[RELEASE] Hub Rebooter App

Does anyone know if the new Restart will also show an entry in the System Events like a reboot does (e.g. systemStart event)?

Looking at my events, no it doesn't appear to.

Thank you.
So I assume that means there isn't away to confirm if a restart actually happened then?
Not the end of the world, just curious.

I write a line that says "rebooting hub" to the logs as an info message, that's about all I can think of though.

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I had devices showing errors after restart, so have gone back to reboot. Strange these were devices with built-in drivers.

FYI - For the last two Sunday mornings at the time I have your app kick in, I am getting a system event now

In your app I have it set to do a restart and not reboot:

I’ve been having issues everyday with Hubconnect and HOOBS that I could t figure out. Turns out it’s because I installed this app. When my Hubitat box would reboot, it caused HOOBS to not update my Home app anymore. I can still control stuff via Siri, but unless I restart HOOBS as well, Home app won’t update.

On your RPi create a cronjob that restart those services about 5 min after your scheduled HE restart/reboot.

You also want to check if you are 'rebooting' or 'restarting' with the rebooter app. They are different and 'restart' may be causing you problem. Check your settings to see if it is set for reboot or restart and consider changing.

I had it set up to just reboot the service. I uninstalled it for now.

What kind of issues where you having with HubConnect. Did uninstalling resolve?

Info only, I also experienced issues with HubConnect. I have both my HE hubs set to reboot every night with this app. However, upon reboot, the devices shared between hubs via HubConnect get out of sync. There is a sync button in HubConnect that fixes everything, but you would have to do it every day after the reboot.

I told srwhite and he said he would consider adding an automatic resync option upon the reboot and restart of the application...

I've still been using the rebooter nightly, but I actually just disabled it today to see if any of the recent firmware updates have helped the situation.

Any idea if the new restart option would change that process?

Having to push "Sync"? No, it won't. But you can create a rule to do so (say 20 minutes after a reboot). The trigger would be the location event "systemStart".

I'm not real proficient with rule machine, but you can write rules to trigger events within an app?

As long as it's a custom command (I don't know HubConnect at all so I don't know if it is or isnt) you can call it from an RM rule.

I'll play around and see... :slight_smile:

You can write a rule that does the sync for you xyz minutes after a reboot. Here's an example:

Screen Shot 2020-05-07 at 5.18.52 PM


I've played around with RM for a few minutes but having trouble duplicating what you posted... Any chance of few more steps? Sorry :slight_smile:

I got the trigger event, but where to do you get actions to run and sync?

Here you go:

  1. Start by choosing "Run Custom Action"
    Screen Shot 2020-05-07 at 5.37.41 PM

  2. Choose switch as capability of action device (if it includes switch as a capability)
    Screen Shot 2020-05-07 at 5.38.07 PM

Choose the custom command of your choice after selecting the switches (sync() will appear as an option).

The issue is it does not sync back up with HOOBs or HA when the Hubitat service gets reset. You have to reset the HOOBS service as well to get them to sync again.