[RELEASE] HubConnect - Share Devices across Multiple Hubs (no longer SmartThings!)

You can use RM4 to set the device settings. Just use your virtual switch or whatever other trigger you want.

For this example I have it set my receiver to Input 1.

Run Custom Action, Set Custom Attribute, Select Capability of Action Device (for my example I used switch), the Attribute you want to configure,

Not sure that will work for me in this instance. I have an custom app that needs to send commands to a valve, that valve doesn’t exist locally - it’s on a remote hubconnect device. The app is setting some number of minutes to keep the valve open, so I need to modify the hubconnect virtual valve To support optional # of minutes to get that value through to the actual remote valve.

In your example what is Onkyo? An IR-Blaster or a Logitech harmony? I'm curious, that looks slick. I've got a Harmony Hub, but I don't have it setup with Device commands, just the activities. Looking to add another HA brick to my HA Lego set!

A quick question:
Is there anyone who can guide me on the following:What does this error mean?

Its a lan device sending the command through a telnet connection. Not using harmony or ir blaster.

3225 Messages later...I finally install HubConnect.

My second hub (a C5) is now fulfilling it's destiny.

@srwhite & @csteele this application is amazing!

I've now got RM4 and Groups and Scenes (and HubConnect!) running on the C5 while all my Devices and a few device oriented integrations (Hue, OnQ, Sonos, Reliable Locks & Switch Dashboard (for my Inovelli LED bars)) are on the C4. Both hubs are operating very fast, and my Zigbee Sensor ->Zwave Switch automations are working a LOT better than they had been.

Took me a little figgerin' out, but I started with 2.0 and don't think I had my head wrapped around the server/client relationships quite right when I started. However, once I got it up and running, Wow!

There was a secondary benefit too, as I managed to re-write a lot of my rules in a much more elegant fashion! Smarter, not Harder as they say!

Thanks for this excellent application!



@srwhite I recently moved my C4 database to a new C5 using the same nortek dual stack dongle and even though I changed the IP in the Hubconnect Server app and had it update the IP's on the client server it has this error and I'm not sure how to fix it.

A suggestions? I really don't want to lose all my shared devices.

Not Connected
Error: Instance in use by another hub

How did you get it working again ?

I was wondering if that could have been your problem too. I think what I did was temporarily inject a state.clientMac = "My new hub name" somewhere in the Server Instance code (somewhere that you know will get run before it tries to connect, thus keeping it happy), then removed it once it was working (disable other instances in the meantime if you have any), but it's been a while, and I can't remember if I had to change anything else (maybe also re-do the key the "normal" way?). If nothing else, there's always the easy way out of changing the hub name to match the old one. :slight_smile:

Actually I found a faster way -- in the server instance code comment out lines 1082-1085

if (state?.clientMac && (state.clientMac != accessData.mac))
	return jsonResponse([status: "error", message: "Instance in use by another hub"])

Then run through the auth again on both hubs and viola!! All fixed at least as far as I can tell.

Obviously uncomment the code after you are done :smiley:

@srwhite you think you could add a bypass switch that would allow the re-authing if you switch to a new hub? A simple toggle would work.

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Yup this works.. If you are going to switch hubs like I did you will need to comment out the above code and re-run your auths for both hubs and it will force the new values.

I did add code to allow the re-auth of the server instance app which works -- the toggle will automatically turn off after 1 minute. This will fix any issues when restoring from a DB backup to new hub which will need to have the auth keys updated... might also fix the issue with renaming the instance as well but I have not tested that.

I tried the proxy setup but balls'd it all up. Luckily had backed up all 3 HE Hubs so restored and started again with just a simple http connection first, which I managed to get working but when I try to run a report for App & Driver Version it tries to gather info, briefly flashes all the details and then drops back to the screenshot below and just hangs there, any ideas pls?

I've seen that and I found it was somewhat related to the UI and how 'deep' you were.

Try, open a new tab, navigate straight there, and run the report.

I just tried out my own advice here and it worked correctly. It happens that I use Chrome, too.

Not sure if this is the correct thread for this or not but I am getting this error repetitively. Please see screenshot

Easy to miss, 425 responses ago :slight_smile:

Thank you!

I just moved all my lightify bulbs back to smartthings and using hucbonnect to link them back to hubitat.

Everything works, except for the dimming level through hubitat. Am I missing a driver or something? Or is it just a bug in the RGB bulb driver that hubconnect uses? I'm using the 2.0 beta.

I use the HubConnect RGBW bulb driver for everything except my garden spot lights (between 2 HE hubs). If you’re trying to use start level change up/down and stop level change, that isn’t supported by SmartThings. I thought about moving them back to SmartThings, but I discovered during an internet outage we had 2 weeks ago that even though I’m using a hubaction connection, I couldn’t control local SmartThings devices from HE.

In the hubconnect remote client on smartthings it lists all my lightify bulbs and gardenspots under the RGB Bulb section. I have nothing listed under the RGBW Bulb section....even though the lightify bulbs are RGBW devices.