[RELEASE] Home Assistant Device Bridge (HADB)

Yup, all is good.


Stuck sensor issue for Ecobee/Home Assistant I think I solved it. It took a long time since there is almost nothing on this on the Home Assistant forum, nobody replied which tells me there is something unique going on. I found a very vague reference to how HomeKit integration works and there is way events won't be sent when the next event message is scheduled to be sent. There is a lot of data sent by the thermostat and there is a limit to the size of the payload. In theory the event rolled out of the buffer before the next event was sent by thermostat.

Even worse there is like no documentation on the Ecobee side on how events are sent out and even having a wireshark collecting packets doesn't give me a good picture because of Homekit encryption.

So with that in mind I put in a polling schedule in Home Assistant to poll the thermostat every minute. This seems to have resolved the stuck occupancy I was seeing. For the last 3 days all sensors (motion, occupancy, temp, and humidity) have been updating. And the updates are feeding Hubitat for my automations. Fingers crossed this is the end of this issue.


I have a question about what HADB supports. I recently added my Rheem EcoNet Water Heater to Home Assistant because the Hubitat Integration has issues. The water heater is working great via Home Assistant so I went to add it to Hubitat via HADB, but I am not seeing the device to control the water heater, just a bunch of the sensors it offers. In Home Assistant it appears like a thermostat but no quite the same as my furnace. So I don't know if that means it needs a custom driver?

Edit: Are you saying it does not show up in the app as selectable?

reEdit: Forget about the log thing it won't work in version 2.X. The water heater domain is not supported by HADB.

  1. Yes it was not selectable/not in the list.

  2. This was what I was suspecting.

I don't know which specific value from your water heater you seek to bring over but maybe mapping it to an helper with some automation on HA side might do the trick.

Hi Guys,

I have four Aqara curtain motors connected to Hubitat using the HADB. Some days ago all curtain motors just stopped responding, for no apparent reason. No connection at all. Any ideas on actions to find the error appreciated.

In an effort to find out what might have happened I did the following actions;

  • Ran each curtain motor individually using the buttons on the actual curtain motor. All works fine.
  • Reset and redid the start and end postionons on all curtain motors. No change.
  • Checked battery level. OK
  • Updated both Hubitat and Home Assistant to the latest software versions. No change
  • Updated all packages using the Hubitat Package manager. No change
  • Ran the curtain motors from Home assitant. All four curtain motors works fine.
  • Ran each curtain motor device in Hubitat individually. None work.
  • Pressed 'Initialize' on the HADB device. Log entry appeared: 'Closing connection'. Does not change if pressed again.
  • The log file and event log for HADB and it looks like below.

I can see that there are 'No route to host' and 'Websocket error' in the log file but I have no idea what websocket error means and what to do about it. I also noted that these messages stopped coming today.

In the event file I can see that the connection seems to be a bit unstable and reconnecting. Don't know if that is normal? The physical Hubitat and Home assitant devices are located in the same room three meters apart.

Any ideas and thoughts appreciated

Did you make that step?:

  • After upgrading to the new version you have to go in the app and press "done"

According to the logs, HADB can't reach your HA instance. Make sure you can login to your HA with the address configured in HADB app


Make sure that HA did not change its IP.


Double-check that your Long-Lived Access Token is still in the HADB driver. Some have had to re-input it after upgrade.


Hi Ymer,

If you are refering to the Hubitat update I am not sure to be honest. It took a long while in the "installing... ...please wait" bit and after some time, before it had finsihed, I navigated to another page and then navigated back to the update or I may have pressed refresh. On return the updated gave the impression of having finished stating the new version. I am not sure if I pressed Done at that point? There is no option to install anything now. Did I mess it up?

Thanks, I checked now based on your suggestion but the IP for Homeassistant and port appears the be correct.

Hi, Thanks for the suggestion. There is a token there at least. Do you thin I need to renew it in some way?

I enabled Debug loging and it looks like something recieved a request regarding the curtain motors.

Are the lines above a request from Hubitat to HA to run the curtain motor or from HA to Hubitat to run the curtain motor?

Event log has not changed at all it seems since this morning.

Updated Log file

No I was refering to the HADB version. (2.X)

All those messages around 11:42 were requests from your child device in Hubitat. But I don't see response from HA.

From the image you posted I can see your connection was up for 20 minutes this mornig at around 9:07. Later did you repeatedly hit Initialise in the driver or update the app because there is no error reported?

It is not clear if your saying your Aqara device is working or not

@SmartHomePrimer Are you able to please extend the supported attributes for the "Generic Thermostat"?

I have a "Mini-Split" AC and the Sensibo App/Driver for Hubitat is a bit of a kludge compared to the very reliable HA driver.

However I noticed that when I brought my AC into Hubitat via your excellent HA Bridge Software, it's missing some key supported modes and functions.


To summarise, it's missing:

Cheers Derek

I own the OP, but @ymerj and @tomw have created this incredibly useful code. If it can be done, @ymerj is the one that can answer such a request.

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Ah right, sorry for the misattribution chaps.:man_facepalming:

Ah, okey. I am pretty sure I did press the Done button after updating HADB.

The Aqara curtain motors are working both manually using the physical button on the devices as well as from within Home Assistant. The problem seems to be that Hubitat and HA is not communicating.

As far as I can see I am guessing this is some sort of MQTT issue as the devices work fine in HA and HADB seems to work fine as well. I am looking in HA communities to try and persue the issue there.

The thermostat device in HE and the climate entity in HA dont match. What I did is trying to approximate the capabilities for both.

It might be possible to try another approch but it would require lots of testing from different type of thermostats. I don't have any thermostat on HA, therefore I'm not able to test anything myself. This simple fact would makes refactoring the climate entity a quite combersome and lenghtly process.

So whithout the needs and willingness of at least a few, it won't be reasonably feasable.