[RELEASE] Hub Information Driver

Fat fingered the check in the Configure area, would have corrected on the next poll, but if you don't mind doing a Repair the updated code is out there now.

Repair done, still showing disabled.
Suppress data attribute if Zigbee is null is False
clicked configure, hia update, and initialize.

Can you check line 300, should read:

    if(location.hub.properties.data.zigbeeChannel != null)
        updateAttr("zigbeeStatus", "enabled")
        updateAttr("zigbeeStatus", "disabled")

Sometimes GitHub will cache the code.

I have the if starting on 299 matching what I see in Github.
Checked Github again and it matches my code

I can replicate, let me do a little playing to see what is happening (it’s flipping back and forth when enabled).

Edit: Found it, was part of another issue. Will push up a fix in a minute or so.

can put in a value for an attribute that is not set to be

'not set'

or 'null'

as strings...

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v2.6.22 has the fix…


installed 2.6.22, hit configure, now shows as 'enabled'
Thank you for quick update.


@thebearmay This is so funny as my zigbee network was just offline this evening, thanks for the great app.

Adding some logic in node red to reboot in this event, along with the declining memory issue.

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@thebearmay, you are simply amazing! Thanks for all your contributions to the community.


Offline and sometimes the DB gets corrupted, and I have to do a soft reset, but the DB corruption is "occasional" and not every time.

Also, not a C-7 hub so I'm not sure the new firmware would help.


Firmware looks to be for the 700 chip so C-7 only. If you not seeing a zwave crashed event, the only thing I could do would be to “scrape” the Zwaves detail screen and give you some type of indication that it was no longer reading Enabled. I have some “test” code laying around that does something similar so may be able to get you a zwaveStatus (enabled/disabled) later today.

v2.6.23 adds zwaveStatus (enabled/disabled/unkown)

Generally the values will be either enabled or disabled, the unknown (should never see) is a fall through in case it is unable to determine the situation.


After updating, getting these errors in the logs:

dev:13942022-03-18 03:28:06.409 pm errororg.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to [/] failed: Connection refused (Connection refused) on line 925 (method configure)

dev:13942022-03-18 03:28:04.259 pm errororg.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to [/] failed: Connection refused (Connection refused) on line 925 (method configure)

dev:13942022-03-18 03:28:02.880 pm traceHub Information Driver 2.6.23 initialized

Looks like that address has been hard coded into the driver.

After I manually updated with my correct Hub IP and reinit and hit the configure button, I get the following:

Left a hard coded IP in there, if you do a repair you should be good.


Just want to give @thebearmay props for being so responsive to the community requests. Hub Info Driver has been an essential tool to keep an eye on my hub and has enabled timely RM based automatic reboots to keep it running and healthy. The latest updates have been working great. Thanks!


GREAT! Thank you!

I believe this is a "Feature Request":

I'm using the Hub Info Driver as a source to provide an attribute for CurrentMode to Simple Multi Tile. I do this to condense the content of 5 tiles, to a single tile.
The Simple Multi Tile app cannot pull the Mode since mode is a system variable - so I 'hooked' into Hub Information to get the CurrentMode. Today, the GF did an iPhone update - and her phone showed away when it was Present which caused Mode to show we had left the house. Fairly innocuous. When I restarted her Owntracks, and got her presence working again - the tile still kept showing Away. Even after I went into the Hub and updated Mode manually to "Day", the tile showed Away.
Looking at the device Current States for my hub, it showed currentMode as Away (and also currentHSMMode as Armed). I believe the driver might need to add the option to Poll for both of these attributes.

Pressing 'Configure' did force the driver to 'catch-up' so to speak.

Driver currently checks both on its regular polling cycle (about line 513), the Configure just forced an early poll.

Seems like after one of the recent updates to the Hub, your driver can no longer check if there is an update. I set the update check to 15 seconds and turned on debug logging but not seeing anything useful. It is stuck like this:
