[Release] HubDuino v1.1.9 - Hubitat to Arduino / ESP8266 / ESP32 / ThingShield Integration (ST_Anything)



I am confused a little by your list of parameters for the PS_PulseCounter device...

What are these two extra parameters at the end of the list?

Here are the parameters that my version has

As for why you're seeing discrepancies over time??? I have no idea. If you suspect the one ESP32 is becoming overwhelmed, simply add another EPS32 just for the water flow measurement, and see if anything changes. If not, then perhaps you need to look at your wiring? If that is solid, then perhaps the water flow sensor is not reliable?

If your pulses are occurring every ~120ms, that is less than 10 pulses per second, or about 500-600 pulses per minute (your current polling interval for the sensor.) The PS_PulseCounter sensor simply sums up all of the pulses received during the polling interval, and then performs a linear conversion to engineering units and sends the data to Hubitat. It ten resets the count and starts over. There is really not much to it.

Of course, of your ESP32 is busy doing a bunch of other things, it might cause some contention.

Oh, one more thing I just thought of... You may need to disable the automatic refresh within ST_Anything (in constants.h). The purpose of the automatic refresh is really for digital sensors, in case they haven't sent a status update in a while. However, for PollingSensors, it is really not required. Usually, it is harmless for sensors like temperature and humidity.... however, the automatic refresh for the PulseCounter sensor can send inaccurate data to the hub, especially if you're trying to use it to accurately count the total number of gallons used over a certain period of time. The automatic every 5min refresh will send duplicate data once every 5 mins, thereby skewing your results.

as always thanks for your help!
I thought that the Pulsecounter code used a polling method (since it called PollingSensor) ..but as I looked closer it does appear to use an interrupt... Had it used a polling method I was suspicious that it missed some counts.

I created an arduino application with a TTGo display and displayed the pulse counts real time.
Everything appeared good...i flush the toilet and the count goes up and then stops.
....well I didn't watch long enough... after several minutes 3 or 4 counts were added while no water had run.... so it looks like my circuit is counting phantom pulses... I will have to try and adjust the circuit to eliminate.. The signal from the hall effect sensor is very small and has to be amplified a lot.
I will also track and compare the counts from the orig esp32 and the ttgo to see if they are consistent.

p.s. I did add a couple parameters to that code

      bool onlySendNonZero, bool allowRefresh 

thx again ...but likely issues are all mine

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sorry more questions....
I'm attempting to sent up in a single event 2 numbers with a comma separator
however for some reason I cant seem to split on the comma

log.debug "Child water meter parse(${description}) called"
def parts = description.split(" ")
def name = parts.length > 0 ? parts[0].trim() : null
def value = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1].trim() : null
log.debug "Child water meter value(${value}) called"

def parts2 = value.split("\\,")   <----------------------------------------------
def displaytotal = parts2.length > 1 ? parts[1].trim() : null
log.debug "Child water meter displaytotal(${displaytotal}) called"

value = parts2.length > 0 ? parts2[0].trim() : null

Note I also tried
def parts2 = value.split(',')
which didn't work either

dev:9332023-08-14 08:46:34.689 AMdebugChild water meter parse(waterMeter 0,4845) called
dev:9332023-08-14 08:46:34.689 AMdebugChild water meter value(0,4845) called
dev:9332023-08-14 08:46:34.690 AMdebugChild water meter displaytotal(0,4845) called

Any suggestions on how to split on comma ?

Not sure. Maybe try using a colon ":" instead of a comma? Take a look at the following, as it does something very similar to what you're attempting to do.

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thats so weird that comma would not work, : worked much better and I combined the space and the colon

def parts = description.split(" |:")
def name = parts.length > 0 ? parts[0].trim() : null
def value = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1].trim() : null
def displaytotal = parts.length > 2 ? parts[2].trim() : null
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I am trying to use buttons with ESP32 but don’t see driver code for Child Button. What to do?

Buttons are implemented via the Parent Device. Thus, there is no need for a child device driver.

Just reference the Parent Device as a Button device in whatever App you’d like to use.

Thank you

Need to learn, what is the function and use of “Send Data” button in parent device? Which device can receive the information? Thank you

Send Data simply calls the sendData() command in the Parent Device. This allows one to send a command to the ST_Anything microcontroller, the same way a child device, like a child 'switch' device, would send its 'on' and 'off' commands. It is really there only for debug purposes. You can safely ignore it.


