[RELEASE] Home Assistant Device Bridge (HADB)

I think this is likely the problem. If the device works ok in HA then HADB should work fine too. So you have to focus on the cause of miscommunications between HA and HE. This point to a network issue.

Is your Hubitat or Home Assistant using a wifi connection?

I’m more than happy to test new drivers for you, I’m not using this device in production yet, so I don’t mind if it breaks.

Both use a wired connection to the router.

Can I confirm that the two states for the Connection value in the main device are open and reconnecting? I want to track when my home assistant is down. Thanks.

Looks like there are three possible states for the custom "Connection" attribute.

  • Open
  • Closed
  • Reconnecting


Thanks, and thanks for the tip for looking for these things. I don't see the Closed showing up in the wild but I assume that this occurs when you manually click the close button - which I have never done. It seems that if Home Assistant goes down it brings up the Reconnecting status - which is what I will look for. Or perhaps look for "not Open" just in case.

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Between this statement and the previous post, I'm confused if your HADB integration is talking to Home Assistant properly. Note that HADB doesn't use or need MQTT.

My suggestion if you’re uncertain, would be to set aside the functioning of the curtain motors for now and just test basic connection between HADB and Home Assistant. If you create a Toggle Helper on Home Assistant and then bring it into Hubitat via HADB, can you control it from Hubitat?


I have a fork of the Sensibo App and Driver on my GitHub page - it's a barely working port of a SmartThings integration and may be helpful (Im not a Dev and have brute forced fan speed support etc into it).

I recommend you ignore all the "climate react" stuff - It's Sensibo's "smart feature" for ppl without home automation systems. I'd also ignore battery and voltage, the OG Sensibo controllers didnt run from Mains power.

metadata {
	definition (name: "SensiboPod", namespace: "joyfulhouse", author: "Bryan Li", oauth: false) {
		capability "Relative Humidity Measurement"
		capability "Temperature Measurement"
		capability "Polling"
        capability "Refresh"
        capability "Switch"
        capability "Thermostat"
        capability "Battery"
        capability "Actuator"
        capability "Sensor"
        capability "Health Check"
        capability "Power Source"
        capability "Voltage Measurement"
        attribute "swing", "String"
        attribute "temperatureUnit","String"
        attribute "productModel","String"
        attribute "firmwareVersion","String"
        attribute "Climate","String"
		attribute "targetTemperature","Double"
        attribute "statusText","String"
        attribute "currentmode","String"
        attribute "fanLevel","String"
        attribute "on","String"   // Added by request of NateG
        command "setAll"
        command "switchFanLevel"
        command "switchMode"
        command "raiseCoolSetpoint"
        command "lowerCoolSetpoint"
        command "raiseHeatSetpoint"
        command "lowerHeatSetpoint" 
        command "voltage"
        command "raiseTemperature"
        command "lowerTemperature"
        command "switchSwing"
        command "modeSwing", [
                name:"Swing Mode", type: "ENUM", description: "Pick an option", constraints: [
        command "setThermostatMode"
        command "modeHeat"
        command "modeCool"
        command "modeDry"
        command "modeFan"
        command "modeAuto"
        command "lowfan"
        command "mediumlowfan"
        command "mediumfan"
        command "mediumhighfan"
        command "highfan"
        command "quietfan"
        command "strongfan"
        command "autofan"
        command "fullswing"
        command "setAirConditionerMode"
        command "toggleClimateReact"
        command "setClimateReact"
        command "configureClimateReact"

Ok, I guess you want it bad enough. I'll look into it and I'll have something for you to try in the coming days.


Hehe, yep. :rofl:

Thank you, I really appreciate it. :vulcan_salute:

I just had a quick look at it and allready red flags are coming up. The unsuported modes cause problems with the thermostat tile. :frowning_face:

Ah bugger ... that might explain why I found the Tile to not work very well - I just assumed it was the driver.

What is it you're wanting to control from Hubitat? I think I'd personally much rather use that nice looking UI on HA if I had that same mini-split.

I don’t use the Hubitat dashboard very often, I mainly use Apple Home which I don’t connect to HA. There are some occasions when I would like to use it tho.

What do you get in Apple Home when you expose the thermostat from HA directly to HomeKit?

I don’t, that’s one of the reasons I thought I’d try importing from HA.

You can have multiple bridges in HomeKit. There's no reason not to try it from HA. Just add the HomeKit Bridge integration (found under Apple). Choose "Climate" only from the list and uncheck everything else.

If it doesn't get you want you want in the Home app, you can just remove the HASS Bridge from HomeKit. I'm guessing you're probably not going to see what you're hoping for in the Home app. Sounds like there's some very device specific settings on your mini-split that Apple might not support, but it's worth a try. Easy to do and easy to remove if it doesn't work.

I did manage to get it into Apple Home via Home Bridge using a direct integration to Sensibo, but I’m trying to get rid of services I don’t need.

Now that Hubitat has a good Homekit integration, I don’t have anything else using it.

All the features come through, although the Fan speed is a percentage slider instead of the actual presets.

Yes, that's how Apple does it. My fan forced electric heaters show up that way in Apple Home (even though they don't actually have variable speed fans).

But you're not getting rid of HA are you? Since Apple supports all the functions you need from your mini-split, then if you expose the HA integration directly to HomeKit via the HomeKit Bridge integration, you should get what you want, without needing Homebridge.

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I'm undecided. :man_facepalming:

I got rid of ESPresence because it was a PITA to cover a 2-storey house reliably, so HA is basically a fancy energy dashboard atm.