[RELEASE] Homebridge Hubitat v2.0

@dennypage @JDogg016

I fixed the issue with Shades and found that i wasn't accounting for thermostat fans because they weren't natively supported.

I have to put together my daughters new Ikea bed and then I will finish up the thermostat fan fix and get you guys a new plugin version

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Is somebody else facing issues when trying to change the color temperature of an IKEA Tradfri bulb?
When I try to change the color temperature through Homekit, the command is sent properly, but the color temperature setting inside HE remains unchanged.

I have not experienced issues with color devices with this plugin. The first thing i notice from your screen shots is you have a level of 1.

Do you see any error in the logs under Hubitat?

Yes, the level was 1, but that shouldn’t have an impact on the color temperature.
There is an error in the logs. It seems that theres a problem how the plugin passes commands to the bulbs. It‘s the same behavior for my Hue bulbs.

groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.lang.Integer.div() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [6897]
Possible solutions: div(java.lang.Character), div(java.lang.Number), is(java.lang.Object), wait(), dump(), abs() (setColorTemperature)

I'll start by apologizing - because I'm sure this is something simple but I just can't figure it out :frowning:

I am running HOOBS in a docker on my UNRAID box and if I add items there they show in Homekit without issue, so that side is working.
My issue is I installed Hubitat Tonesto7 v2.0.2 and configured the pluggin
On Hubitat I have Homebridge V2 v2.0.5 installed as well.

When I look at the logs in HOOBS all I see is :

11/2/2020, 1:09:17 PM Loaded plugin 'homebridge-hubitat-tonesto7'
11/2/2020, 1:09:17 PM [11/2/2020, 1:09:17 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-hubitat-tonesto7.Hubitat-v2'
11/2/2020, 1:09:17 PM Loading 1 platforms...
11/2/2020, 1:09:17 PM [Hubitat-v2] Initializing Hubitat-v2 platform...
11/2/2020, 1:09:17 PM [Hubitat-v2] Hubitat-v2 Plugin is not Configured | Skipping...

No matter what I configure/change/restart/edit this pluggin never starts and the log only shows that. Of course I'm using all the config options from Homebrige V2 as well but nothing lets the plugin get configured.

Any thoughts? I'm at my wits end :frowning:

The issue is likely with Hoobs and the way it handles node packages.
I’m not sure how to fix this issue with seeing any errors

How did you configure the plugin in Homebridge? I tried this app today (run the Maker version but wanted to try this app) and had to copy the config from the app in HE and paste it into Homebridge via the advanced setting. After that it worked immediately.
At first I filled out all options in the plugin setting, but that didn’t work. I run Hoobs on a Pi...

EDIT Sorry, didn’t see this...

And what about my issue with color temp?

I can't duplicate that... It works for every other color bulb so it's hard for me to make a change...
Is this a custom driver? Can you PM with a link if it is?

It‘s a built-in driver.
For both lamps I use the driver: Generic Zigbee CT Bulb (dev) from Hubitat.

I tried a Smartthings driver too (IKEA-Tradfri/ikea-tradfri.groovy at master · edvaldeysteinsson/IKEA-Tradfri · GitHub)
but it‘s the same behavior/error if I try to change CT through Homekit.

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I got the same error with Sylvania rgbws using the built in rgbw driver. Only seems to happen with individual bulbs, not the group device.
This is a single bulb:

This is the group:

I tried creating a group for a single bulb to test it and the error disappeared. But the CT doesn‘t change, only the, hue, saturation and the color name. The CT remains unchanged

I’m seeing the same behavior. No CT change.

I'm pretty certain this is something the driver is having an issue with but I will investigate none the less...

I've wrapped up the issues with the shades and thermostat fans... I will work on the Color Temp next and get an update out.

Same type of bulb (Ikea)?

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Sylvania rgbws actually. It must be something in the rgbw and ct generic zigbee drivers that (the error) doesn’t happen when using the group device driver, but the ct still doesn’t change.
I know the generic rgbw zigbee driver is on Hubitat’s github.

I think it's looking for an strict integer value but the command is sending the color temp as a string.

I need to test more but a fix will be coming today

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Very much appreciated!
It didn't work for me on the Makerapi/HubConnect version either if that helps. I had figured it was something wrong with my setup since I didn't see anyone else mention it.

What does the following mean?
Why was Homebridge shut down?

I'm not sure what could be shutting it down but your homebridge service is shutting down or restarting.

The plugin does not have the ability to stop/restart the service.