I am running HubConnect v2.0.9801 to get some devices from ST into HE.
This has been running great for awhile, but today I made some network changes that resulted in the IP network of both the ST hub and HE hub changing.
I entered the key into the Server app in ST, and they are connected, but ST is now showing as remote rather than local. They are both on the the same switch, as they were before.
What is the best way to fix this so that they communicate locally?
I thought I had done that the first time, but maybe not...
Is there a way to get it changed without having to remove everything and recreate/duplicate the devices that are already in HE?
FYI, I had to remove all the cameras in ST and relink the arlo service. On the con side Hubconnect no longer sees the cameras as Arlo cameras, I could only add them as motion sensors or switches. Once I added them I could then change the driver on the HE side to the Hubconnect Arlo cameras driver and they seems to be back working as they were.
On the + side I now can use the motion from my Arlo doorbell in HE. Not the button which would have been nice, but motion is something.
I have followed the instructions to install HubConnect but when i go to smartthings app to configure the remote client to connect to the server hub i cannot enter the IP of the server hub?
What am i doing wrong?
Primary hub is
Hubitat Elevation® Platform Version, Hardware Version Rev C-7
Client hubs are ST Firmware Version 000.032.00012
One on the same network as the primary the other one is in a different location
Yes, I can replicate the error. Seems "Universal" is not as Universal as I imagined. We will move that driver to the Hubitat Only directory when v2.0 gets Released. In the mean time, you can replace (in the IDE editor) the Metadata section with:
I can't be certain it will work without those commands but it does compile.
Note that the Universal Drivers do NOT have the Tiles section and thus the ST user interface for the device is largely empty, although it will function with automations.
I would suggest you make sure you loaded the 2.0 version of Hubconnect and not the 1.6 version. I first tried the 1.6 since it is stable and it doesn't seem to work in the new Smartthings app. Then also make sure on the hubitat you have it configured and have the key up and copied to your notepad or something that you can use to load it in Smartthings. Then in the smartthings app start configure it. You should be asked for the Key not an ip address. It won't work with the IP on the smartthings side.
Add my voice to the paean chorus: kudos to you csteele for all your fine work! You're definitely a lifesaver! I recently ported all of my devices to HE from ST, only to discover that my Schlage Z-Wave smart locks no longer worked reliably and my ceiling fan controls made Alexa say "I don't know what went wrong" even though the commands were actually working. Thanks to HubConnect I moved my locks and fans back onto my ST hub, linked it to my HE hub, and now enjoy the best of both worlds.
Thanks so much but I did very little of the work.. it's all Steve White's doing (@srwhite) My portion was to be the official PITA. It was my duty to do everything wrong. I believe I hold the record for number of times I installed Server Instance as Server and vise versa. I can reliably report, that doesn't work. See? See how easy I had it?
My hubitat hub reflects status correctly for all changes done on devices in my remote smartthings hub. The issue that if I try to change a device state from the hubitat hub, its not reflecting in the remote hub. Command just expires in hubitat, but actually the event doesn't reach the remote smartthings hub. Any guide on how to troubleshoot this ?
I'm relatively new to this and to be honest, I haven't been able to learn how to code in groovy. I was usong the HubConnect to interact with the Arlo Pro cameras until the ST app got updates and now is using SmartThings Schema. Basically, there's native integration with the ST app without using Arlo (connect). The deal is that I had to renew my credentiaks and it forced me to delete the Arlo (connect) and link the account directly. I got the cameras back to ST BUT HubConnect now refuses to detect the cameras with the corresponding driver. I tried everything but I just lost the integration and basically, I had ST just for the cameras.
I'm on the latest HubConnect 2.0 RC2.
Tl;DR: Arlo (connect) app was deprecated in SmartThings and with the new type of integration, HubConnect doesn't detect any Arlo devices.
Just FYI. I am still using the Arlo cameras with the newest Arlo integration on ST and they are working fine through Hubconnect.
I had to add them as motion sensors and switches in the Hubconnect app on ST and then change the device on the HE side to the Hubconnect Arlo camera driver.
I guess I should also mention I only use HE to turn the cameras and on off and use motion. I use the Arlo app for viewing and setting them up.
so I got everything installed and connected but none of the devices on my Hubitat hub (the main server hub) are showing up on my SmartThings Hub (the remote hub) I'm using the new smarthings App any ideas why?
Hubitat already had a driver for the device... a REAL driver that converses with the physical remote and everything. The ST end tried to create the mirrored device using the HubConnect driver.. that wasn't there.