In one of my boards I'm using the BME280 sensor to monitor THP and I've modified the sketch to update every 5 minutes (300 instead of 60)

static st::PS_AdafruitBME280_TempHumidPress sensor2(F("BME280_1"), 300, 0, "temperature1", "humidity1", "pressure1", true, 100, 0x76);

but it still pulled at random interval, why is that?

You’re looking at Hubitat “Events” which are deduplicated automatically. Thus, if the value is unchanged, a new update from the microcontroller will not result in a new Event on the Hubitat side.

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I'm testing the BME280 and a MQ7 on a ESP32 board (DEVKIT v1), to make it compile I had to comment #include <Adafruit_Sensor.h> in Adafruit_BME280.h, otherwise I'm getting

\Arduino\libraries\Adafruit_Unified_Sensor/Adafruit_Sensor.h:194:3: error: conflicting declaration 'typedef struct sensor_t sensor_t'
 } sensor_t;

Is it ok to do it or it will mess with other sensors?

Also by checking the serial monitor, with ESP32 I get many Post request timed out , which is not the case with ESP8266.

It is probably fine... I am wondering if you're using some newer version of the Adafruit libraries versus what I have in my GitHub repo? That might explain it. To be honest, it has been months since I have compiled any ST_Anything Arduino code. :thinking:

That would indicate that your Hubitat hub is either not online and accepting the Post requests from the microcontroller... OR ... that you have the wrong Hubitat Hub TCP/IP address and/or Port in your Arduino Sketch.

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That was the first thing I checked. I'm using the original libraries of the repo.

Exactly, I forgot that I was on a test board

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I'm having the same problem reported by @kuzenkohome a while back, the humidity sensor of a BME280 stop to update (temp and pressure works fine) with error:

java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "nan" on line 60 (method parse)

rebooting the esp restore the updating. In my case it happens every 4/6 days. I've changed the BME280 two times but the problem it's still there. Is there anything else I can check?

I just saw this topic

@kuzenkohome commenting out this section in Adafruit library code solved the problem?

 *  @brief  Returns the humidity from the sensor
 *  @returns the humidity value read from the device
float Adafruit_BME280::readHumidity(void) {
  readTemperature(); // must be done first to get t_fine

  int32_t adc_H = read16(BME280_REGISTER_HUMIDDATA);
  if (adc_H == 0x8000) // value in case humidity measurement was disabled
    return NAN;

I am trying to re-incarnate my Hubduino RFID Reader project based on RC522 chip.
The entire updated project will have:

  • one contact sensor (door open/close status);
  • two relays (control for OpenSesami door operator);
  • RGB LED Stip (status on what is going on);
  • RFID Reader (door access with RFID Tags);

New (updated) project is created step-by-step.
In a past I already created working and debugged Hubduino (Arduino) RFID Reader Sketch.
This should not be a problem to add it to a new project.

The target board is ESP-WRCOM-32 module.
Sketch (there is no RFID portion yet) compiles without any warning/errors.
All Child Devices created on the HE side and seems to be functional.
Sensor and Relay related portion is working just fine.
But I cannot make RGB LED portion working.
Output pins, defined for the controlling RGB channels (default are A0, A3, A6) on a scope
looks floating. By default these are Analog IO Pins. Somewhere they must be re-defined as
a Digital Outputs but I cannot find a correct place were is is done.
@ogiewon could you please advice what I am missing.

Just in case here is a Sketch in a current state (no RFID Code yet):

// File: ST_Anything_Relays_ESP8266.ino
// Authors: Dan G Ogorchock & Daniel J Ogorchock (Father and Son)
// Summary: This Arduino Sketch, along with the ST_Anything library and the revised SmartThings
//          library, demonstrates the ability of one NodeMCU ESP8266 to
//          implement a multi input/output custom device for integration into SmartThings.
//          The ST_Anything library takes care of all of the work to schedule device updates
//          as well as all communications with the NodeMCU ESP8266’s WiFi.
//          ST_Anything_Relays_ESP8266 implements the following ST Capabilities as a demo of what is possible with a single NodeMCU ESP8266
//            - 3 x Relay Switch devices
// Change History:
//    Date        Who            What
//    ----        ---            ----
//    2015-01-03  Dan & Daniel   Original Creation
//    2017-02-12  Dan Ogorchock  Revised to use the new SMartThings v2.0 library
//    2017-04-17  Dan Ogorchock  New example showing use of Multiple device of same ST Capability
//                               used with new Parent/Child Device Handlers (i.e. Composite DH)
//    2017-05-25  Dan Ogorchock  Revised example sketch, taking into account limitations of NodeMCU GPIO pins
//    2017-11-27  Kai Lenk       Modified to 3 relaySwitch
//    2017-11-29  Dan Ogorchock  Revisions to make sure works for Kai Lenk
//    2018-02-09  Dan Ogorchock  Added support for Hubitat Elevation Hub
// SmartThings Library for ESP32WiFi
#include <SmartThingsESP32WiFi.h>

