[RELEASE] Hub Information Driver

Create a virtual device with it, select a polling rate, and what options you want attributes updated for.

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Do an update to v2.6.36 and turn on Log all attribute changes

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Boom...perfect! Thank you very much!

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I meant to mention this a few weeks ago -
If I disable Zigbee - the HubInfo driver doesn't show zigbee offline or disabled. I waited more than 10 minutes in case it was a delay thing.
I noticed it one day when Alexa told my my Zigbee was down but my dashboard gave no indication. Switching to the native dashboard shows the same - so I don't thing it's refresh rate on my Android emulator.

You’re still showing an active channel which is what it is keying on (I have another option but it doesn’t respond as quickly). Are you on a C7 or ???

yes. a c7. i'm that wierd guy who only uses zigbee - and am currently loosing my zigbee network about once a week during a device check where about 25 devices are toggled... Since there is no way to turn the 'overloaded' zigbee back on without a reboot I'd love to see my monitor tile show it's gone down in case I don't heard the verbal notifier I get through my Alexa - come to think of it, I wonder how I've got Alexa triggering...
I have an XTCU, maybe I can code it to watch for the C device going offline and force a power cycle.. hmm. nah. to much work.
Yea. so alexa's pulling from an internal variable -

To bad I can't find a way to zigbeeOn in a Rule!

I’ll take a look at implementing the second method when I get back home Monday.

@jshimota v2.6.37 adds an additional zigbee status (zigbeeStatus2) - zigbeeStatus and zigbeeStatus2 should always agree (will generate a warning in the logs if they don't), but are drawn from different sources.


I'm using that same integration in Home Assistant, and I was able to get the other information to display. It appears only the temperature is one of the "standard" entities the integration supports, so that's the only one that gets an enabled entity by default. In Home Assistant go to SETTINGS > DEVICES & SERVICES and then in the Hubitat Integration card click on the link that says something like 13 DEVICES. In that device list click on the one for your Hub Information Driver, at which point you'll see something like this (only with just the temp sensor active).

If you click on the link in the middle card that says something like +47 ENTITIES NOT SHOWN, you'll get a list of each item the Hub Information Driver is passing. You can click on one, then click the ADVANCED SETTINGS at the bottom, and enable the entity. You can give it a friendly name and an icon there as well.

After that you can use the enabled entities in cards. The only drawback is that number entities aren't measurements, so you won't get pretty graphs for them. You might be able to do a template sensor to convert them to something that would display a graph though. Anyway, here's what my Hubitat status card looks like after doing all that:

P.S. Version status uses the custom Lovelace template entity row available from HACS. That way I could have a pretty display of the status.

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@thebearmay does the hub expose any information about the status of hub mesh that you could use? One of my hubs mysteriously fell off last night and though a series of restarts resolved the issue some sort of alerting would be helpful.

Added a couple of Hub Mesh attributes a while back. The one you'll want to look at is

hubMeshData : [{"hubName":"Hubitat Main","active":"true","offline":"false","ipAddress":"","meshProtocol":"tcp"}]

It contains a JSON list of Hubs connected to this one along with some connection information. The active and offline values are what you're probably interested in.


I had been manually updating the Hub Information Driver. I saw an option for Import and clicked it. It then updated the driver to the latest version. That is very convenient. Thanks for including it.

I did run into one problem. It was not saving the update, hanging and then I got an error message (sorry, did not copy it). I then rebooted the hub and the import and save completed with no problem.

It is probably a good practice to reboot before trying to update driver codes. I'm writing this to help me remember as well as possibly help someone else who might experience this.

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Thanks! Like the idiot I am I just looked at the output of the driver and did not think to look at the switches. I had hub mesh data off.

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LOL, was a new addition so if you didn't catch it in the update notes ....

Not sure if you're running HA but if you are Uptime Kuma can be configured to send pushover alerts if a system goes offline.
Screen Shot 2022-08-17 at 9.58.30 AM

Not using HA but I do use a ping presence driver to at least check to see if the hub responds to a ping. In this case it did, but hub mesh was not happy. However, I was able to use the hub info driver to see how many hubs were participating in the mesh and if it goes down I alert.

I wonder if we have some maker api configuration difference or hubitat device difference, where yours show 47+ Entities mine only shows 1+ Entity. All I can get it to show is Temp and last update time.

I don't think I have anything particularly out of the ordinary on my Hubitat setup. On the Maker API I just added the device to the allow list and then reconfigured the integration on the HA side (which triggers it to find the new device). I do have authentication on the Hubitat, and I had to enter that in the Hub Info Driver settings before anything would even show up in Hubitat, but if you're seeing stuff in the Hubitat, then that probably isn't the issue. You might check to see if you have the most current version of the Hubitat integration on HA. Maybe try removing the Hub Info Driver from the Maker API, re-run the config on HA to remove the device, add it back to Maker API, then re-configure again in HA?

Quick question, what is the format of the lastUpdated time?

It’s a Unix timestamp to the millisecond.