Hubitat's v2.2.8 and beyond allows for Bundles, collections of Apps and Drivers that get installed at one time. I've put a set of Bundles out on to simplify installation:
Clicking that will yield:
I soft reset a pair of hubs (C-4 & C-7) and installed one as Server, one as Remote and it works as expected. The specific files land where they need to be with OAuth as needed. It's a small but error prone area in my experience. The remainder of the setup is the same after installing the bundles.
Login to
Click Downloads there in the middle light blue menu
Click HubConnect v2.0 Release
Click on each of the Bundles to download them to your PC.
On your Hubitat Hub that is going to be a HubConnect Server:
Click on Bundles in the left menu.
Click Import ZIP in the upper right corner and click Choose File and browse to where you saved the Server Bundle. Then click Import.
Optionally, repeat Importing a bundle for the Drivers Bundle.
On your Hubitat Hub that is going to be a HubConnect Remote:
Click on Bundles in the left menu.
Click Import ZIP in the upper right corner and click Choose File and browse to where you saved the Remote Bundle. Then click Import.
Optionally, repeat Importing a bundle for the Drivers Bundle.
Both hubs have the required Apps and Drivers and you can go to Apps, Add User App and select HubConnect. From this point on, normal installation continues.
The Driver Bundle is an option because it installs ALL the HubConnect Universal Drivers and it's quite possible that using HPM's granular feature is more suited to installing just a few Universal drivers.
Note: I don't own the rights to HubConnect and therefore I cannot put the bundles out on github.
I realize that the use of HubConnect is minimal and this Release is ironic, but it's been on my ToDo list since the bundle feature was released.
Is there an update to the version on my hubs in this release. Should I use the Bundle feature to overwrite what I have now? Looking at the server bundle, I am seeing this
No need for you to upgrade. There's two drivers that got updated for the color temp change Hubitat made, and you can get them via HPM just about as easily.
99% of the change is marking the RC2 code as Release v2. Every file changed to have the new version (build changed to 0) and that's it. It doesn't really show up anywhere and it's mostly to just get the item off my ToDo list.
You can import the bundles to get familiar with the process, or continue to use HPM.
Select the Download from a URL tab, select This is a private pro installer bundle, and then paste in either the Server bundle URL or the Remote bundle URL above. Click Import and the result is:
I purchased a couple more c-7 hubs and I want to make one them my dedicated hub for apps and automations including HubConnect. These bundles installed very easily on the new hub.
I was using Hubconnect on my original hub to send devices to Smartthings. Given that groovy has been deprecated in Smartthings would it be risky at this point to disconnect my Hubconnect Server on my original c-7 and set it up on the new c-7? Is it possible to have them running on both c-7s until I am comfortable that it's working on my new c-7?
I've mothballed my actual SmartThings Hub but I was able to create a hubless connection to ST's cloud last week, a couple of times. Except when there are Z-devices connected to an actual ST Hub, the communication to/from Hubitat is via the cloud. Sending to ST from Hubitat wouldn't require a ST hub, so as long as they didn't kill of Groovy in the past week or so... it should still work. How long is a completely different question, of course.
Back in the days when HubConnect was being developed, I had two ST accounts and had a server/remote to each of the two accounts.... meaning I never tried 2:1
I didn't get 2:1 working but I don't think I tried tinkering with it enough. I just went and deleted the original and set up the app on the new hub. I can still send devices both ways. Still a great app for however long it's still working.