[Release] HubDuino v1.1.9 - Hubitat to Arduino / ESP8266 / ESP32 / ThingShield Integration (ST_Anything)

That is a strange one, for sure. I have no hypothesis for how the Hue lamp being plugged into the same outlet as the ESP8266 microcontroller would cause such an issue. Glad to hear you've found a workaround, at least.

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I mean I had a lot of problems at the beginning with blinds. For example I plugged servo and board to 2port usb outlet which was connected to power strip. Power strip had its own usb ports too and me and my kids charged phones from there. Couple of minutes later servo started to open and close for no reason. After I unplugged mobile phone from usb port problem stopped.
I thought I was crazy but same thing happened with all my blinds. I had a usb powered cameras too connected to same power strip with blinds but own usb port of course. Blinds were mostly unreachable and they opened and closed like crazy.
That's why I'm wondering if this could be same thing. Maybe something to do with ground voltage potential depending what devices are connected?

when you plugged another device in, it lowered the amperage to the other USB outlet, so the servo probably didn't know how to handle it and started to reset or do random things

@ogiewon as you've seen in my other thread, I've returned to hubduino for my next few projects, one being a dog Feeder (switches, relays and servo) and likely my irrigation as well I'd say (relays most likely).

Its been some time since I looked at this, but it seems quite easy to modify your examples to include custom arrangement of sensors etc and for me I prefer this implementation over tasmota on my wemos mini and nodemcu for a few reasons.

I am still using 1.1.5, as that is what I used for my servo blinds project with 3 servos.

Is there much use for to update to 1.1.7? If so, it's the arduino ide libraries only that need updating? So it won't break my existing blind control? I'm reluctant to update as it works how it is.

I don't mind having to put Mac address or number of buttons so updating just for that I can't justify. Am I losing much else? My blinds have been very stable.

I have always been a fan of the “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” saying. So it really is your call. I can’t recall all of the other little tweaks that may have been done since the 1.1.7 release. Nothing major, or I would have done a formal release.

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do you have an existing dog feeder? or are you creating one from scratch? if you like, i have a separate base i can ship to you if you'd like. i don't have the food holder or the tray though, i just have the base that contains all the motors inside

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I have one already thanks. It was my first esp8266 project a number of years ago. Built from the ground up and stores like 20kg of food.

However it was using arduino ide code and blynk integration.. And had been packed up for 3 years as I didn't have a dog. It's now been brought back to life. Using hubduino code and hubitat rules now.

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Yep it could be. Everything works now and I have to just check that I do not connect anything else to those outlets.
By the way.. this happens every time when I see your nickname. I read it as "Darkprincess". :smiley:

Silly question... But are all the sketches for relays timed? Other than set the duration very high, are there any ways to have relay/digital output with no timer?

Just use the “EX_Switch” example devices, instead of the timed relay. A “switch” device sets an output either on or off until you change it.

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Makes sense.. But for some reason I was thinking switch was an input style switch.. Similar to a button but just latching.

So apart from the timer on the relay, they are the same? Hubitat doesn't see anything differently I guess? One thing I see useful for the relay with timer is for my irrigation where a command may not be received.. Although I will have loops for that if the state hasn't changed so I don't have a very wet lawn/flowerbed

Yes, Hubitat sees both devices as a "Switch". The Timed Relay just happens to turn itself off, although Hubitat can also turn it off before the timer expires.

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Relay not always responding....

My servo motor blinds with hubduino have been solid as a rock. As in I don't recall them ever not responding and they operate every day with sunrise and sunset at minimum, plus change angle based on time of day..

But for some reason the relay one hasn't responded a few times and I need to push a few times. This is from the device page and the state doesn't change. I didn't notice anything in the log, but I have in no way thoroughly checked this and need to make sure I turned the parent and child debug on.. Just it's not plugged in and may not be for a day or two.

Wrost case is I'll set loops that continue if the state hasn't changed.. Perhaps it's because I was sending the commands too close together... Perhaps it's because my esp is rebooting because the digital pin or the actual relay itself is drawing too much current..

I'm assuming there aren't any known problems with relays not responding and it's likely a thing at my end?

Correct - no known issues.

How do you have the relay wired? Here is how I would recommend wiring it (ignore the two reed switches in this diagram.)

You could also power the relay coils (lower black/red pair of wires) from a separate power supply.

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Thanks I appreciate this lies outside this topic. I think thats how I have it. Well similar anyway but my relay only has the vcc input but supposedly has an optocoupler.


I have the 3.3V pin from the wemos mini connected to the relay to power the coils on vcc. And switching with the digital out directly to the in of the relay..

I would use the 5v pin for poweting but I had challenges soldering to it... So used the 3.3V pin. Both voltages are ok for the specs of the relay and it switches with 2.5V.. But I have heard that the 3.3V from some clone wemos use a small regulator so perhaps the voltage of supply is dropping.. But then again I would think the digital state would change before rebooting (due to power requirements from the relay) before the reset? So that theory may not be right

In saying all this.. It seems that hubduino is not the cause here so maybe I should go and do some debugging/effort.. I'll report back.

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how are you powering the board? through usb? or through external 5V? an external 5V might be needed in this case to power the board and relay. i'm using a 3.3v relay in my smart dog bowl and it works no issues (i'm using an external 5v power supply)

Power pack with 2.1A output.

Is this normal to have in the log? Its for the parent device

It is simply an indication that the Parent Device tried to connect to the HubDuino Microcontroller, but could not, and thus timed out. If I power off one of my microcontrollers, and then click REFRESH on the Parent Device, I get the exact same warning message in the logs on the HE hub.

So, if you're seeing this message in your logs, I would troubleshoot why the microcontroller is is not able to respond to the Hubitat hub in a timely manner. Is there a power issue? A WiFi signal strength issue? Etc...

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