// ST_Anything Library
#include <Constants.h>         //Constants.h is designed to be modified by the end user to adjust behavior of the ST_Anything library
#include <Device.h>            //Generic Device Class, inherited by Sensor and Executor classes
#include <Sensor.h>            //Generic Sensor Class, typically provides data to ST Cloud (e.g. Temperature, Motion, etc…)
#include <Executor.h>          //Generic Executor Class, typically receives data from ST Cloud (e.g. Switch)
#include <InterruptSensor.h>   //Generic Interrupt "Sensor" Class, waits for change of state on digital input
#include <PollingSensor.h>     //Generic Polling "Sensor" Class, polls Arduino pins periodically
#include <Everything.h>        //Master Brain of ST_Anything library that ties everything together and performs ST Shield communications

#include <IS_Contact.h>        //Implements an Interrupt Sensor (IS) to monitor the status of a digital input pin
#include <EX_Switch.h>         //Implements an Executor (EX) via a digital output to a relay 
#include <EX_RGB_Dim.h>        //Implements an Executor (EX) for a RGB LED or strip with PWM using 3 digital output pins


// WiFi Credentials
#include "credentials.h"

//NodeMCU v1.0 ESP8266-12e Pin Definitions (makes it much easier as these match the board markings)

//#define LED_BUILTIN 16
//#define BUILTIN_LED 16
//#define D0 16  //no internal pullup resistor
//#define D1  5
//#define D2  4
//#define D3  0  //must not be pulled low during power on/reset, toggles value during boot
//#define D4  2  //must not be pulled low during power on/reset, toggles value during boot
//#define D5 14
//#define D6 12
//#define D7 13
//#define D8 15  //must not be pulled high during power on/reset

// ESP32 WDOOM IO Pins
#define IN1             14

#define OUT1            25
#define OUT2            26

#define PIN_RGB1_Red    A0  //(GPIO 36) SmartThings Capability "Color Control"
#define PIN_RGB1_Green  A3  //(GPIO 39) SmartThings Capability "Color Control"
#define PIN_RGB1_Blue   A6  //(GPIO 34) SmartThings Capability "Color Control"

//Define which Arduino Pins will be used for each device

#define PIN_CONTACT_1      IN1  //Hubitat Capabilities - DIO Pin (Normally Open!)

#define PIN_RELAY_1        OUT1 //SmartThings Capability "Relay Switch"
#define PIN_RELAY_2        OUT2 //SmartThings Capability "Relay Switch"

//ESP832 WiFi Information

// Set your WiFi details so the board can connect to the WiFi and Internet

// Get Credentials from the credentials.h file
const char* str_ssid     = mySSID;
const char* str_password = myPASSWORD;

IPAddress ip        (192, 168,  20, 151);  // Device IP Address       //  <---You must edit this line!
IPAddress gateway   (192, 168,  20,   1);  // Router Gateway          //  <---You must edit this line!
IPAddress subnet    (255, 255, 255,   0);  // LAN Subnet Mask         //  <---You must edit this line!
IPAddress dnsserver (192, 168,  20,   1);  // DNS Server              //  <---You must edit this line!
const unsigned int  serverPort = 8090;     // Port to run the HTTP Server on

// Hubitat Hub TCP/IP Address
IPAddress hubIp     (192, 168, 20,   90);  // Hubitat Hub IP          //  <---You must edit this line!

