[RELEASE] Honeywell TCC Total Connect Comfort Parent/Child Drivers

This is probably a dumb NOOB issue, as I am very new to the Hubitat. I installed the HPM then Honeywell Thermo Parent/Child package with HPM. The install seemed to go fine. The package and driver are listed in HPM:

  • Honeywell Thermo Parent
    • Honeywell Thermo Parent v2.0.16 (driver)
    • Honeywell WiFi Thermostat Component v2.0.7 (driver)

However I cannot find the app anywhere. It is not under Apps or Apps Code and does not appear when I select "Add user app". There is no error I can see in the HPM logs:

2024-10-18 03:58:15.392 PMinfoInstalling Honeywell WiFi Thermostat Component

app:502024-10-18 03:58:11.249 PMinfoInstalling Honeywell Thermo Parent

app:502024-10-18 03:58:11.018 PMinfoDownloading Honeywell WiFi Thermostat Component

app:502024-10-18 03:58:10.734 PMinfoDownloading Honeywell Thermo Parent

app:502024-10-18 03:58:10.464 PMdebugInstall beginning

app:502024-10-18 03:58:10.463 PMdebugprefInstall

What am I doing wrong? Thanks for any help.

That's because it is a driver, not an app. Follow the instructions at the beginning of the thread that explain how to set it up

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I didn’t understand what drivers were. I do now. I am adding thermostats and so far this is working well. Thanks much.

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I read above that you created the parent/child arrangement so that the polling could be done less frequently by the parent and the child devices could get their data from there. That makes sense to me but I am curious why the polling interval is on the child devices rather than the parent. Does the parent just use the minimum vale from all of the children as the polling frequency?

The Poll Interval is independent. Each Child has it's own interval. Over time, reboots, etc. they start to coalesce within a 6 second window. Then a connection is made to Honeywell and everything is sent. If you set one to a 10 min interval and another to a 6 min interval, mathematically you'll get one common connection. However, the next cycle starts when the answer arrives and that causes them to coalesce more often than expected.

The problem to overcome is Honeywell blocking logins. When we do get in, then get as much done as possible. The target is not to have the polls be perfectly offset, but to collide with Honeywell's limiter as rarely as possible.

10 min and 6 min are probably too fast for real world, but the example is a bit more clear, I hope.

I have found that the website is soo bad ( very slow ) last few months.
I just deleted it all from my hub :frowning: Because it never worked anymore!
All I ever got now are time outs in the logs. IF you try and login to the website it takes minutes.
Its Sooooo Bad .. Honeywell Home - My Total Connect Comfort
I almost bought a new ecobee thermostat but decided it was not worth the cost.
Just to have it work with the hub :frowning:

I clicked on Logs: past logs and then my single thermostat. I got almost 24hours of logs on the single page. Took that, stripped the date/time, and sorted. Then I counted the duplicates:

Honeywell Thermo Downstairs TCC transaction: begin 43
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs TCC transaction: success 42
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs TCC transaction: retry login 18
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs TCC transaction: failed 5

I might easily have miscounted by 1, somewhere but to me it looks like in 24 hrs, I got ONE actual fail. (43 begins, 42 successes.)

I'm not analyzing the counts and what happened, just one point to offer: that for me, it works well. Or said another way, my experience seems pretty much opposite your experience. (Poll Interval is 10 min)

Poll Interval
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 1:03 PM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 1:13 PM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 1:23 PM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 1:33 PM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 1:43 PM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 1:53 PM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 2:03 PM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 2:18 PM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 2:23 PM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 2:33 PM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 2:43 PM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 8:23 AM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 8:33 AM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 8:43 AM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 8:53 AM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 9:13 AM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 9:23 AM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 9:33 AM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 9:43 AM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 9:53 AM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 10:03 AM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 10:13 AM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 10:23 AM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 10:33 AM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 10:43 AM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 10:53 AM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 11:03 AM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 11:13 AM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 11:23 AM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 11:33 AM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 11:43 AM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 11:53 AM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 12:03 PM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 12:13 PM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 12:23 PM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 12:28 PM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 12:33 PM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 12:43 PM
Honeywell Thermo Downstairs Last Update was Set to 12/05/2024 12:53 PM

LOL Not mine .. had it set to every hour and 90% to 99% failed.
Like I said if you try : Honeywell Home - My Total Connect Comfort
and login mines takes minutes to login using a web browser.
Do you have this problem ? ( Can You Test )

Login took roughly 4 seconds.

Displays the artificial thermostat and clicking on Menu too longer than logging in.. about 6 seconds.

Ok then .. I guess thats why mine is broke :frowning:
maybee they put me on the ban list ? IDK ..

well obviously that's it :smiley: :smiley: Banned !! :smiley: :smiley:

I would do a video on how long it takes ..
But you would get bored watching it LOL

My video would be the opposite.. too short to be interesting. :smiley:

Well that's interesting ...
On My home computer it takes minutes,
On my Cell phone 4g takes 6secs.
On my cell wifi takes minutes
I wonder if its my home network connection ( comcast ) ?
I am not sure what's that's about ..

dev:2462024-12-05 06:39:38.726 PMinfoHoneywell Thermo Parent Thermostat TCC transaction: failed
dev:2462024-12-05 06:39:38.712 PMinfoHoneywell Thermo Parent Thermostat TCC transaction: failed
dev:2452024-12-05 06:39:38.625 PMwarnSomething went wrong during login: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
dev:2462024-12-05 06:39:21.860 PMinfoHoneywell Thermo Parent Thermostat TCC transaction: failed
dev:2452024-12-05 06:39:21.806 PMwarnSomething went wrong during login: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out

Regarding login failures, I find it related to number of thermostats and update frequency. I have 5 TCC thermostats. If I enable all five I will get frequent failures even with the update frequency at 60 minutes. Right now I have two enabled with an update frequency of 60 minutes and all seems fine.

I have seen other comments, that Honeywell reduced the frequency of API calls that it allows earlier this year. So I think the only way to handle several thermostats is to have the parent query the API to get information on all configured thermostats and then the thermostat devices query the parent for their status. The current architecture simply cannot support several thermostats with the reduced API call frequency. This is a real PitA of the Honeywell TCC API.

I have an automation question: I have some rules that trigger thermostat changes. I notice that the thermostat devices have a setFollowSchedule button and a followSchedule attribute. Is there any way to access these from automations? I would like to use the followSchedule attribute in a rule condition and the setFollowSchedule button in a rule action. Thanks.

The usual way (if the command is not visible under the thermostat actions in RM) would be to use custom command as the action, pick the type as actuator then select the thermostat and you should see all of the available commands

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That is exactly what I was looking for. I just couldn't find it. Thanks for your help. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Welp .. I did some testing .. looks like Honeywell has "capped" or "Banned" me.
If I use my windows home computer it takes a very long time to "login" to the website.
Phone on WIFI same thing. Phone on 4g very fast to connect to website.

But if I use a VPN on my windows home computer very fast to connect to website.
So I guess no can not use anymore .. sad face :frowning:

Same here ... I can no longer control from Hubitat. Alexa voice works, but oddly, I can't set a routine in Alexa to adjust the thermostat. Settings show up blank in the routine. I had to revert to using the thermostat's integrated schedules. I like the look of these thermostats, but Honeywell/TCC is backend is just junk.