@ymerg, the select input command for media players works phenomenally. Thank you so much!!
One fine point: I’m guessing that the inputs the HE device accepts is defined by what’s available to the HA device. Is that right?
@ymerg, the select input command for media players works phenomenally. Thank you so much!!
One fine point: I’m guessing that the inputs the HE device accepts is defined by what’s available to the HA device. Is that right?
Yes, the supportedInputs attribute list what HA says is available for that device.
So, after updating to 2.12, the device page for that button device won't open at all... Here's what I get when I try to open the device page:
Oddly enough, it does work. When I press the button in Home Assistant, my automation does trigger now and my keys do beep. Weird...
It seems other HADB child device pages load with no issues..
I'm unable to reproduce. I tried it with both an existing and a new button and it works fine. As the changes on the child device were trivial, I don't see how it could cause this.
I would like to offer you a solution but I think it is unrelated to the child device itself. A browser issue possibly? Perhaps someone with a better knowlege of what may cause a device page to be blank could suggest something.
Weird. I created 2 button devices, neither of them load since the 2.12 update. It seems that only my two HADB buttons devices are exhibiting this behavior, all other devices pages load fine. I will remove and the reshare them and see what happens.
I did however update to platform just before I updated this, so maybe it's related to being on 2.4.0??
I use platform 2.4.0. with no problem.
Seems this was it. Won't load on my mobile using Chrome.. works fine on desktop using Edge. Must be a browser cache issue or something.
Wanted to post my positive experience with HABD. I was able to get temperatures from Gen 5 Echo Dot's into my HE environment without need to write custom drivers! Thank you for this powerful tool!
Did not know this was possible from Echo. Does this require Nabu Casa?
After latest upgrades to latest versions (HE to and HADB to 2.12) FAN integration became semi broken. Changes made on HA are still correctly reflected on HE but changes made on HE side are not going back to HA. I am not sure which upgrade brock this integration because I made both upgrades at the same time.
And the same happens with dimmers. Logs did not show anything but there is an error message on the HE Device Page:
HADB Log for the fan shows only a command was received
But for the dimmer there is nothing.
Any ideas what could be wrong?
Actually - it was fairly simple for a novice like me. You may already have it but first you need to have HACS. (Also know as Home Assistant Community Store). It's the equivalent of the HE revered HPM (hubitat package manager) just on a slightly larger scale It's a really simple install.
Next, load Alexa Media Player.
. This was not as simple, getting the TFA part up functional took a few tries. Once you get it, soon after, your HA fills up with your Echo's. All of mine came over (13) including Dot's, Shows and even the Everywhere virtual player.
After that, well - it gets simple. Load your HADB app (in HE), and look at available devices and it will be full of the new Echo devices shared from HABD. I will note that my first pass had problems - my fault. You only need to select in HABD what you want - I just wanted the sensors of the echo 5's, so I had to clear my mess and start over but that was just pushing buttons. I will note, there is a 2-3 minute delay - when you make changes on the HA side, before they pick up on the HE side. Also - another caveat - the rooms used in HA don't work in HE, not exposed. Be sure to name your devices in HA in a way thats useful or you won't be able to identify which is which. My image at the bottom of this post reflects my learning of that stumbling point.
I'm now delving into the developers work who are tinkering with the Motion Detectors functions of the Echo Gen 5's. Also - I read that you can control the displays of the tablets and Echo Show's through hubitat via HADB but I shouldn't talk further about that... and today was an effort to hook the HA shopping list to Amazons' shopping list so I could display that in a notification tile in HE... very fun stuff.
Here's a dashboard from HA of what I share to HE
Thank you for the continued work on HADB. I'm learning a lot about my home automation weaknesses and strengths.
I note there is not 'Generic Motion Sensor' or at least I don't see it loading during my HPM updates. I do see Presence sensor but I've been led to believe the two sensor types (capabilities in HE driver lingo) are different in certain important ways.
Is there a Motion sensor I should look for that exists and I'm not looking in the right place? My need is this:
My NEW gen 5 Echo Dot's (with and without clock) have motion detection. It's fairly robust at the Alexa side but I'm only concerned with Active/Inactive states so I can use it in Motion Zone to add additional accuracy to 3 rooms I currently have the new units in.
I initially wrote a hybrid sensor that did temperature and motion but it was not a good effort. I feel now that seperating them is best. I'm testing and implementing HA motion as an Alexa extension to the Alexa Media Player code of HA. Any thoughts and suggestions to help me succeed would be appreciated!
This is strange. I get the same error when I try dimming a light with an empty transition field no matter how often I try.
If I add a transition number, it is succesfull.
After that, command with no transition works.
I reverted to a version 2.11 and the same thing happen. It point to something in platform 2.4.0
Edit: The same behavior occurs with NON HADB devices. Definitely 2.4.0 bug.
My setup is HA <--> C7 <--> C8 Pro
HADB--^ ^-- Hub Mesh
After downgrading C7 platform to Dimmers came back and working as
expected. However Fans are still broken. They became unidirectional i.e. changes made on HA are correctly reflected on HE but from HE nothing works (and no any log entries) except for the Off Command/Button. For the Fans there is no HADB-specific child driver (unless I am missing it?) and system Generic Fan Component is used.
Is it anything i can do to restore controls for Fans?
Just in case, how do I downgrade HADB (maybe this will fix Fans)?
And it looks like all other components are still happy.
I am trying to install HADB on the C8 Pro upgraded to new platform
On the HA side I created a new Token.
Installation from Habitat Package Manager went OK. I added the HADB Config App and Parent HADB Device. But it looks like the connection to the HA cannot be established.
HADB Config has empty list of available devices.
HADB Parent Device cannot connect to the HA (here is a log after clicking the Initialize button):
For the comparison here is the same log from working installation on the C7 (C7 downgraded to the previous platform):
Should I downgrade C8 Pro to the as well?
So it's not HABD specific? cool. I just assumed I needed a driver that had special handling for cross communicating with the bridge. see? I continue to learn! thanks.
Thanks. I remember this now and why I never added it. It potentially gives the developer full access to my Amazon account. That's a hard stop for me.
Appreciate the info though.
I'm out celebrating... Please be patient. I will look into that later.
BIG Thank You!,
and Happy Holidays!
Version 2.13: