[RELEASE] Homebridge Hubitat v2.0

@tonesto7 @nh.schottfam I suspect this is causing the issues with the garage doors at least:
Here is from HB logs when I open and close my door. I tested it twice and the state never goes to "opening" in Apple Home, it stays closed. I think after a while it must just figure out it skipped a step and is open.

This worked perfectly fine up until the last round of HB updates, I think is when this this started happening.

If I have time I will look into this a little but I have not dove into the HB code very much. Still tinkering with Echo-Speaks to see if I can fix some issues there with the cookie server.

change: {
  deviceid: '334',
  attribute: 'door',
  value: 'opening',
  data: null,
  date: '2023-09-19T19:12:01+0000'
char:  {
  format: 'uint8',
  perms: [ 'ev', 'pr' ],
  minValue: 0,
  maxValue: 4,
  minStep: 1,
  validValues: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
[9/19/2023, 2:12:00 PM] [Hubitat-v2] [Garage Door] Attribute (door) | OldValue: closed | NewValueIn: [opening] | NewValueOut: [undefined] | Characteristic: (Current Door State
[9/19/2023, 2:12:00 PM] [Hubitat-v2] [Device Event]: (Garage Door) [DOOR] is opening
[9/19/2023, 2:12:14 PM] [Hubitat-v2] [Device Event]: (Garage Door) [DOOR] is open
[9/19/2023, 2:12:14 PM] [Hubitat-v2] [Device Event]: (Garage Door) [CONTACT] is open
[9/19/2023, 2:12:34 PM] [Hubitat-v2] [Device Event]: (Family Room Sensor) [MOTION] is inactive
change: {
  deviceid: '334',
  attribute: 'door',
  value: 'closing',
  data: null,
  date: '2023-09-19T19:12:36+0000'
char:  {
  format: 'uint8',
  perms: [ 'ev', 'pr' ],
  minValue: 0,
  maxValue: 4,
  minStep: 1,
  validValues: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
[9/19/2023, 2:12:35 PM] [Hubitat-v2] [Garage Door] Attribute (door) | OldValue: open | NewValueIn: [closing] | NewValueOut: [undefined] | Characteristic: (Current Door State
[9/19/2023, 2:12:35 PM] [Hubitat-v2] [Device Event]: (Garage Door) [DOOR] is closing
[9/19/2023, 2:12:38 PM] [Hubitat-v2] Error getting value for Characteristic [Current Door State] Using Attribute (door) for Garage Door (Garage Door)
[9/19/2023, 2:12:38 PM] [homebridge-hubitat-tonesto7] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Current Door State': characteristic value expected valid finite number and received "undefined" (undefined). See https://homebridge.io/w/JtMGR for more info.
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