[RELEASE] Hub Information Driver

Only popped up once, updated and clicked save, initaise and config. Error didn't reappear.
How are you calculating hub cpu % ?

CPU Load / Number of Cores (4)

Figured it was a reasonable proximity given that load per core is 0 (doing nothing) to 1 (fully occupied). Not sure it is entirely correct in the purest sense, but in reading over the documents on Load it feels right. Kind of putting it out there as a trial balloon to see how much flak is thrown at it. :grinning:


Load is load, unrelated to the number of cores. Running and runnable processes. Dividing it by number of cores implies perfect parallel execution ability and perfect (independent) thread scheduling which is never the case.

Of course that is 100% true.

BUT... Using # of cores as a guideline for good/bad load levels is a reasonable, and very common, thing to do - even if not 100% correct, or applicable in all situations.

That said, I usually just look at raw load.

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I changed it to read Load/Core %

For something that started as a quickie morning project, soon this driver will become as full-featured as emacs.



Yeah, I think I wrote the first bit of code in about 15 minutes, and it may have been about that many lines....:sunglasses:


I think it needs to be given to a marketing and sales team to come up with enhancements and branding.

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I remember when you included the Hub name that I was looking for - seems ages ago :grinning:

Question - HPM is telling me that there is an update. I'm on (will wait for the noise to settle down) and was wondering if there some of the 2.2.6 (only?) features would cause a problem if I upgraded.

Driver will check the firmware version to determine whether or not to attempt to access the 2.2.6 features. I actually ran it on for about a week before 2.2.6 came out.


Not all the device's attributes are updating in Node Red. Is there a way to fix this?

Remove the device from the Node-RED MakerAPI instance. Click on done. Add it back to the Node-RED MakerAPI instance.

That sequence fixed the issue for me.

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I'll give it a shot. Thanks!

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That didn't work. I also tried restarting node-red and that didn't help.

Node-Red Screenshot

You can do a manual maker query in your browser for that device and see what comes up.

Hmmm - I just did the upgrade and it looks like I can see all the attributes:

Are you seeing something different when you select the "attributes" in the device node?

EDIT: I'm on if that makes a difference

I can see all the attributes but the values don’t update unless I restart the flow. I have an inject node setup with a 5 minute interval to match the update interval of the device.

I think I noticed that in an earlier version and I thought it had something to do with which attribute was updated. In my case, I use mostly static information (Hub name, restart etc.) so I didn't dig into this.

I’m on the latest version of everything.