// Hubitat Hub TCP/IP Address
const unsigned int hubPort = 39501;        // Hubitat Nub Port

//st::Everything::callOnMsgSend() optional callback routine.  This is a sniffer to monitor 
//    data being sent to ST.  This allows a user to act on data changes locally within the 
//    Arduino sktech.
void callback(const String &msg)
//  Serial.print(F("ST_Anything Callback: Sniffed data = "));
//  Serial.println(msg);
  //TODO:  Add local logic here to take action when a device's value/state is changed
  //Masquerade as the ThingShield to send data to the Arduino, as if from the ST Cloud (uncomment and edit following line)
  //st::receiveSmartString("Put your command here!");  //use same strings that the Device Handler would send

//Arduino Setup() routine
void setup()
  //Declare each Device that is attached to the Arduino
  //  Notes: - For each device, there is typically a corresponding "tile" defined in your 
  //           SmartThings Device Hanlder Groovy code, except when using new COMPOSITE Device Handler
  //         - For details on each device's constructor arguments below, please refer to the 
  //           corresponding header (.h) and program (.cpp) files.
  //         - The name assigned to each device (1st argument below) must match the Groovy
  //           Device Handler names.  (Note: "temphumid" below is the exception to this rule
  //           as the DHT sensors produce both "temperature" and "humidity".  Data from that
  //           particular sensor is sent to the ST Hub in two separate updates, one for 
  //           "temperature" and one for "humidity")
  //         - The new Composite Device Handler is comprised of a Parent DH and various Child
  //           DH's.  The names used below MUST not be changed for the Automatic Creation of
  //           child devices to work properly.  Simply increment the number by +1 for each duplicate
  //           device (e.g. contact1, contact2, contact3, etc...)  You can rename the Child Devices
  //           to match your specific use case in the ST Phone Application.
  //Polling Sensors
  //Interrupt Sensors
  // Name, IO Pin, Initial State, Internal Pullup, Number of Loop Counts 
  static st::IS_Contact sensor1(F("contact1"), PIN_CONTACT_1, LOW, false, 500);

  //EX_Switch arguments(Name, Pin, Initial State, Invert Logic) change last 2 args as needed for your application 
  static st::EX_Switch executor1(F("switch1"), PIN_RELAY_1,      HIGH, true);
  static st::EX_Switch executor2(F("switch2"), PIN_RELAY_2,      HIGH, true);

  // RGB Dimmer
  static st::EX_RGB_Dim executor3(F("rgbSwitch1"), PIN_RGB1_Red, PIN_RGB1_Green, PIN_RGB1_Blue, true, 0, 1, 2); // channels (0,1,2) must be unique per ESP32
  //  Configure debug print output from each main class 
  //  -Note: Set these to "false" if using Hardware Serial on pins 0 & 1
  //         to prevent communication conflicts with the ST Shield communications
  st::Everything::debug      = true;
  st::Executor::debug        = true;
  st::Device::debug          = true;
  st::PollingSensor::debug   = true;
  st::InterruptSensor::debug = true;

  //Initialize the "Everything" Class

  //Initialize the optional local callback routine (safe to comment out if not desired)
  st::Everything::callOnMsgSend = callback;
  //Create the SmartThings ESP32WiFi Communications Object
    //STATIC IP Assignment - Recommended
    st::Everything::SmartThing = new st::SmartThingsESP32WiFi(str_ssid, str_password, ip, gateway, subnet, dnsserver, serverPort, hubIp, hubPort, st::receiveSmartString);
    //DHCP IP Assigment - Must set your router's DHCP server to provice a static IP address for this device's MAC address
    //st::Everything::SmartThing = new st::SmartThingsESP8266WiFi(str_ssid, str_password, serverPort, hubIp, hubPort, st::receiveSmartString);

  //Run the Everything class' init() routine which establishes WiFi communications with SmartThings Hub
  //Add each sensor to the "Everything" Class
  //Add each executor to the "Everything" Class
  //Initialize each of the devices which were added to the Everything Class

//Arduino Loop() routine
void loop()
  //Execute the Everything run method which takes care of "Everything"

The pins you've chosen are INPUT only pins... :wink:

See ESP32 Pinout Reference: Which GPIO pins should you use? | Random Nerd Tutorials for a good guide on which pins are best to use. I would stick with the following pins for the best flexibility.

First off all - BIG Thank you for the very quick response.
Than was it!
But ... I used an example sketch for the reference.
These AX pins are defined in the example sketch "ST_Anything_RGB_ESP32WiFi.ino".
I was a bit surprised to see Analog Inputs to be used as Digital Outputs.