[RELEASE] HubConnect - Share Devices across Multiple Hubs (no longer SmartThings!)

You're extrapolating a need. There is no "server" for SmartThings.. it can ONLY be a Remote.

So... what do you think is missing that a "server" might provide? :slight_smile:

Your Hubitat Server would look similar (greater or fewer Instances) to mine:

Screen Shot 2020-03-14 at 9.29.56 AM

Clicking on the SmartThings Instance:
Screen Shot 2020-03-14 at 9.30.57 AM

You'd click the "Connect Local Devices..."

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Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. :rofl::joy::rofl:

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LOL. OK I understand ST has no server. Here is what I have by clicking around the HE.

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Did you install the remote hub driver on HE? Is your ST hub on the same LAN as HE? You should be able to copy the connection key, switch apps to the ST classic app, paste the connection key and click done all the way out of the ST app. Then switch back to the HE app and see if you have a connection. It still says HubConnect Server Instance, which means setup isn't complete. It should change to whatever you named your ST hub when setup is complete.

@csteele , does that sound right to you? I'm so used to the beta that my memory is a little foggy on 1.6.4. Steve needs to release the new version before camping season starts.

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OK I simply did not successfully complete the last step of setting up ST to HE. It is working now. Man that process could be improved or docs could be made clearer. Thank you guys for your help!


Steve got the Flu a little more than a week ago, so he's been at Sloth speed. :smiley:

There's one bug uncovered in Beta 6 so I think it's: "very soon now" "won't be long now" "right around the corner"

I had forgotten v1.6.4 and had to revert my Development pair, just so I could remember. :smiley:


Now would be great as we all in San Jose are supposed to stay home because of Corono virus. (I've already watched all the movies on Amazon Prime that I wanted to see)
My OCD is killing me.


Yikes. I hope he recovers soon.


That fixed it! Thanks!


I have several 3210-L Iris plugs, using @srwhite 's driver for both the Zigbee switch and the Z-Wave repeater. I noticed that HubConnect has a section for both. The Zigbee switch makes sense (I want to control the native HE switch from Smartthings); but why would I expose the Z-Wave repeater to ST?

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You wouldn’t. It’s no use to ST.


I'm having trouble with fan control. The device is installed in hubitat and shared to smartthings with hubconnect. But the fan won't work thru smartthings. Am I missing something?

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I added one from HE Server to ST and installed the HubConnect Fan Control driver to ST, the ST version, with tiles.

Worked for me.

5:15:19 PM: debug Received event from Server/Study Ceiling Fan: [speed, off , isStateChange: null]
 5:15:18 PM: debug sendGetCommand(): Sending
 5:15:17 PM: debug sendGetCommand(): Sending
 5:15:15 PM: debug Received event from Server/Study Ceiling Fan: [speed, high , isStateChange: null]
 5:15:14 PM: debug sendGetCommand(): Sending
 5:15:11 PM: debug Received event from Server/Study Ceiling Fan: [speed, medium , isStateChange: null]
 5:15:10 PM: debug sendGetCommand(): Sending
 5:15:09 PM: debug Received event from Server/Study Ceiling Fan: [speed, medium-low , isStateChange: null]
 5:15:08 PM: debug sendGetCommand(): Sending
 5:14:54 PM: debug Received event from Server/Study Ceiling Fan: [speed, low , isStateChange: null]
 5:14:53 PM: debug sendGetCommand(): Sending
 5:14:45 PM: debug Received event from Server/Study Ceiling Fan: [speed, auto , isStateChange: null]
 5:14:45 PM: debug sendGetCommand(): Sending
 5:14:38 PM: debug sendGetCommand(): Sending
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Does on off work? I can only control speed. And what do you mean with tiles?

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Well. It works in classic app not new app. Didn't know that. Has anyone got this to work with Google home? Home doesn't recognize hubitat fans as fans but it will recognize smartthings fans as fans. Problem is control doesn't work thru home

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Yes, HubConnect for ST is Classic App only at this time.

There's just one Tile for Fan Control and it cycles through, Auto, Low, Med-Low, Medium, Med-High, High, On, and Off. The logs above show I rotated through them all.

HubConnect v2.0 works with ST's new App.

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So when Google home finds this device from smartthings ( which is actually on hubitat) it doesnt work. Think this will work in 2.0?

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The only Google Home specific work added to v2.0 that I am aware of is Thermostat related. Specifically 'lastRunningMode'

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I could not find the PDF links clickable or even copy/pasteable so here they are...Apologies if this is a double post:


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Yes unfortunately the PDF links aren’t clickable but you can find a list of import URLs here: