[RELEASE] HubConnect - Share Devices across Multiple Hubs (no longer SmartThings!)

The only way "they" will get the code to read is if "you" give it to them. :slight_smile:

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I think he just had the Software burning a hole in his pocket. :smiley: Been sitting in a 'drawer' for a long time and this is a great opportunity. :smiley:

It does not stop anyone from reading nor accessing the code. That is not the intent. But it gives me better control over distribution in that it does prevent one from simply cloning the entire repo into their own account and creating another unauthorized distribution point.

Nope. No plans to charge. There is already a phone home in the version report, but thats kinda unavoidable for the feature to work.

The upshot of this is being able to track how many people sign up and download which gives me feedback to determine how much development effort the project gets.


A little more digging on the mode change issue on the ST side. The issue is that modeStatus returns null so the sendEvent on line 373 is failing. If I comment out line 373 the mode change works smoothly.

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For those who are interested, I got a docker container up and running. Turns out you don't have to create a dockerfile to run a node.js script, you can just run node and then execute the script. The command is a bit hacky as it installs every time the container is restarted -- I know there is a cleaner way to do it, but for now this is working.

version: “3.7”
    image: node:latest
    container_name: HubConnect_Server
    working_dir: /hubconnect_server
      - ${USERDIR}/docker/hubconnect_server:/hubconnect_server
    restart: always
    command: bash -c "npm install -g && node proxy.js"
      - 22010:22010
      - PUID=${PUID}
      - PGID=${PGID}
      - TZ=${TZ}

    driver: macvlan
      parent: bond0.20
        - subnet:

some of the other customizations I've done are in here too. I included the info give the hubconnect server its own IP (on the subnet I keep all my IOT devices on).

you just place the proxy server files in the hubconnect_server folder and it will load then when the container is started.

I asked for docker because install from docker hub will be easier with fewer steps and remove incompatibility on servers already in place.
This implementation works, unfortunately, I don't find this version easier than installing real node.js

I was talking more about:
from registry on dockerhub download image hubconnect with one click
enter IP addresses and ports Hubremotes and hubservers in environmental variables.
something like this pihole docker example. deployed in 2 min.

example here:

Does anyone know if the devices remain correctly mapped when switching the connection between 2 Hubitat hubs from Event Socket to oAuth (http)?

I am having some issues with Event Sockets where some remote devices will not show on the server, HSM modes won't replicate and the server keeps thinking it is not connected to the server (even though it is) and I want to test changing to oAuth instead of Event Sockets to see if that might resolve some of the issues without creating new ones... :slight_smile:


It's the opposite of your change, but the steps are the same order.

Thanks, great video!

From it, I conclude that the devices will remain - excellent! :slight_smile:

This link has been posted multiple times..


It got updated the same hour HubConnect v2.0 RC1 was released, with v2.0 Videos and how-to's on NodeJS autostart after boot.

The Import list is still v.1.6.4 until v2.0 goes full release... so keep away from that if you're on RC1.

Also, there's the Link to the Support site as well.

It's almost like Steve and I talk once in a while. :smiley:

Thanks, yes I thought I had seen it before (believe it or not, I went through the almost 3000 posts before installing v2.0 RC1). I have disconnected and reconnected a few times now, so I feel comfortable with the change.

I switched over from Event Socket to oAuth - The process is really quite easy in V2.0! Bravo!

I was happy to see that all my devices were still there and all the automation still work.

Unfortunately, the issues I was seeing are still occurring...

Yes, I was hoping but really the transport mechanism is rather independent of the Event mechanism.

If I continue the 'highway' metaphor I've used before.. it doesn't matter if the highway is concrete or tarmac, cars and trucks still travel along it in their own lanes.

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A bit confused here. I'm finally not using ST at all for anything. I just use HubConnect to communicate with HOOBS so I can use Siri to control the house. Is the only thing that I need to do is just update all the apps and drivers in Hubitat and I will be good to go?

I'm sorry, I can't determine your starting point to the question...

If you have HubConnect v1.6.4 installed and working, at a high level, yes, updating everything from HubConnect.to (not github) will get you to v2.0 RC1

Docs exist there too for an Upgrade or an Install.

Videos covering the Install and the shift to using the optional HubConnect NodeJS Server are at:


So installing the NodeJS Server is not required for me then right?

Optional.. correct.

Thanks, got everything updated. It seems everything is working as it should.

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Would it be possible to sync my skybell integration over to hubitat? It integrates well with smartthings. Or would I have to write some custom driver for it?

I'm quite technical, but I'm new to Hubitat as of about a week ago. I'm in the process of migrating from ST; the final gap is Harmony Hub integration, and this looks like the answer to that problem (and much more). So first, huge thanks to the authors.

I've followed the installation instructions (from HubConnect/HubConnect Installation Instructions.pdf at master · HubitatCommunity/HubConnect · GitHub), including the oAuth keys. However, the devices on my ST (SmartThings) hub don't show up in my HE (Hubitat Elevation) devices list. I don't really know where I've gone wrong, how to debug, or how to proceed. Help?

One piece of feedback to the authors - it's been a bit of a struggle to be sure I've found the authoritative instructions on how to install, there's a lot of cruft I'm guessing from the iterative development. It would be useful to have a page (maybe somewhere on https://hubconnect.to/) for people who haven't been along for the journey with authoritative references to the current documnentation / code. (BTW, I think the installation documentation would benefit from a more clear description of the expected end state for each step or group of steps - if I know what it looks like when I've completed it successfully, it's easier to figure out that I've made a mistake.)

Thanks again, I'm really excited to have the full functionality available from ST available again.