the connection and then they work outside of the lan. I just really do not want to have to bring all three desktops home just for the initial connection.



I have two blink cameras on my dashboard as temperature sensors and the displayed temp never changes. If I long press the tile and look at details the temperature shows correct it just doesn't update the tile.

Someone else noticed a similar issue with Blink tiles. I have 3 Blink cameras too but haven't really paid attention to the temp. Since the details had the correct value I have to imagine it's just not refreshing correctly. I'll figure it out

Sorry for the delayed reply.. I've been so busy with work I haven't been able to spend as much time as I'd like with this app. Sure, I can make that an option easy enough

I usually see this on the tablets and my phone that aren't always on

I haven't spent much time testing copied devices since I originally implemented them but I'll add that to the TODO list as well. That last line is useful - sounds like push updates correctly get applied to the tile and it's copies but maybe not the full sync that's done when you first turn the screen on

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You can't paste the cloud token into the settings?

The app has to decide to use local mode vs cloud mode. There's probably a few ways to do this.. originally I had a manual toggle but that wasn't very user friendly for someone who's coming and going. The way it works now is to compare your current WIFI AP to the one you originally logged in with. That doesn't take any time to do so it's super fast. Another way would be to just try to connect to a local IP and if that fails change to cloud mode.. but, that's slow as I need to keep re-trying the local IP to know if you're back home again.

I also like how the app will pretty much auto discover everything it needs to work without any typing - and that only works locally. I can add an option to login remotely - but it'll require both the cloud token and the local app token which would be a pain to enter.